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Everything posted by JAMIEBUF12

  1. awesome,because belecheck is truly a defensive head coach.i think losing weiss could hurt the patsies a little
  2. i can't believe its 24 years ago that lennon got murdered.still miss him and thought he was just getting creative again before he died.
  3. yes poor analogy on my part all i was trying to say was before the last game drew had more int's than td'd. drew is a interception machine.when he is in a big spot he will throw em'.
  4. what about his 14 interceptions? real stats 17 td's and 14 int's.take away the 4 td's last week playing a team that has only won 1 game all year and it was pathetic 13 /14,but hey i am a die hard bills fan so i hope drew does well ,but as a qb he is basically done!
  5. what do you mean the dolphins picked a bad year to suck? THE DOLPHINS WILL ALWAYS SUCK!!!!!!
  6. how come the bills got to wear their blue uniforms today?i thought the white jerseys were the away uniforms.
  7. i just want to see the team finish strong!if we go 9-7 i'd be thrilled.if 10-6 and make playoffs even better,but next year watch out,with willis ,jp and lee evans this offense will be scary
  8. 105 td return on opening ko wow
  9. hey everyone knows drew is a classy guy.i like him too,but he can't play the qb position anymore.i wouldnt mind him as a backup because that is all he is in this part of his career
  10. drew is finished and mularky and company know it! he will not be our starter next season.and the o line will look even better....kinda like the tom brady syndrome,hey come on bill belecheck plugs up holes all over his patriot roster and finds ways to win,but he couldn't with drew.some people r really blind! drew is done
  11. stevestojan we r winning with willis and defense and special teams,we r winning in spite of drew!drew does nothing to help this team except take sacks and throw ints.his only good plays are when he hands off to willis
  12. wish i had a teacher like that,i would of kept my mouth shut and enjoyed her a little more!
  13. ho ho ho and a bottle of rum santas run off to the carribean! jimmy buffett
  14. u seem to forget we r winning in spite of bledsoe not because of bledsoe big difference.he has 13 td's and 14 int's at some point ya gotta sober up drew is all done! i root for him because he is our qb,but he is done none the same
  15. well i am jamie buf12 so........................ my name is jamie my favorite sports team is the buffalo bills jim kelly wore #12 there you have it jamie buf 12 go bills!
  16. no way drew starts next year,we win in spite of him not because of him! last week it was special teams this week defense and willis.i mean who actually thinks drew had a good game?he did throw 3 picks and our d bailed him out.i think once jp is really ready mike mularky opens up the playbook. go bills
  17. cogradulations rastabill i was out by the 4th or 3rd week i forget!
  18. i would have never thought this last month,but i think we have a realistic shot at running the table! we can definately beat miami next week,browns at home at bengals and at san fran.i think that if the the steelers have home field wrapped up like if somehow new england blows a game down the stretch,that the steelers may sit a bunch of players the last game of year.hell if we have a shot at playoffs and this team is believin' maybe we beat them with their starters.it is possible.we just cant count any of those mentioned games as wins we have to go one week at a time and take noone lightly.it is possible go bills. hey and if we fall short i bet that leaves a bad taste in the guys mouth and just makes them more hungry next year!
  19. yes we will have a good team next year,maybe this team just misses the playoffs and thaey come back next year with a real hunger it happens in most sports u fall just short the year before and the next u r just a team that is really contending go bills
  20. we won yesterday in spite of drew bledsoe,special teams and defense won that game! drew is done
  21. because it will be a headstart for next year,drew is done and i'd rather jp get more than just training camp to be ready for next season,plus i think with jp in there we will definately try and run the ball more and not ask jp to do too much
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