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Posts posted by BarleyNY

  1. For those who may not be able to reach twitter due to restrictions, etc.

    I'm one of those people. Thanks.


    Incognito was fined $9115 for throwing a Dolphin's helmet last week. Here's his response:




    Love this dude.

    Incognito is an excellent guard and I'm glad we signed and re-signed him. I thought it was a good risk when we brought him in and was very, very happy we kept him at the price we did. But he's has always been an immature moron. This is yet another example of his childish stupidity. The fact that he's talking s**t after the team got its ass handed to them makes it even worse.

  2. Im laughing at the calls for WR.. We have WR's unfortunately our QB does not see a full field.. Injuries happen. You could put the best WR's in the league in there and it won't be a difference maker for this team... I like TT but he will never be a pure pocket passing QB. He has ot do more with his legs and buy time


    I do nto recall tons of dropped passes and we have WR open most every play.. TT just doesn't find them.. Just not his strength

    So we shouldn't have gone into the season with more than a quality #1 with injury issues (including a serious, known foot injury), a marginal #2 in Woods, a perpetually injured speedster in Goodwin and nothing else but hope?

  3. Not every team is perfect. Our 1 and 2 are injured, not sure what else you can do. OL solid. RB solid. TE solid. DL solid. LB solid. CB solid. S weak with A Williams hurt.


    You should really look at the injuries some other teams have had. Just because you only follow one team doesn't mean others haven't gone through similar (or worse) issues. As for the WR position specifically blame needs to be laid at the feet of someone. Failure to address the position in the offseason is unforgivable. (Some of us brought up the huge need at WR repeatedly all offseason.) I'm not sure if it was Whaley's decision or if he was carrying out marching orders from Rex and his staff. But someone should be held accountable.

  4. If you can't read then don't come at people. Because he's a stud is why he has great trade value

    He's a stud player when he's motivated, not injured and not suspended. He's deep into the NFL's drug program and is looking at a very long suspension if he has another failed test. He's also got a lot of guaranteed money in his contract. That all decreases his trade value. The dead money the Bills would have to eat if they were to trade him prohibits them from trading him at this point. This has been pointed out countless times in this board.

  5. If they let him walk after trading up for him....

    My worry is if injuries are an issue again for him next season. If that happens I can see him playing out the option year. Or at least that would be a real possibility. I just don't know how you sign him to a big deal if you can't count on him staying healthy. Maybe they could come to terms on a contract that gives him a nice payday, but gives the Bills some protection if he can't stay on the field. But that'd be tough to do since his option year would provide him a nice, guaranteed chunk of cash. Hope he stays healthy and earns a nice contract so we don't have to worry about all of that.

  6. Sammy gets his Option picked up in April.


    Then he plays in 2017, 2018 (UFA after year)


    At the same time the Bills can move on from Dareus after the 2018 season with 10M in cap savings


    Interesting to me that the same time Sammy will be do his deal the Bills can move on from Dareus

    I don't see how the Bills can wait until after the 2018 season to retain Watkins (assuming that they do want to retain him long term). WRs are getting paid stupidly if they hit FA. Some team would give him a crazy deal and with his injury history it'd be prudent to let him walk if his price got that high. If they want him, after the 2017 season is when they can get him at a decent price.

  7. I'd like to know more about how the cap works with a trade like that.

    The team who trades the player away has to eat the cap hit from the remaining prorated signing bonus. All salary and bonus money already paid to the player stays with the old team as well.


    The new team takes on all unpaid salary, bonuses, etc.


    In this case, trading for Smith would cost the Bills $2.8125M in 2016 and $8M per season from 2017-2019 if they chose to keep him on the team. They could take him as a rental or tryout player this season if they could get him cheap.



  8. five-year, $40 million contract, not sure how that would fit with the cap

    The 49ers would eat the remaining prorated signing bonus cap hit. His salary and per game roster bonuses total $5M this season and we'd only be on the hook for 9/16th of that. So, he'd be easy to fit under the cap this season. Next season gets a little tougher, but it's doable. Details:



  9. If Aaron was good to go, which he was this season, then he's at the same risk as anyone else out there. It's his decision to keep playing or not. The only thing the Bills could do is release him if they didn't feel comfortable with him out there.

    Except that the more concussions someone has, the easier it is for them to have additional concussions and more severe those concussions tend to be. AW is definitely at more risk than the average player.

  10. Aaron does need to hang it up for long term health reasons. Personally, I don't want to see him take anymore physical punishment. I'm not sure in can take it emotionally. I can't fathom what his family feels like.


    Landry did what I saw Hines Ward make a career of. Things are changing in the NFL. A targeting penalty in the future isn't out of the question. Unlike Ward, Landry wasn't grinning ear to ear after the hit. He seemed visibly upset and concerned about Williams. Maybe that was why there was no retaliation.

  11. The Giants are one of about 4 teams that have gotten very preferential treatment from Goodell. This is just another case of it. Anyone else remember how pissed off the Jets were when they were informed that the league and Giants had the coin flip to determine which team got the first game in the new stadium? No notification to the Jets or representative present. Seems like the Giants won that flip. Now this. I'd love to see Goodell ousted, but I suspect he will dodge another bullet here. He's made the owners too much money. He will be hurt much worse if ratings stay low. I can see that doing him in.

  12. i thought he was eligible to come off the list this week, but still couldn't play for 3 weeks(or something like that), perhaps I am misremembering the rule

    There's a window to activate him that starts today and ends after Week 11. If, for some reason, he wasn't ready by then it's IR or release.

    That's close. A team can have a player on PUP start to practice with the team during a window from the day after week 6 to the day after week 11. Once activated they have 21 days to activate to the 53 man squad, IR or release. It is promising that Lawson was activated at the earliest possible time. I was sure it'd be a longer recovery than this. We will know what's up with him in the next few weeks.

  13. Why does nobody bring up him as injury prone? He has missed big chunks of seasons due to injuries over his career...

    Miami taking out future Bills opponent QBs...

    He has had injury problems due in part to his style of play. He takes a lot of hits. Early in his career I remember that his passer rating after first contact with a defender was off the charts high - higher than his rating before contact in fact. His ability to extend plays by shaking off defenders raised him from being a good QB to an elite one. He did have an issue in that he often needed to extend plays because it took him a little longer to find his target. That's improved over the years, but he still holds the ball too long at times and the physical punishment may be starting to take its toll.

  14. November is coming.


    treat him. play him. trade him.

    You just don't trade your blue chip players. THey are the foundations for championship teams.

    QBs are the foundations for championship teams. You would have to be smoking with Marcel to think the SB is within this teams grasp. Picks not spliffs.

    You should probably take a look at his contract. He couldn't be traded at this point as it would put the Bills way over the salary cap. Like it or not, Darius definitely is a Bill for the next couple seasons - probably longer.
  15. I think he's saying that you can't fault someone for not loving the game.

    Its hard not to love football, but some guys just don't.

    There are a LOT of players who don't love the game and only play it for the money...you'd be surprised how many...ex players talk about it a lot...

    I heard that about Julius Peppers. His teammates said that he could've been an all-time great if he had loved football the way he loved basketball. In general, I can even see some players that came into the league loving football becoming disenchanted with the NFL.

  16. The Amos model seems to be extremely aggressive this year and weights the most recent game very heavily. Since the Pats got shut out by the Bills and sucked in pretty much every category doing so, it's giving Cleveland the nod this week, Also, it has no concept of individual players so it does not know of Tom Terrifics return.


    That's makes sense. It explains why AMOS has the Bills winning the AFCE at 11-5 and the Cheatriots finishing in second place at 8-8.

  17. Why you finicky detail-sniffing nabob of negativity you! With Watkins out, OBVIOUSLY a WR who has just been suspended indefinitely and is currently in rehab for juicin' is JUST WHAT THE BILLS NEED! And if OBD disagrees, it's because they're WRONG! They've been WRONG for 16 years so isn't that OBVIOUS?


    Is Screwy Louie the reincarnation of Crayonz? He definately has a Crayonz-esque flavor.

    Lol. Nicely done
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