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Posts posted by BarleyNY

  1. I think if they don't take the Tyrod option they would need another QB on the roster. If they can do a cheap 1 or 2 deal with EJ that might be better than trading a pick for a Matt Cassel type.

    They will still want to draft their own guy and if a better vet becomes available later down the line they can still sign him and cut EJ similar to what they did with TJax back in 2013. They re-signed him then after Kolb was signed and they started OTAs they cut TJax.

    Their likely course of action would be to sign a FA vet QB and then draft a QB to go along with Cardale. EJ re-signing with the Bills would probably only be in play only if neither could find another option. That's incredibly unlikely.

    It could happen. But a lot of other stuff has to happen.


    1) Tyrod has to be injured (avert) or definitively bomb (double-avert) with enough season left to play 4-5 games (or more)

    2) in those 4-5 games, he has to show that he's really advanced and improved to starting QB level

    3) The Bills have to not like any QB they could realistically get at their draft slot, enough to pull the trigger

    4) The Bills have to keep liking Cardale enough to think he could be The Man after another year of development


    Those are a lot of stars to align, and even so, frankly, it's in EJ's best interest to see what interest there is elsewhere because he will never get a fair shake from our fans.

    The problem with that scenario is that EJ is a free agent after the season. The Bills would have to be his preferred option. That means there'd have to be no hard feeling about all the benching and being relegated to #2 for three straight seasons. The Bills also would have to compete for him on the open market. The odds of all that happening are incredibly long.

  2. Pretty much a zero chance of EJ being a Bill next season. He will want to move on and the Bills will want to move on. The definite possibility of a new regime wouldn't help his cause. They'd want to pick their own QB. And, quite frankly, I can't see any reason that any Bills fan would want to see him here next season - unless it's been so long since they've seen him play that they forgot what that looks like.

  3. I've mentioned in a few threads that I think to be any good TT has to make plays with his legs but I didn't get too much feed back - yes it will increases his chance of injury but as a strict drop back QB he is pretty mediocre and he's not going to generate too many wins - I'd like to see TT running for 1st downs 6-8 times a game but judging by the feedback not many agree.

    As mentioned already, Taylor doesn't have the size to run much. Running needs to be a bonus feature for him, not a staple. There's also the matter his contract. The Bills need to know if he has the ability to be a pocket and designed roll out passer - and they only have this season to do that. So far, not so good on that.

  4. Scheme failure with no safety help and a collection of backups on the DL creating no pressure. Fitz was throwing jump balls and his WRs were bigger and making the play 1:1.

    There are definitely personnel issues, but scheme is a big part of it too. The Ryan Way typically puts a ton of pressure on the CBs. Elite CBs used to be able to be effective in that situation, but current rules have made that impossible. The Ryans never adapted to the new rules. Their inflexibility, cluelessness and, quite frankly, arrogance in this regard is mind boggling.

  5. He ran the Browns into the ground.




    Hiring unemployed execs who the game has passed by is not the answer.

    Agreed. Banner's pick as GM for Cleveland was Mike Lombardi. Lombardi was probably the most hated GM the Browns ever had because he ran the team into the ground in the late 80s and early 90s. Banner brought him in to be the GM despite backlash from fans and from within the organization. The hatred of his most important hire was so bad that he had to pretend that GM wasn't going to be Lombardi's role and initially gave him a different title. Lombardi lasted one season in which he not only took Barkevious Mingo 6th overall, but actively tried to trade up higher to be sure he got him. Banner was moved out with him. The man is probably the worst possible hire for Czar, aside from Lombardi.

  6. We'll find a way to be 5-11 or 6-10 where we have played ourselves out of being able to get one of the top crop of players. The season's failure will be blamed on injuries and a suspension getting us off to a slow start. we win 4 of the last 6 and save Rex's job for another year. In 2017 repeat, but the 3 year experiment will be over.


    The stuff of nightmares.

    This has been my fear since about 6 games into last season. Just enough time for Rex to dismantle a talented, highly performing defense.

  7. Really? Here are just a few with the dates. Left the posters out intentionally. Don't have all day to paste them all but I think you get the idea.

    Posted 11 September 2016 - 03:13 PM

    Can we fire Roman mid game? Before we get the ball back.

    Posted 26 December 2015 - 01:39 PM


    Fire Roman. Hire Pep. From there it's a straight shot to CARDALE, NY baby! -Whoo hoo





    Posted 12 September 2016 - 04:12 PM


    I keep coming back for Kristen Bell....adorable!Fire Roman!...unless we hang 35 on the Jets!


    Posted Yesterday, 10:52 AM


    I'd fire Roman today.


    That's my proposed change.


    I don't know why it is so hard to emulate what made McCoy successful in Philadelphia.


    I don't know why he got cute and abandoned what worked last year.






    This. Roman is trash.


    This is where I am at. Hope the urgency mixed with the plan steps it up.

    I keep going to the 4th and one play and the use of the time out. You cant go out there trailing on 4th and 1, try to draw them off sides with no plan to snap the ball at 1-2 seconds left if it doesn't work. That is a waste of the time out.

    Edit: This is when I wanted the OC fired.

    Read what I wrote. I said that no one was ripping him LAST SEASON because the offense exceeded expectations. He got ripped after the opener THIS season (and rightfully so for that game). Sure there's going to be some people overreacting to one game. His offense performed much better in game 2 and I didn't see a big call for his head. Everything wasn't 100% fixed, but it got a lot better. And his unit did well last season. Meanwhile Rex's defense sucked last season (after having been excellent the season before) and sucks this season despite burning pretty much a whole draft on it. The vast majority of the vitriol has been rightfully directed at Rex. The good news is that scapegoating Roman is a sure sign of how hot his seat is. I feared that his tenure would last at least through next season, but now it looks like he will be lucky to last the rest of 2016.

  8. I'm surprised Chris Palmer wasn't also fired. He has no ties to Rex. Roman brought him with him from SF. He's been a head coach and offensive coordinator but let's promote the guy with no OC experience.

    I was shocked at Chris Palmer's hire. His prowess destroying QBs is so horrible that I actually use his name as a verb. Getting "Chris Palmered" means to ruin a promising QB by playing him too early and with a poor supporting cast, particularly a terrible OL.


    He only got the Browns job when they came back because no viable candidate wanted it. The league didn't want a repeat of the Jax and Carolina expansion when those teams made championship games in their second seasons so they dialed the expansion perks way back.


    As for Roman, he's obviously a scapegoat here. Rex's defense had worse problems - including not getting plays in on time, scheme issues and lack of production - and they lasted the whole season. Then, after giving up 37 point to Fitz and the Jest, he fires the OC? Please. He felt pressure to make a move and he's leading the defense so he only had one choice. I'm sure it didn't bother him that firing that guy removed the only real option to replace him as HC.

  9. Why over the last year I keep hearing "This play calling from Roman is horrible" an "I could do better than him" and "He needs to go now". Now he is gone and everyone is saying it isn't going to help.....Stockholm Syndrome perhaps?

    There's was very little, if any, ripping on Roman around here regarding last season. People seemed to be pretty happy with him because the offense exceeded expectations in 2015. People were upset with the play calling and lateness of play calls in week one, but I didn't see anyone calling for his dismissal.


    It's fair to note that the defensive play calls were consistently late last season, the defense substantially underperformed and Rex has been getting heat for that. Roman looks like a scapegoat right now. There aren't many here who think that Roman was a bigger issue than Rex so, no, not a lot of people think this'll really help - except that it means Rex's seat is blazing hot and this is a step closer to his dismissal.

  10. I'm done here. I still don't even know who your arguing about. You seem to be arguing with me about Sammy Blumpkin in a Glass Goodwin thread, and his injuries from 2 seasons ago. Which many other injuries have occurred since then. An injury that happens to be affecting him now is a broken foot that he had surgery on. He also had an ankle boo boo last year and called out fans when they complained about his effort and injuries.

    Ive said it before, even the trainers in the Bills have commented that Sammy is a baby and doesn't play through pain and injuries like other players do.

    Could the pain just be too much? Sure, I guess. But then shouldn't the next question be, why is he hurt so much and why is it so painful compared to other players?

    Have a good night.

    Sammy has actually showed real mental toughness by playing through pain from several injuries. That is something he has control over and I actually applaud him for it. But it's the injuries that are the issue. He is physically fragile. Not necessarily fragile for a human being, but it just doesn't seem like his body can handle the rigors of the NFL. I don't think a single one of his injuries as a Bill has been due to contact and that's a bad sign. Certain injuries can happen to anyone - everyone's knees only twist so far and bend certain ways and some hits break anyone's bones. Repeated stress injuries from training and playing (non contact stuff) are a sign a guys body just can't handle what it's being asked to do.

  11. Laugh at me all you want, but it's time NOW to put Cardale Jones in and see if HE can play. It's painfully obvious that this is a 5 win team at best, so just say F&*K it now, and see if the kid has anything.


    I cannot explain how dissapointed I am in Tyrods play. I thought we had an answer finally, but, like many others realize I'm painfully mistaken.

    Okay. I'm an OSU alum. I can't tell you how much it meant to me to see Cardale, a third string QB, do what he did for OSU. He's got talent and potential, but there's zero chance he's ready to start for any NFL team - much less one that's looking for him to be their savior.

  12. they already have almost 8 mil next year. man they are bad at managing the cap. that's a lot of star players

    They tried to keep their window for a Super Bowl open probably a bit too long. Then they made some real bad decisions and had some real bad luck. They've been in true Cap Hell, trading or parting ways with some quality players to get under the cap limit.

  13. http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/17546250/rex-ryan-gives-obscenity-laced-speech-inspire-buffalo-bills


    I didn't see this posted anywhere else. Apparently Rex went off on an obscenity laced speech in the locker room. I can't tell how angry this makes me. Normally I just let something like this roll off my back. I can accept people doing things differently than me and I don't have to like how they do them, but enough is enough. All Rex does is talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. He's like some stupid kid who talks crap to people and keeps getting his ass kicked, but never learns his lesson. He just keeps talking crap and getting his ass kicked. I'm so sick of it. STFU and actually do something, Rex. You're not fooling anyone.

  14. So defenses are so stupid that they cannot make adjustments in year 1 to take Tyrod away?


    The "2nd year so they have game tape" is so friggen overblown.....they were game planning him from the moment he took the starting postion.

    No, the good teams made those adjustments much earlier. The two teams with winning records that the Bills beat last year were the 10-6 Jets (twice) and the 9-7 Texans. I expect that pretty much everybody will be caught up by now. Taylor's going to need to grow, and quickly.

  15. I want to know why they were constantly breaking the huddle with 10 seconds left...how does this give him and the OLine any time to make the proper checks?

    That's a huge, totally inexcusable problem.


    Well that's apparently what the ravens D game plan was right, keep TT in the pocket and make him be a QB. The only real play he made was when he broke containment and completed the pass downfield. And even then, the pass was very high.

    I was wondering if it was the Ravens or the Bills keeping Taylor in the pocket. Either way we need to see more of it. Not because it's some sure fire winning strategy, but because we have to force Taylor to sink or swim as primarily a pocket passer. If he can't do it, then they have to part ways with him in the offseason before the big contract dollars kick in. The team has to find out now.

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