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Everything posted by Brainiac21

  1. the 16.8 million was before Kevin Kolb, which may take 5 or 6 of that. either way, Manny Lawson was their OLB signing for 3-4 looks and Anderson will be in for 4-3 looks, so i assume they are set there with the vets. probably draft an OLB as well, but if they signed Philips there really wouldn't be any room for them all. more surprised they didn't go after any WR. yes, they will draft one fairly high i'd think, but even so they need another one. who are the starting 3? SJ, TJG and a rookie? and the 4th is another rookie or Easley? thin.
  2. Yes. jax needs a QB and pick first in the 2nd round. so even if no go early, someone will jump them into the bottom of the first to make sure they get their guy.
  3. we did pay Peters, before his time. people always talk about locking up a guy... the Bills did it, giving him more than he had earned to that point early. in exchange, the benefit should be IF he pans out you get a couple years at a bargain rate. he panned out, but didn't want to play for the bargain rate, forgetting they gave him millions more than they had to the previous 2 years. not only that, but the Bills did offer him a nice raise, to around 9 million before the trade and he refused AFTER a DOWN year. he wanted out. pretty good money for a undrafted LT with his experience, AND coming off a down year. wasn't that good in 2008. further, he may have been the best in 2011... but that's one year out of the 4 he's been gone. he wasn't that great in 2009, i remember he didn't impress. he was pretty good in 2010, great in 2011, then misses 2012. he missed games in ALL years, even 2011 (2). he missed games for us too. he always finds something wrong and misses the last 1-3 games of the year. so they payed him what.. 40 million so far for 42 games over 4 seasons, maybe half of which were elite.
  4. Manuel was projected as a 3rd or 4th round pick until February for a reason. many FSU fans will tell you why. his offense was simple, and he had problems executing even the read-option (picking the wrong option). he is a good prospect, but definitely a project. hyping up his potential doesn't change he still has a ways to go, and isn't ready.. thus not a good option at 8. as for Glenn, sure he was decent for a rookie. but to say he's untouchable there isn't smart... he wasn't THAT good (yet). if FIsher or Johnson, legit top 10 LT talent was there, you probably don't move THEM to Guard, they are definitely prototypical LT's. good chance in a position battle he would lose to them. no shame in moving everyone to their best fit, even if it means Glenn to LG or RT. don't know why people are so protective of Buddy's great 2nd round gem.
  5. sounds like Jenkins did better in the slot, but either way, the top 3 would be Gilmore/McKelvin/Jenkins... unless A.Williams steps up. Brooks/Rodgers remain for depth and ST. that rounds out the roster of CBs barring injury and late picks or UDFA to compete with Rodgers (or again injury). no high picks on them for sure.
  6. love 1 year deals... i think teams love them too. don't get stuck with dead money. esp. good for players that have had motivation issues in the past like Branch. PLUS, you are more likely to get FA compensation picks if they then walk. we hardly get any b/c we have to cut players before their contracts are up.
  7. Glenn still had trouble with pass rushers going around him, but as a rookie it's not a worry yet. Would still love to get one of the top OT's in the draft and either put him at RT, or move Glenn to RT maybe... or just the loser of a competition. Either way, we could use another good OLineman. Pears/Hairston are mediocre on their best day, and it'd be pretty risky to assume one of our spare parts can just step in at LG after never playing there before. Everyone likes to take shots as Mel, but pretty much EVERYONE said Glenn was a Guard leading up to the draft. he was listed a a OG in most publications as well. a few might have said you can try him at LT and move him if it didn't work out but none were too optimistic. and it might very well have been Buddy that perpetuated that like he claims, although you would think Glenn would not take too kindly to spreading rumors to that effect. we might get a decent TE in 3rd round, though likely not a gamebreaker. problem is, will we have a 3rd? Or will we settle for leftovers at QB in 2nd? Cuz if they want to get their guy, they'd almost have to jump a bunch of QB-needy teams in the 2nd, which may cost us our 3rd. add in that Buddy's 5th-7th round picks have basically been garbage, and I would not count on filling any holes with them. The evidence is staggeringly against that.
  8. i don't know about that... they may not trust Troup to be healthy, but as the only current good fit as a 3-4 NT, they may keep him at least through training camp, with a chance to beat Branch if healthy or someone gets hurt. Esp. with KW and his achilles problems.
  9. there are others who don't rate him #1... or at least don't have a first round grade. i have to say when Mariucci had him on the white board I was not impressed; i think i remembered more than Geno did. but it's odd to hear him say he has margina work ethic whereas i've heard many times he's a film rat (which of course doesn't mean he can process what he's watching but that's something else). this is the same guy who ripped Cam Newton as well, and while he could end up right about his attitude he severely underestimated his on-field ability... i don't think Carolina regrets its decision.
  10. my 2 cents, or 3 or 4... atm, our o-line is not very good either, so he better get rid of it quick or he'll be sacked, and hurt, and out, like he has been the last 3 years. Fitz got rid of the ball quick and still took some hits. and now they are without their best player, esp. in pass protection. i wouldn't count on a lot of deep passes, even if his arm is marginally better than Fitz's. also, Philly didn't get rid of Kolb because of Vick's 100 million dollar deal, they gave him that after struggled and got knocked out of his starting job. then they traded.. then eventually gave Vick the money later. i don't mind this signing, as it compares to what Seattle did last year. i'm thinking it means they plan to draft someone who isn't likely to start right away. Perhaps a high-upside guy like EJ Manuel, who has the tools but needs work. also hoping maybe just having another recognizable QB name will help if they are targeting another FA... maybe Brandon Moore or something.
  11. ehh, i should point out my memory did not serve though... they lost their first game BEFORE the Bills game, so almost 5-1, not 5-0. and he didn't start the first game, only finished it. oh well. still, wouldn't hate the thought assuming he is not very expensive at this point.
  12. thinking about how we only have 6 picks and some have 11 or 14, i am jealous. not hot on dropping out of the first entirely, but i'd consider dropping a lot if it meant a #1 next year. like say Minnesota's 23rd and a 3rd and next year's first, for our 8th pick. then we'd stil have the ammo to move our 2nd rounder up to near the bottom of the first. would work for me, if it came up. not many teams would want to do something like that of course, but there's someone's target sitting there at 8, who knows.
  13. very difficult to believe. even if they like Warmack or his style better, there are too many holes in this theory. one, he's unproven and two, yer using up a #8 pick just to make that *potential* upgrade. it's basically like trading a proven good player in Levitre AND the 8th overall pick for a slight upgrade in Warmack. with the other holes the Bills have, I cannot see how they could justify that, even for 2 million savings... not like they're up against it or anything.
  14. i agree, the Bills set precedent by showing they do not value Guard play that high. they may not be the same exact player but close enough. if they won't pay their own guy 7.8M, i don't see how they use a top 10 pick on one and pay him 5M dollars. that seems... well, stupid.
  15. initially i was thinking Flynn doesn't have much failure yet, so might be the better prospect in that he's unknown whereas KK failed lost his job a couple times. Kolb does remind me of RJ, but that goes to the O-line as well. really hard to judge a guy behind a terrible one. i wouldn't hate the Bills giving him a chance along with still drafting someone. he has skills. and they were 4-0 in games he started and finished, mighta been 5-0 if Bills didn't knock him out of the game and then who knows? also should add his scouting report out of college was he was durable and never missed a game in 4 years, lol.. things change i guess.
  16. i don't think Colts roster was worst... they were pretty good the previous years and many players were still there. but it DOES show how if you have no QB then it doesn't make a difference, especially to the offense. anyways, biggest point of this thread topic is WE DO lack talent, have holes, and thus can't really afford to trade up for a QB they aren't sold on. take one, yes... but not ruin rest of your draft or next years for one that will not be much, f any, better than one you can get later... which seems to be the consensus at this point.
  17. there was a pair of draft experts on WGR sunday morning talking about their publication, but not sure what their names were, definitely not a local show/people, and had G.Smith the 6th ranked QB and 103rd player overall. I really wish I caught the names... if there's this many doubters on him, tough to imagine there's not a reason...
  18. funny how a few months ago we were hearing, including from Buddy himself, how much deeper the roster is now from when he took over... even with suggestions that now we could afford to package picks to move up since we weren't in such dire need of talent. now, somehow, we have holes everywhere. and it's true, we do. as for RT, put it this way.. we need better play at RT. Pears stinks, sorry. i still have a little hope for Hairston or Sanders (since we haven't really seen him play... he was awful in camp and to start preseason, but a little better before hurt). but compared to real team? yeah, it's a weak spot. acceptable when we had a top LG to bolster the O-line talent, but it's going to be a real tough go for a QB if you have 2 weak spots on the line, and are just okay at a couple more. the bright side is if we hit on a QB, we probably jump 15 spots in the rankings.
  19. lol.. guys, having an opinion on something that takes like 5 seconds is not analytics. Buddy Nix could do that. it's deep, sophisticated statistical analysis, with things you can't see plainly. if you did do that that, it might very well show something like that "85% of 6th round picks under Nix are garbage, so there is a better shot Flynn makes a difference to this team than a late round QB or CB". for example.
  20. 7 No 13th than all but 3. that we miss out on the next chris white or ryan moats, apparently. money not really a factor. matt cassell.
  21. on the flip side, they took him in the 7th, set kepp him as the backup over the guy they took in the 2nd. does that not say a lot more than the fact they let him go? what else were they going to do, franchise him when they had Aaron Rodgers? not beating out the best QB in the league is hardly shameful. and not beating out Russell Wilson is not shameful either. if they see as much upside in a guy they can get for a 5th rounder maybe as a guy that would take a 2nd rounder in the draft, then i'd say that is why they are "wasting" their time with him. i mean, they are working out Landry Jones for crying out loud.. LANDRY JONES! it's obvious they are leaving no stone unturned, so why not check under this one?
  22. ha, i can't remember the last time i went to page 2. anyways, i think this is at least worth looking into, and not surprised. it seems they are saving cap room for something, and even their words said they hadn't ruled out finding a QB in trade... this being the obvious choice. he is NOT as unproven as draft picks, as he's been in the league and played well. he brings knowledge of GB offense and Seattle offense. i would not say he "lost his job" to a rookie as it was deemed an open competition right from the start and i think we could see why Wilson won it. this means of course he is not as good as WIlson and we'd be settling this year, but may not be a bad bridge.. we draft one late too, and if neither works out we have no high round pick invested, so can take one in the first next year like some people want anyway. as for leverage, everyone knows Seattle wants their backup to be more like Wilson so they don't have to change the offense, much like SF and Kaepernick/Smith.. and that they don't want to pay the backup 10x what the starter is making, so i don't think it would take much. they may be holding out for now, but in the end i would guess he's gone for around a 5th round pick is all.
  23. even though we NEED a QB, it's the same issue every year regardless of position. it comes down to the gap between the guys you can get in rd1 and rd 2. if the Bills were "sold" on a guy, then this isn't even a discussion.. we take him, or trade up to get him. to even be thinking about waiting, then the premise here is obviously they are NOT "sold" and only think of any QB, even their highest rated, as a "B" grade player. if there is an A receiver, and by rd2 likely only only to be a "C" receiver left on their borad... and if there are a bunch of B quarterbacks, very closely rated and probably even a difference of opinion in the room, then it's logical they go and get an A receiver and B QB, rather than a B qb and a C receiver. if the difference between getting a Geno and getting one of Manuel , Wilson, or Nassib is very small compared to Patterson vs. i dunno... Dobson from Marshall say, then you gotta go WR first.
  24. and interesting you should quote Forrest Gump. stupid, yet made much better decisions than "smart people". different kinds of intelligence out there. Fred Davis reminds me of Maurice Clarett. compared to contemporaries like WIllis McGahee, he was well-spoken and sounded like a genius. Could see the difference between his Big 10 schooling and SEC-type guys. hearing him, i believed he deserved a chance after his college antics.. seemed smart enough to avoid future trouble. Oops. as Qui-Gon Jin once said, "the ability to speak does not make one intelligent". or at last "life" smart. the more you read, the more you realize he has no maturity or sense of responsibility and harder it is to believe Davis will ever stay out of trouble. and this was a guy i really wanted.. before. hmmm.
  25. Jeremiah compared him to Ryan Fitzpatrick as well, but with a "little" stronger arm. his arm strength is regularly "questioned". i think the fact that he usually steps into his throw and fires it without touch (which about anyone is capable of doing) gives the impression he has a stronger arm than he does. remember there are people saying Fitz can throw it over 50 yards. true. but the real arms are the ones that can flick 50 yard lasers off their back foot, without winding up and stepping into it. he does seem to have a little more arm than Fitz but if it was real strong, i think there would probably be a consensus on that. i think the fact his longer throws are rainbows bothers some people.
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