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Mister Defense

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Everything posted by Mister Defense

  1. This is a fundamentally flawed offense, of course and obviously, to almost all who have payed attention. One of the problems going forward is that they will not be able to make good personnel evaluations if Dorsey finishes the year. When you have these kind of fundamental problems your eyes WILL deceive you, as things are not as they should be--almost everyone will look worse and start taking on new flaws. Allen is dejected, almost devastated, that this is happening and it shows in his demeanor and game. Do we really know what we actually have with Gabe Davis??
  2. This defense, with arguably the best players at every position not playing now, gets a pass, and should from all. They have kept the Bills in almost every game this year, and did again, clearly, on the road against the Bengals. But the healthy re-loaded offense does not get one. Another shocking stat there. Thanks. Keep them coming, as I assume some in the Bills follow this site. Maybe one of these stats, or the combo of them, will force their hand now, and give the Bills a fighting chance to salvage this year. Almost no chance now as Dorsey will not be able to beat almost any good coaches or defenses.
  3. I said it at the time--getting a 33 year old linebacker, not an offensive linemen or end, a linebacker, who was 33 years old and being payed HUGE guaranteed money was the worst mistake of Beane's tenure. (Now that has been replaced by bringing back Dorsey this year, a problem that he owns with every game, and every day, he lets this stand.) Miller was a showy splash play that went against their philosophy. Bills could have used that money for a top notch receiver or corner or edge rusher--but not one considerably past his prime.
  4. Come on!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT is why there are these clear and shocking statistics, (and maybe the reason the Bills' offense has fallen off a cliff this year too?) and the fact the Bills have fallen out of playoff contention? Do your own eyes deceive you? Makes no sense at all, whistling past the graveyard... Ditto! Shakir looks like him, sure handed, smooth, gets separation--so why did it take Dorsey so long to see what I and so many others saw??? And saw too late, to maybe save the season--as there are many many other things he doesn't see either it seems.
  5. Well, McDermott's defense proves time and time again they can play well and beat good offenses--despite having lost some of the best players on EVERY level of their defense. And proves he will adjust quickly within the game and make the needed changes. Dorsey has proven that he cannot plan well for good defenses, against good DCs, and that it takes him much much too long to make in game adjustments, But the fish rots at the head, so unless Dorsey is fired now, this week, or very soon, it will be on McDermott. Now, today... Nothing left to see here
  6. Well, yeah, in part, but need to add in the slew of big obvious fundamental mistakes he had made, makes, and will make for as long as he is the OC. I am still holding out for a Thanksgiving miracle--that at least will give the new OC a (slim) chance of overcoming this nonsense.
  7. ??? Obviously that has to be be Rasul Douglas. Why not an option in the poll?
  8. It may go down as one of Beane's best moves ever.. I had given up hope yesterday that the Bills would add a good CB, as there is an almost desperate need for one with the injury to White, Elam's failure to launch, and the injuries to Milano and Jones. May mean the end for T White as a Bill, but not relevant right now. With some of the best receivers, QBs, and offenses in the NFL yet to come this year, a superb move in my view. Go Beane!!
  9. We have eyes, we can see--and one NFL analyst after another has been calling out the scheme the last few weeks. M Rob clearly implied that the Bills should drop Dorsey after the season ends and he is not a blowhard who rips into coaches.
  10. Nice move! With 668 rushing AND 523 receiving last year, this gives the Bills a much better running back situation. They were too light in that area and if they are to contend this year the running backs, including their receiving, must become an integral part of the offense. But, will Dorsey use him soon? Or wait until the world is screaming that is he not using him?
  11. I disagree with the talent assessment--or, I think I do... As we have so little idea about what we have with so many offensive players because we have either not seen them used or used very poorly. I think this week (and later last week too) we saw some of the potential. Shakir looked like Beasley out there, and Davis, who finally was given one opportunity after another, and often thrown the types of passes we have almost never seen thrown to him, allowing him to use his size and ability, made one good play after another.
  12. As the preseason progressed and stories about Hamlin continued to spread, I just thought this was a very unique situation and the Bills had determined that they could not cut Hamlin this year, no matter how he performed. I think that will be the case for the remainder of the season. I agree with that overall, as it is such a unique situation and there has been so much local and national attention on what happened and then his recovery.
  13. Lol That was part of his analysis that was clearly not "veiled critcism"! No gray area there! That would almost be like saying Mike Robinson's pre-game words were that, when he ripped into Dorsey's schemes as the primary cause of the Bills' offense's problems, and ended by clearly indicating his belief that the Dorsey/Allen combo should be revisited (ended) in the 'off-season" (or tomorrow).
  14. As if he has not been lately! Ridiculous for anyone watching these games. He is trying to overcome an offense run by someone has almost no clue for both the picture aspects of an NFL offense and the the details of it. Even Steve Tasker stopped defending Dorsey this week!!!
  15. Great take, in my view, all of it, and especially on the hypocrisy I highlighted. Quinn was so bad, with one of the weakest arms I have ever seen on an NFL quarterback. Ironic, because in college and then whenever he could, he wore extra tight shirt sleeves and pulled them up to show off his arms, or he went shirtless. He had the kind of poor-boy gym muscle that didn't add up to actual usable strength or toughness.
  16. But we knew this defense was likely to really struggle at times this year, and saw it in recent games when they gave up a lot of yards, but not a lot of points. They lost their best linebacker, best cornerback, best defensive tackle, with one of the best pressure rates in the league, and did not have their other high level tackle, Oliver. The offense needed to pick it up, but they just fell apart over the last month instead. The defense gets a pass from most fans right now because of how well they have played despite the many significant player losses. And I think they will improve as the replacements keep playing and find their own groove. And the defense has seemed very sound, well coached, consistently, taking into account the loss of players. The healthy offense has not faced any of those issues.
  17. I know, but this ship is sinking fast, so they may feel the need to take a chance. I read somewhere there are 4 former coordinators on the team. Brady, Shula?, who else?? Maybe that meant DCs and OCs?
  18. Yup, but the clear problem now is that the problems are comprehensive. We, as fans, have been pointing to one clear and obvious problem after another. But that just scratches the surface of the problems, as there are all of the OTHER details that are faulty too, the things that are much harder for us to see as fans. This is why, despite conventional wisdom, I think that McDermott may do the unexpected and make the obviously needed change well before the season ends. It isn't just the big obvious things that are broken, it is the little, vital details too.
  19. Oh, okay, me being lazy, thinking a different point was being made with those stats.
  20. What would they possibly get for Davis?? A 5th round pick if a team is desperate? 6th or 7th? Throw Dorsey in for a two for one combo, and give us a 6th. I am in.
  21. Yup, so imagine what D coordinators are thinking when they prepare for this offense.... Pretty shocking that someone on the staff is not going to McDermott to point these things out. Dorsey is just plain lazy--and maybe not that bright as well.
  22. I agree with almost all of your points, things they need to do. But Dorsey is not going to really listen to anyone, it seems. He will change things up to a degree, but then always falls back into his lazy, negligent ways, as if he is entitled to this great job. He will soon learn that is not the case, in my view. He has all of the answers...
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