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Mister Defense

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Everything posted by Mister Defense

  1. He would have been fired anyway, in my view. For the first time I can recall in my decades of being a Bills' fan I was hoping they lost, forcing McDermott's hand--and giving the Bills some (small) hope of still salvaging this season. Dorsey could not beat the good teams coming up, or even the average ones, unless the Bills were almost 100% perfect in execution AND also got lucky. The Bills went scoreless yet again in the first half, as the players were doing the only thing they could think of, and forcing the issue, as the obstacles Dorsey created were almost insurmountable now. One touchdown in the first half, the Bills having to come back, this time at home, Dorsey was done, and clearly, despite his 'confidence', something McDermott was considering for a while.
  2. Umm, the Josh Allen without the weight of the world on his shoulders, as, hopefully, he has an OC now who will actually game plan to facilitate all things on offense, rather than placing one huge obstacle after another in front of him. You need to see the forest through the trees.. No way were the offensive problems related to Allen, as many of the most respected analysts have said over and over, and clear if you watch the games and saw the mess that Doresy created. That is why he was so dejected.
  3. I really disliked his contract too, thought he was paid way too much--and that he could have been signed for much less, deserved less. But two high end tight ends like Knox and Kincaid, and an OC who knows how to use them, can be a dynamic duo for Allen and this offense.. Under Daboll Knox was becoming one of the top tight ends in the league. The Bills cannot get rid of players like that now.
  4. I really disagree with the Dorsey role, if that is what you are saying. I think they are smart enough to know that they cannot evaluate their players effectively under Dorsey's shockingly inept offense. I believe players like Knox, their new receivers, Harris, Murray, and Davis, will be given the opportunities they need to show what that they may have great ability and can make significant contributions this year. Late in the game, but some will now shine.
  5. Late, but much much better today than after the season is completely lost. So important that they did this now, for so many reasons.
  6. That would mean the Bills brass are complete idiots. I don't believe that is so. They know perfectly well that things cannot be evaluated to this point because of Dorsey's gross, across the board incompetence.
  7. Ridiculous that you think that there is no shot at the playoffs. Though with Dorsey, I was moving in that direction. It will be tough to undo the damage quickly, but this team, once coached effectively, and even with the staggering injuries on defense, can still come through this year.
  8. Because he showed a significant decline in productivity under Dorsey? If that is the case, say goodbye to Murray, Shefiield, Harty, Harris, Davis, Hines.... There is no way to tell what we had on this team, as they were the worst in the league at so many vital things under Dorsey. Now, if Brady comes through, and McD, then we may get a better indication. So many players have played significantly under their potential with the most incompetent OC in the league.
  9. Hard to have fun when tremendous obstacles are placed in your way continuously, and when there are so many they have become insurmountable.
  10. I am starting to fear that McDermott may be looking at the comically inept disastrous offense of the jets and is saying to himself, "Hmm, now Hackett looks like my kind of offensive coordinator. I have confidence that he can turn this around next year." Unless the Jets are so indebted/intimidated by Rogers, Hackett is as good as fired already, and unless somehow he gets a new brain in the coming weeks. If we can take McDermott at his word, and accept that he really does have confidence in Dorsey. Hackett returns!?
  11. The offense if fundamentally flawed. The prep/plan for the game, the in game adjustments, the use of personnel, the choices for plays, the use of the 'running game', the protections of the line, the scheming to get receivers open.................................................................................... If Davis was open with clear shots for Allen, and with the proper time and play calling, I have extreme confidence that Allen gets him the ball. Almost every offensive player is not playing to their potential, and making 'mistakes', but the clear, general, over-riding reason is a monumentally flawed offense now, dysfunctional at almost every level. The fish rots from the head. So, see the forest through the trees, as the trees are giving some a distorted view of things. Look at the big picture and you will find the reason for so many of the many problems on offense. It gets worse and worse as the season progresses, regresses.
  12. Unless it was almost completely focused on how they as players can take over the offense, or how they can initiate the key change needed, then they are just spinning their wheels again. Did someone have the courage to say what is really happening, I wonder, but think probably not. Diggs? Morse? Dawkins?
  13. It is more difficult to have a good running game as a good one means many options in line formations and plays. There is no way Dorsey can handle that--he struggles with the simplest of things when it comes to offense. I honestly believe Dorsey simply does not know what to do, somehow did not acquire this knowledge in all of his years in the NFL.
  14. EasternOHBillsFan: McD: “I absolutely do. We’re working extremely hard to make the adjustments we have to make. Ken is doing the same. So, I remain confident in Ken and our offensive staff, and we continue to work hard at improving.” Liar, liar pants on fire... No way does he have confidence in Dorsey. He is an intelligent man who has made football his life. So, NO WAY, just like there is no way Steve Tasker believes the nonsense he is pushing.
  15. To me, this post loses its credibility when you (Kubiak?) say: "Bills only had ball on O for 23 minutes, largely because defense could not get off the field quickly." Huh? Did you (Kubiak?) watch this game? The offense is the main reason for this. They had under 40 yards in the first half after the first drive--and into the 2nd quarter, drive after drive with a catastrophically low number of both first downs and yards. And they ran the ball, what 5-6 times, with their running backs!? And the lack of TOP is on the defense? Completely nonsensical. The defense took some time to get settled, but then limited the Bengals to one field goal in the second half, though missing their best CB (and then another starter in the game), best run stuffeing lineman, best linebacker (and then another starter in the game), and best defensive end. Ridiculous to call out the defense as the problem in general, and then specifically for the lack of offensive time of possession. So easy to shoot that silly, illogical idea down with the facts.
  16. Ridiculous response. They have it right, and not enough around here are saying what they really believe, especially the media closely associated with the Bills. Clearly. If they were this would be done by now and the offense, and this team, would have a chance to rebound. They'd have hope again. But if I were a Pats fan I would want Dorsey to stay too. Should we sign him to a long term deal right now, so someone else doesn't nab him as a head coach in the off-season? (There has to be a desperate middle school team out there somewhere...)
  17. Yuo, another aspect of his many fatal flaws. ONE of them, such as this one in itself, would be enough to get most OC fired, but Dorsey has a slew. Somehow he learned almost nothing about the important big picture aspects of creating a good offense, the things just below that, and the small details despite many years of NFL experience. Dumb, lazy, careless?? Something else? Hard to tell, but the flaws are all out there now for all the world to see, no matter what McDermott or Tasker say. They know like we know. Utterly shocking that he became the OC, that he remained so for this year--but much much worse, that he is still on the job as I type this.
  18. That attempt to be more efficient has zero to do with the move to a more efficient offense in itself, in fact, that may be one of the only good things done this year. Your points are not logical. Like M Rob said before the Tampa game on the pregame show, the loss the week before against the Pats was not a failure of Allen--there was a lack of options for Allen when they blitzed. It was the short, efficient game that was missing and to make it much worse, there were not the kind of in game changes needed to correct this, changes even a poor OC would make, until it was too late. Other respected analysts, including Orlosky said very similar things, such as they needed a "plan" and need one going forward. The short game is where it is at for this team. Beasley was that, and that, not Diggs, started Allen on the road to superstar. It was almost always there for him, and that made the big plays with Diggs and others more possible. But that opens up the long game when it is working. But we don't have an OC who plays it like, but instead just keeps doing the same things, as if he has no clue about that simple fact. Etcetera. This is those saying let's just not run the ball as much! Humorously poor logic there too. Everyone will continue to play wack a mole when it comes to the offense's problems, not seeing the forest through the trees.
  19. No thanks, but of course he is better than what we have, overall. At least there is a good chance a few aspects of the offense would function effectively.
  20. Yes, in itself. But also showed us that the defense is still doing the things needed to win games, to step up. The offense cannot, despite a lot of talent, and that is what is making the players look so dejected, shocked even. So many obstacles are placed in their way that they CANNOT succeed. They are losing hope, and dangerously, their confidence, as for some that may never come back fully. More than any other reason that is why a breath of fresh air is needed today.
  21. Thank you--great stats, showing the now rapid offensive decline and why it is imperative to make the change now, not at the end of the season. Why? The trend will clearly continue and the offense very very likely continue to regress. As the impact of Daboll waned and waned last year we all saw the regression, culminating in no chance at all in the playoff game, and, unless McD wakes up, will almost assuredly mean the Bills don't even get a chance to redeem themselves in this year's party. NOW...
  22. Well, I like it, as he does look a lot like our crazed and incompetent OFFENSIVE coordinator, doesn't he?
  23. Yes, as soon as I saw that he was the OC of Cleveland I knew they would be one of the best defenses in the league. It is especially important this year, as McDermott cannot adequately address the catastrophic happenings in the offense this year as the HC and defensive coordinator. He cannot be in all places at all times and as just the HC he would be more directly on top of this undoing of his team by an extremely incompetent OC.
  24. Yes, and one would expect, the players are doing things they would not normally do, and that go against their nature, because of the across the board fundamental flaws of their OC. If a change is not made in the coming weeks McDermot risks Dorsey undermining the future of several players. He is shattering the confidence of even the best players.
  25. I agree. You would think maybe they would call plays for him that appeal to his strengths, in the intermediate range (which may open and facilitate more of the deeper routes as well)), But this OC does not seem to care or know how to do things like this, with one player after another... Beyond all of his other fundamental flaws, one that in itself means he will not be able to win in this league or even on most college teams as well.
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