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Everything posted by JohnnyBuffalo

  1. It’s amazing they aren’t too far on their half of the field and yet the Eagles feel like they can do whatever they want right now
  2. Look ….no way do I ever think one thing is to blame. Offense needs all guys in sync and Defense needs all guys in sync. But how many guys need to be in sync for a friggin Field Goal!!! Dude Bass picked a hell of a time to diarrhea himself…and no he’s not to blame but Jeez man….NOW?!?
  3. Notice the commentators are making an issue of the Dolphins missing key guys on D for that TD?!?! Tough Nuts guys. It’s the NFL. Eat it Miami
  4. Wow! I haven’t seen that bad in a long time. Those dude full tilt no hesitation into one another. Man!
  5. Easy bro. Didn’t say anything about it being reasonable and certainly didn’t say anything about this individual specifically….so who exactly is naive? Simply said that those who ask questions get answers and those who feel things could be better should pursue.
  6. Confident people bet on themselves before others. While I do not see this effort being successful against the juggernaut of NFL owners I do like the fact that there are still those out there that question “what if” and follow through when they believe strongly enough that status quo isn’t necessarily good enough.
  7. I like this very much! Hopefully Levi proves to be a talent like White has been on and off the field!
  8. You will never know the answer to a question you never ask… or in sport terms You miss 100% of the shots you never take! Wayne Gretzky Can’t blame a guy for trying IMO
  9. Neither man had anything to be happy about at that moment. Former coach/player relationship is vastly different than former head coach(boss)/coach.
  10. So you are a Josh Allen fan before Bills then? Because if what you propose happens and you hope he gets a Super Bowl ring somewhere else you are essentially rooting against Buffalo….is that really what you wanted to say here? Because I feel that when guys leave your team they aren’t to be cheered for on their new team. In fact depending on how they leave they may actually become someone you want to humiliate when you play them. But hey maybe you didn’t mean it that way and we’re just saying silly things. And to answer the OP That ought to show the NFL schedulers we aren’t meant for any other time slot than Sunday at 1…
  11. Did they want to check to see if the rest of the team finally crawled out his arse?!!
  12. Watching the mind numbing recap of the drone media….and it’s so obvious that the Bills offense is all improv. They aren’t scoring or moving the ball due to efficiency. Brutal
  13. But man what steaming pile of excrement that game was…. Disappointment abound but Josh Allen balled out with everything he had
  14. At least we aren’t Eagles fans tonight.
  15. Lord love a duck. Cuz he sure ain’t loving the Bills right now.
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