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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. I'm just saying buyer beware. He could be looking to cash in one last time before calling it a career. Found this on a football info site(from 2004)...And Jackson is 32 and wearing down with knee problems. Jackson missed five weeks last year with knee problems, and the Packer run D was pretty bad until Jackson returned. But as the season went on, those knees got worse again, and the Packers run defense declined significantly in the last few weeks of the season, as teams began running around the increasingly immobile Jackson:
  2. Very believable. Keep the insider info coming.
  3. BGiM...doesn't Grady have chronic problems with both his knees?
  4. In a stunning turn of events, 5 year old little Jimmy Watson apologized to MM's child for calling his daddy an idiot and this prompted MM to ask for, and get his job back. HC - MM OC- TC DC - JG DL - TK Status quo for 2006.
  5. Either Sully wrote this coumn "tongue in cheek" or when Sully called him, Lou was halfway to a ten martini lunch.
  6. Then why not say they are making the announcement by Tuesday or is Mort just hedging his bets.
  7. Excerpt from another link I found... A female student at Barry told police she woke up in the middle of the night and found the football player in her closet defecating into her laundry basket. Davenport was arrested and charged with one count of criminal mischief and one count of burglary. According to his attorney, the charges will be dismissed in exchange for Davenport teaching a series of football clinics in the Overtown neighborhood where he grew up. "Thanks to the plea deal, it won't be necessary for us to dig to the bottom of this situation, and we're going leave it where it was," Sharpstein said. My only question is, what doesn't he want to dig through and what does he mean when he says" we're going to leave it where it was"?
  8. I don't want to worry about Najeh breaking into my house and taking a dump in my laundry basket. Say no to Najeh. http://espn.go.com/nfl/news/2002/0708/1403417.html
  9. Me too. What is the point of having two vets as your #2 & #3 QB's. The team should always be looking to develop a yound QB as a #3 instead of a vet on his last leg or a guy who just hangs around for years depite never showing anything(Travis Brown).
  10. It's a by-product of the MM/TD regime where being sneaky and underhanded was always first and foremost. Passing off OC & DC interviews is brilliance...sheer brilliance I tell you!!!
  11. Carolina 24 Seattle 14 Pittsburgh 28 Denver 24
  12. bull sh-- to you Mort. Our own TBD insider(Soprano 1234) said... "Sherman will be announced on Tuesday 11am." What up with this Wednesday horseshit?
  13. I know Brown was a bust in Cleveland, but he is a starting DE on a team in the conference championship versus a guy who started 16 games(on one of the NFL's worst defenses) as a third year player and was virtually non-existant for most of the season much like the player who lines up behind him...Jeff Posey.
  14. It's hard to believe that the Bills/Sabres have been so bad for the last few years. Here's hoping for an exciting playoff run!!!
  15. 182 pages!! I thought I was making progress now that I have reached page 20.
  16. The only thing we know about JP for sure is this... "I got the opportunity to go down there and play some golf and I said, 'Yeah, I'll play golf with Brett Favre,'" Losman said. "He invited me to the house to go pick him up, so I went to the house, and there he was with his tight little shorts, no shirt, his little red hat, and he was doing some farming or something, and he was covered in dirt. It was awesome, man. It was good to see that."
  17. http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=local&id=3830419 ...Royston, a father of three and former high school football coach, was leaving a restaurant with two friends, Amormino said. Amormino said the car was speeding through the parking lot and running stop signs, and Royston motioned for the car to slow down. He said the BMW then turned around at the end of the parking lot and sped toward Royston and his two friends. The two friends managed to jump out of the way, but Royston was struck and thrown into the air. Royston was taken to a hospital where he underwent surgery for massive head trauma, Amormino said. He is now on life support, according to broadcast reports.
  18. No wood in the presence of a female doc? What a surprise coming from the guy who brought us this... tinkerbell
  19. Verry funny! Ooops...I think this is funny, but who am I to judge.
  20. I would think your HC would be involved with the hiring of his coordinators and since we don't have a HC, this doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
  21. Agreed. I had my daughter hooked on the Stooges when she was 4 or 5 until the wife came home one Saturday afternoon in the middle of a Curly classic. Then she somehow brainwashed her to the point of not being interested anymore.
  22. late 40's. The years become a blure though during the prostate exam. I want to say I started having the exam done somewhere in my mid to late 30's.
  23. Knowing who the new HC may be a couple of days before it is officially announced doesn't matter to me. What am I supposed to do with this "insider" information. Just my 2 cents. Now if the "insider" information is something that would not normally make it to the public eye, that would be a different story.
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