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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. I've had a female doc(mid 40's) doing my annual prostate exam for years now. If she never had a problem with it, neither should I.
  2. Anybody have any idea where Marv was in terms of the NFL HC pay scale during the end of his reign as a Bill?
  3. Very funny...at least I think it is funny, but who am I to say.
  4. The biggest problem is that Baker is more of a FS than he is a SS. I could see him replacing Vincent, but not Milloy.
  5. I don't believe that Tolbert was let go, but I could be wrong.
  6. If they know enough about the other candidates that allows them to come to a conclusion that Sherman & Jauron are better fits, why bother. Time is a wasting and the new HC has to put a staff together and get to the post season all-star games to begin scouting, not to mention evaluating the players on the current roster in order to determine who is staying and who is going.
  7. I can laugh at this, but I'm not qualified to say if is funny or not.
  8. Sorry...we already have a judge of what is or isn't funny. Please refrain from critiquing attempts of humor.
  9. I have an idea...Whenever you want to post something you think is funny, set it up as a poll with a simple question...Is this funny...yes or no?
  10. I want to be funny yet sometimes after I type a post and hit enter, it turns out not only wasn't it funny, it was quite stupid. It's a funny thing trying to be funny. Maybe the problem is what is funny in person, isn't funny on a message board. Maybe we should have a poll on who is good at being funny and only those posters will be allowed to humor the rest of us. Everybody else has to be dead serious when they post...no funniness, no sarcasm, no being a smarty pants, nothing! I'm not even sure if I'm trying to be funny with this post. Help me I'm so confused.
  11. The Orchard Park police have been alerted to a potential stalker problem in the vicinity of the stadium.
  12. Thanks! The look on his face was priceless as he stared at Simon while heading for the door.
  13. If we keep one Idol thread for the entire season, how many pages will it end up at?
  14. AI...must see TV. I can't remember who it was, but there was one person that didn't get two notes out of their mouth before Simon said to stop. Also, what was up with the one young blonde going off with the F bombs and giving the camera the finger. The good(or bad) news of the night was Paula looked sober. Great Great TV!!!!
  15. Tice = Buffoon Martz = Putz Keep looking.
  16. There are only two topics that will be tolerated today at TBD... 1. I LIKE DICK 2. I DON'T LIKE DICK
  17. Hey....what about Chuck Lester. He got his start under Marv! Okay, so he's not a HC, OC or DC, but he has developed as an asst. coach under numerous regimes and I hear his coffee making abilities have really improved over the years.
  18. I wonder who would be the favorite in a dodgeball game featuring Bills? Terrence McGee? First one out would be either Mike Williams or Sam Adams.
  19. Hey, who are you to be bringing facts into the discussion. When the angry mob is out, there is no room for reason, logic or facts. Now go get some more torches.
  20. I see Levy as a stop gap of 2-3 years as a GM and when a new HC is hired, you would think he would get at least the same commitment of 2-3 years. Therefore, ML's chances of being a HC again are somewhere between slim and none.
  21. What's puzzling. All I am saying is that there have been many other years that were far worse than 2005. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing to be read between the lines.
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