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Posts posted by BarleyNY

  1. This is lame.




    Ryan Grigson says Andrew Luck's contract makes it hard to build a defense: https://t.co/vNT14op3nO



    Dan Moriarty Retweeted ProFootballTalk


    Embarrassingly weak excuse from a GM w/ next to nothing to hang his hat on aside from drafting lottery ticket he hasn't been able to cash in


    Agree with Moriarty totally. Freaking ridiculous excuse by Grigson. He's been horrific both drafting and trading. He gave away a first round pick to Cleveland to acquire epic bust Trent Richardson - after it was obvious to everyone else that he had no field vision.

  2. Looking at the current status of teams the Bills are facing and my expected outcome. The Rams game will be very pivotal IMO because while they are hot at 3-1 they are also at 63 PF-76 PA. They did manage to beat the Seahawks who are a run first team with a mobile QB. The Rams are 3 1/2 point favs. Should Buffalo prevail on the road while traveling to the west coast and win that Rams game they could end up at 10-6!


    @Rams (3-1) L 2-3

    49ers (1-3) W 3-3

    @Dolphins (1-3) W 4-3

    Patriots (3-1) L 4-4

    @Seahawks (3-1) L 4-5


    @ Bengals (2-2) W 5-5

    Jags W (1-3) 6-5

    @ Raiders (3-1) L 6-6

    Steelers (3-1) L 6-7

    Browns (0-4) W 7-7

    Dolphins (1-3) W 8-7

    @Jets (1-3) W 9-7

    This is pretty much how I see it. I like to look at the season in quarters. I thought 2-2 over the first four games was necessary - as well as the most expected outcome (although they did it a bit differently than I thought). Over the next four, 3-1 gets them to 5-3 which is right on pace for 10-6. It's something that a playoff caliber team should be able to do. If that's what they want to be, they have to beat the mediocre teams. They've got three in a row coming up.

  3. First off, the Browns are utterly ridiculous in their trade expectations. They wanted a day 2 pick (2nd or 3rd round) a week ago when they knew Gordon was going back to rehab.


    But more to the point, Josh Gordon has a serious disease. Football is obviously a trigger for him, every time he gets close to a return to the field he has a relapse episode. This isn't a simple change of scenery issue or a guy who "just needs to grow up" this is an individual who is sick and has proven no capability of being a reliable performer. He's gone long past the potential reward side of the risk/reward equation, he needs however much time he needs away from the game to get right and needs to stop worrying about getting back as soon as possible, if it never happens for him it's a shame but it's not something we need to give up resources to become involved with.


    Also Gordon isn't going to be reinstated as previously scheduled, so how could he help the Bills now?


    This is the first I've heard Watkins was playing through a disjoined unrepaired fracture. Can you say more - source, article, etc?


    I'll have to dig for the article. It was from when he missed OTAs and TC. The article said that he had one fracture that didnt heal on its own as expected. It wasn't missed or anything. Some fractures of that nature require surgery and some don't. They gave him the extra rest for it to heal. I'm speculating that the current problem is that same fracture. It could be a surgically repaired one that he's having trouble with - and it really doesn't much matter to us fans at this point - but I'd put my money on the fracture that kept him out earlier this year.

  5. he was not in pain. He was fully healed. This surgery has a 3 month recovery time to being fully healed. He had that. He said he felt great and ready to go, as well. In 20 percent of cases, the player needs a second surgery AFTER they return to game action. It happened to Julio. It happened to Edelman. It happened to Dez. None of these guys play for Bills. There is nothing out of the ordinary in terms of how the Bills handled it.

    He had multiple fractures. The current one causing an issue was expected to heal without any sugery, but it didn't. He tried to play through it, but couldn't. Now he's having surgery to help it finally heal properly.

  6. Totally disagree on the talent being low. The exception is at QB. Taylor doesn't seem to be taking the step forward that we all hoped for. An improvement at that position would help this team immensely. But to be successful it will need improvement in coaching as well. Rex has been a very big disappointment. It's not news that he puts too much pressure on the corners, but what I really didn't expect was that he'd be so inflexible with his scheme and personal. I also thought he'd have no choice but to help his corners more due to the rule changes over recent years. I honestly did believe that he'd be able to work with the talent here and adjust to current rules rather than have to re-tool an already excellent squad and continue to leave his CBs on islands so much. But he couldn't or wouldn't adjust. The coach's job is to get the most out of his players and the best do that very well. Rex's inability to do so is why he isn't a good coach and that's why he needs to go.

  7. i agree with you.


    I hesitate to give them a label yet though and would rather wait until the dust settles. The organization seems to be undergoing continued turmoil since Ralph stepped away after the 2012 season. The Sabres had a similar thing happen and now it seems Pegula is just along for the ride. They want to be very involved in keeping players and their families happy and comfortable.


    I agree on not labeling them. (I did not vote.) There's big a difference between calling out a move or decision as terrible and labeling a person as terrible at what they're doing. The Pegulas screwed the pooch here, but that doesn't mean they won't learn from it, move on and be better next time. That's what I'm hoping for.

  8. So am I meddling with my house if I take on a remodeling project?


    This team is their property.


    There are some serious issues with this organization that need to be fixed, and they are not going to sit back and let the same people who ran it into the ground continue to hide. As to that Buffalo Rumblings article, it's interesting that the one time in the last 30+ years the Bills have had a legitimate star QB they went to Super Bowls and suddenly having a "meddling owner" didn't matter.


    The team is their property to run as they see fit, within the limits of the league's rules. No question. But by bypassing the head coach and meeting with the players (without the coach present) the Pegulas have undermined their coach. That will be a huge issue for every decent potential head coaching candidate once the inevitable firing of Rex occurs. Not to mention that he's got to coach these players for at least the immediate future. It was a shockingly Bush League move by the Pegulas.

  9. Sorry for shouting, but many of us know that around here, OVER THE MIDDLE has to be all caps.


    Hat tip to Promo, who was first with it, far as I know.


    But when we didnt see it in week 1, and barely barely saw it in week 2, a theory started forming in my mind. Especially when other teams go OTM all the time.


    Maybe our defense is just easy to throw to OTM. Maybe when tyrod sees better defenses he just reverts into his shell/comfort zone.


    To be clear, this is a dig at both Rexy and Tyrod. We thought Tyrod had improved, but maybe not.


    Thoughts? (I am not a guy who really gets deep into X O football, but lots of you are).

    It's difficult for any short QB to throw OTM. Brees is a big exception, but his accuracy and timing are impeccable. Even he still needs a very strong interior line to open passing windows and prevent interior push from the defense. It takes a lot of practice for receivers and QBs to get the timing down too.


    A secondary issue might be TE usage. I promised myself that I'd keep an eye on the TEs to see if they were blocking and/or chipping a lot in passing downs. Honesty, I haven't done as much of that as I planned because I haven't been able to bring myself to rewatch the first two games, but from what I did notice keeping a TE in to block on passing plays seemed pretty common.


    The coaches might not be asking Taylor to throw a lot of OTM passes because they don't think he can be effective doing that and they might need a TE to stay in to block because of RT play.

  10. No, those are your answers. I think most good quarterbacks are allowed to go through growing pains. This one wasn't. Out of necessity, I'm ready to move on because at this point the damage has been done. I'm still going to blast the team for their mismanagement of the player, and I'm going to mock the fans that thought they'd seen enough by his 14th game with a nearly .500 record.


    What you said might be true, but his (lack of) development as a player is germane to the discussion. There's still a lot of season to go, we'll see what happens and what the team's needs are come week 17.

    Feel free to blast the team for mismanaging EJ's development. I sure have in the past. And feel free to blast fans that think the team did a good job with him, because that's not how you develop a QB. I have no idea what EJ would be like as a player with better development, but the damage has been done, as you say. We agree again. But if you want someone's opinion on a tangential line of thought, ask for it instead of assuming. That way you're ripping the right people. The question here wasn't if EJ was properly developed or if that was fair to him, it was whether or not EJ would re-sign with the Bills. My answer was that there was almost no chance and I gave valid reasons for that opinion. I've yet to see anyone give a reasonable scenario where he stays. Honestly, if you were him would you stay on a team that mismanaged your development, benched you for years and has gone through multiple coaches in your tenure?

  11. Eh, he's got a point. A lot of fans act like EJ is the worst QB in the NFL. A rational fan understands that he was QB that was never afforded the chance to develop and pulled in year 2 with a 2-2 record. I've seen a lot worse QBs get a lot more opportunities than EJ Manuel.

    I didn't see anyone say he was the worst QB in the NFL. I sure didn't. (Funny seeing you post that accusation and then refer to yourself as rational.) The opportunities EJ was or wasn't afforded are no longer germane to the discussion. The pertinent questions are:

    1) At this point is EJ a good enough QB to want on the team next season?

    2) If he is, could we keep him?

    The answers are "almost certainly not" and "even if he does turn out to be worth keeping, he won't want to stay here anyway."

  12. The wife and i are looking to make the trip to buffalo for the Dec11th game i'm a bills fan she's a steelers fan unfortunately.. BUT she actually had the idea of going to the game. Having never been to the field before i'm trying to find out what sections/rows are good ones to look for and which ones should we stay away from... basically things like section 100 rows 1-10 are good avoid the others or things like that..


    Thanks in advance!

    I feel ya, bro! Married a Stillers fan myself. She's a big football fan too. Been a brutal stretch since '97 in that regard. I hate the Stillers even more than the Cheatriots. Have fun at the game and in town.

  13. Maybe the BILLS FANS want to see him next year just to give a kick to the balls of the fans who play fantasy GM and have been taking cheap shots at him.

    Wow, playing the "Real Fan" card. That's an exceptionally douchey move. Pretty much every rational Bills fan would only want players on the team that could help the team win. That would preclude EJ. It's too bad because he seems like a decent guy and finding a true FQB would have been monumental for the Bills. But, sadly, it was not to be. And most of us can see that.

  14. I have not seen this talked about yet.

    Has anyone considered why Tyrod is not doing as good this year because opposing coaches now have a full season of game tape to help them plan ways to shut him down and can study his tendencies?

    What do you think?

    It was talked about a bit here and there in other threads. Some recap from what I remember/think:

    - Taylor's passing stats through 2 games are pretty similar to his from last season, except for his QBR which is notably lower this season.

    - His rushing stats are down from last season.

    - Most have concluded that he's trying to be more of a pocket passer than last season (either of his own volition or due to coaching/play calls), but that he's been pretty much exactly the same as last season as a passer. Him being "the guy" through the whole offseason hasn't resulted in the growth we've hoped for.

  15. Well, if numerous of our esteemed posters are correct in their evaluation, no other team will want him so maybe that will occur :). I agree that the Bills would have to be his preferred option; it all depends upon what other options he has and for what role.

    Why would the Bills want a guy the other 31 teams don't want? In the remote possibility that he plays and plays well this season, he'll have other viable suitors he will almost certainly prefer. In the likely possibility that he doesn't play well or at all, then re-signing him will be a mistake.

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