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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I don't what to make of those guys that have us at 4 since I don't think we have played to that level yet but I definitely think the next few weeks will show a lot
  2. I am not against this but I think we have basically played one of our DBs as a LB for much of this time but used the flexibility of having a DB.
  3. You are correct about baseball and the most important part is they are graded on their calls. If the NFL allowed teams to grades officials after the game it would be illuminating after a few games. No coach is gonna call all officials trash, he will quickly determine which officials he wants and those he hates. I would bet most coaches prefer officials who stay out of game unless it is necessary.
  4. Until 10 months ago Reid could not win the big one, Tomlin has not the AFC in a decade, Payton is 4-6 in playoffs in the past decade, and Vrabel and Shanahan are new. I am sorry but this is a terrible comment from top to bottom.
  5. We beat the chargers by more points than the Chiefs have won their last three by combined but it is a "pipe dream"? I acknowledge we will not win much in the playoffs playing at that level but you act like the Chargers are a college team and every other team is loaded.
  6. I bet that Lynn gets the rest of season and if Chargers win 3 of last 5 he stays one more year mainly due to the fact he has Herbert looking good.
  7. I watched that game at a browns bar in SC and we took turns giving each other sympathy. I doubt they would be as cool now as they were then, make be I would be different also.
  8. I actually agree with the rule also- hitting a QB in the head is not needed.
  9. I don't think those complaining have watched much of the other teams this year. We were sloppy but we won by 10 points in a game with a team that has not lost by much all year. We must play better to win the Super Bowl but at this point just win each game.
  10. I actually watched PacMan vs Horn on 2017 with my then 7 year old daughter. She watched the fight with me and thought PacMan easily won, the numbers said Pacman won, but somehow Horn won on his home turf. I agree Horn did well the first three and did fine the last 2 but everything in the middle was PacMan and at one point the ref told Horn show me something or I am calling it.
  11. I have been reading more about his influence outside of soccer and my wife asked why anyone should care- and I think I have a good analogy that he is to South America what Jordan is to USA. If there is a better analogy please let me know
  12. If we are somehow healthy during the playoffs this year, and I mean all starters, I would not be surprised if we win the super bowl. We have substantial talent at every offensive position and our defense is built well for the current NFL. We are 7-3 versus a difficult schedule and guys missing each week.
  13. I think home field advantage is minimal this year. 25k in the stands does not compare to 70k, so if we have to go on road this is year I want it to happen. Also I am not so sure Pitt or KC do not lose that first game, Vegas has already shown they can and Indy is dangerous if Rivers gets hot
  14. I was going to buy until my wife reminded how pissed I was about 10 years ago when I watched a UFC fight that lasted all of 1 minutes because one of the fighters clearly did not train properly. With so little on the line I wonder how much will be just made to make it last 6 rounds
  15. You are having a hard time understanding the concepts here that were being discussed and also "correcting" me on items that I am correct. Jefferson initially did dispute the results of 1796, just because he was less public with it does not mean he did not challenge the results. As for the rest I am glad you found wikipedia. For the states I did not name states which sent ballots to everyone that was registered but I know that in CO they did not just send them to everyone prior to this year and Washington took years to get things right. https://crosscut.com/2020/04/washingtons-successful-vote-mail-system-wasnt-built-overnight and you gave the list of states that tried to throw things together overnight. And lastly I notice you do not think NY had an issue https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/07/new-york-election-failure-mail-in-voting/614446/ So stop putting words in my mouth- I never claimed massive voter fraud but you are still wrong that no candidate tried to flip states after a vote has happened in1877- hence why the deal that went down is not in writing. So keep trying champ but I have more resources than wiki when it comes to historical facts.
  16. I used to work in small business finance and with your generic information you have two main sources of possible funding, a straight loan or factoring. Factoring will process your recievables and give you cash to work with until you get fully paid. One of the most successful companies I helped with factoring, because it helped them scale up quickly, was a property maintenance company that started with small properties like strip malls and within 3 years had a contract with CBRE on a bunch of their properties. The money coming in from the funding though is based on what your business has on contract already. The biggest issue I saw was businesses signing contracts for 4million a year in sales and only doing 50k which allowed factoring companies to charge big fees. The banks will need a large amount of paperwork but their line of credit is solid and steady. The issue with banks is it usually makes scaling up hard. This is all real advice but I have been out of this business directly for 8 years. Also if you are in Tampa I worked in Orlando and know a good company for factoring of that is what interests you.
  17. My two cents: my son is 15 and there are several big differences from when I was kid: 1) kids today like continuous action and no commercials- my kids watch nothing with commercials. 2) they like on demand- they watch what they want when they want- no scheduling life around it. 3) players are open about what terrible people they are, no one is Micheal Jordan saying all people buy shoes. 4) games start too late on east coast for kids to watch. I rarely watch end of games that start at 830, my kids certainly can't.
  18. I truly hope you are a 19 year old poli sci major because you literally responded to something I said with a lie, then admitted you lied and now are completely off topic. If any mention of politics causes this kind of reaction from you and you are a grown person I worry about your mental health.
  19. So your argument was nothing outside the ordinary and now something outside the ordinary was happening? Good job of proving my point
  20. No different? Covid caused states to send ballots to all of its registered citizens and you say nothing new here? I can't imagine being so politically ignorant and then run my mouth.
  21. What is your fascination with Trump? Disputing an election is not unprecedented no matter how historically illiterate you are. The elections of 1796, 1824, 1876, 1888, 1960, and 2000 all had disputed results and candidates who fought the results. In 1824 they had the "corrupt bargain" and in 1877 with a deal that happened without anyone putting it into writing. If your point is only about the validity of mail in votes you are also pathetically ignorant again since they have always been questioned and just look at NYC in June when they had a full 20+% of ballots that were spoiled. I now remember why I blocked you, my 10 year old is more intelligent and less emotional. When did I say otherwise? Or is this you trying to act intelligent after being made to look stupid in the other thread?
  22. Voter fraud happens in every election and from all sides. The issues this year were unprecedented but I would be shocked if there is enough evidence to show widespread fraud in one state much less 3 states. I just hope that we can learn from this election and make fraud more difficult in the future. I don't think sending ballots to people who did not request them is reasonable, I also think the idea of same day registration is absurd. Beyond that there are some ideas that need to be considered but I doubt will happen.
  23. Whether we go 3-3 or 6-0 our seeding will not change from the 3 or 4 unless something surprising happens elsewhere. The Dolphins also most likely will lose the tiebreakers to us so they would have to be one game better than us in the next 5 weeks for that last week to matter.
  24. You are so dishonest, you started telling me I am wrong and now "it is just her opinion". Last time- she presented her historically inaccurate opinion as facts for over a year. She is a liar and liberals like you protect her because you are a racist. As for the KKK part, Robert Byrd was the highest ranking KKK member ever to sit in the senate and our new president elect spoke in glowing terms of his accomplishments at his funeral 10 years ago.
  25. You clearly are not capable of understanding that presenting lies as truth is in and of itself bad. Presenting 1619 as the year of the "founding of the USA as we know it" is a lie and incongruent with actual history. I could more accurately show that the Democrat party is simply an extension of their KKK roots than what the 1619 project has presented
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