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Everything posted by JAMIEBUF12

  1. i blame this record all on drew bledsoe,granted we have a rookie head coach and everyone said it would take a few games for this team to jell,but i am sure drew is incapable of making good reads and decisions as a qb,he is done
  2. hey,i know u guys in buffalo think it is no big deal because u get all the kewl buffalo interviews,but i was just driving home from work and the fan had takeo spikes on.they asked him why he left the bengals and he replied it is the same reason u r a jet fan joe! god i was dying.they asked him that they didnt want to put him on the spot and what he thought of drews play,and he answered that drew did just enough yesterday to win.he didnt sound real behind him.it was a good light hearted interview with joe giving the bills defense and team kudos,he said he thought the bills would of beat the patriots.i liked the way takeo made no excuses about getting destroyed by patsies,he said they just kicked our ass and gave patsies kudos.they talked about the ram game and how he felt about coach mularky.oh well go bills!
  3. drew is all done,the special teams and defense won thid game.hell wasnt there 3 or 4 times drew was setup to start drives inside th 20 and we went backwards and had to settle for field goals.at least we now know the defense and special teams will be a strength next season.we move forward when the drew error is finially over..........jp,lee evans,and willis thats the buffalo trio and when all is said and done people will point to the ways donahue got these guys that made the bills winners again
  4. i think u2 is allright ,but iam tired of vertigo being played on every tv station as a commercial,man they know how to ruin a good song
  5. yes at least we know we will have strong special teams to build on next year! as soon as this bledsoe era i mean error lol is over i think this team really moves forward!
  6. maybe he outa think about hodin on to some of those passes he seems to be droppin lately wtf
  7. saw george carlin last friday night at the mid hudson civic center!
  8. didn't a bunch of you posters say that peters would probably be moved to tackle?i am sure i read that alot on the wall.i hope he does well to have a big guy like that on the line who can also catch the ball sounds like a guy i woud like to have on the line for the next 10 years
  9. hey good teams exploit other teams injuries and dis advantages and if we win this game come december when our confidence is sky high and possible looking to end the season with a winning record or a long long shot a shot at the last wild card spot i doubt the boys are gonna be whining that they beat a team a month ago that they are not as good as.hell we almost beat them the first time around when they were healthy.if we do win i think the guys will buy even more into mularkeys run philosophy.of course we will probably be leading by say 4 points with .52 seconds to go and london fletcher wil sack brady for a 8 yard loss on 3rd down,but the refs will step in and ask london what was he thinking to sack the golden boy like that and london will get a 15 yard taunting penalty,brady will get a 1st down and on the very next play he will throw to troy brown who is clearly out of bounds ,but the refs will say hey lets just give it to them!! go bills
  10. jeeze i gotta go back to school 44%,but half the the states i was on the red if that counts for anything go bills
  11. jeesh,i got a 72% and then i have my 12 year old daughter do it and she gets a 82%
  12. u put terrence mcgee and talented secondary in the same sentence?i bet brady throws that way all day
  13. a bills superbowl win,i coud care less about politics in the middle east go bills
  14. they will either say new england had a 'off game" and give us no credit whatso ever or....they will say new england had too many injuries to overcome.
  15. i loved the jim kelly era unis and i cant stand the new ones!
  16. the bills are gonna win this game and start to really jell as a team! not only that but we are gonna knock that smirk of of marsha bradys face and it will be worth the fifteen yarder london fletcher gets! go bills
  17. i love willis,but at the time i was also pissed.....i wanted defensive help,but he is here and i think he is better tham travis.thank god i don't run the team!i always get high on the drafting reports.i thought is it jimmy kennedy?from penn state went to st louis would be great.i know i get easily impressed with big names and scouting reports,i guess that is why they scout! go bills
  18. who gives a stevestojan about rankings! i'd reather fly under the radar screen and and just worry about winning each game one week at a time.i do not need to read in the papers or espn that buffalo is good i know they are i love them!hell i picked up lee evans and wilis in my fantasy league,they both went undrafted and now i have a rb that is kicking ass!i also have tampas and buffalos defense,my friends all said buffalo dosn't have a defense,but i knew what we did last year,i think fantasy wise buffalo beats tampa every week except maybe twice this year.point is i am glad everybody thought nothing of those players that i know are going to be good.go bills
  19. just run the ball,i we wear 'em down with the run drew can maybe make a few key throws when he has to.hey we beat new england last year so it is not like they are invincible go bills
  20. I think we should just knock marsha brady on her ass! why should we take phantom 15 yard penalties for clean,they say bad hits on marsha? when we beat the patsies we are gonna be officially "on a roll".this is where the team really starts to believe!
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