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Everything posted by JAMIEBUF12

  1. ive got a gibson les paul standard for my electric guitar and i play it over a fender hot rod deville amp,and my acoustic is a baby taylor 355 that i got for like 300 new.my acoustic is just my starter one ,but i love it and find myself playing it more than my electric
  2. ding dong the wicked witch is dead! its about time1
  3. cant wait to see bledsoe get "fired" would love to see trump do it on tv go jp and the bills in '05
  4. well i will personally drive drew down to the meadowlands for you guys ,but big pat is ours!
  5. that was great and that was true!hell i didn't care for drew when he was a patriot!and all this talk about him going to dallas,i seem to remember during the pats superbowl season with greenbay,drew being one of the guys that wanted to see parcells go.yes drew is a nice guy but as a qb his best days are behind him.go jp
  6. yeah and why isnt he with rob johnson surfing? oh yeah maybe cause jp is for real
  7. see ya drew hope the door dosnt slam yer ass on the way out!
  9. yer on drugs!bill belicheck will have outcoached cower before the game has even started
  10. well hammet replaced mustaine,it would have been hetfield,ulrich mustaine and cliff burton
  11. r u out of yer mind this was all drews doing,this was a typical drew game when he plays an elite team!and the morons that got giddy in our winning streak,take a look at drews numbers.you wont see 300 yard games at all.we won cause of our defense ,special teams and willis,drew did nothing in those games except throw stupid int's.our defense should be pissed at drew,but they are too classy and take it like a team loss when really it is a drew loss,go bills in 05
  12. yer on drugs i saw 3rd and 24's being completed at 1 point they showed pittsburgh had completed 8 of 16 3rd downs to our 1/out of 10.any compitent qb coulda won this game today.drew sucks thats the hard truth.and im tired of all theses people saying drew dont cause he does we win in spite of drew not cause of drew,nice guy but he is a statue!go bills in 05
  13. yes but two were drews fault!i said it all year we were winning in spite of drew not cause of drew.and today when drew had to go up against a team with a real defense he played like.........well drew he played like drew.ive said all year that drew aoint the answer,but hey i wore my drew jersey today and i will root for him as long as he is our qb but i do hope they give jp a fair shot at winning the qb job in training camp this year.this was a good season to build off and i am proud of the bills go bills in 05
  14. wish i was! hope u bring yer cowbell! go bills
  15. well actually the rams would be doing themselves a favor i think they r still in playoff hunt after 2nights win!so they will throw everything at the jets,thats why all their starters r in and phillys r not.the jets will lose in st louis next week.and yes i would be nervous about facing the colts,we stop the run alot better than we stop the pass.but we would have a fighting chance with them,i think drew could score on their defense inside a dome.
  16. and its gonna be great!i live in giant -jet land and its gonna be awesome to watch paddington bear explain how the jests blew their playoff chances when they were 10-4 with 2 games to go!so let denver win who cares cause the jests aint beatin' the rams.and all the teasin' i get in jetland it will be pretty awesome to let them know that the better team(the bills) took their playoff spot! go bills
  17. .............and then god spaketh.i am tired of virgins,"send me a slut"
  18. i hope next year entering training camp,the team has set for a goal taking the afc east!! not just goals of making playoffs but a plan to go 11-5 or 12-4 and take our own division back instead of praying for teams to lose so we could have a wild card.actually if they called travis henrys touchdown right this wouldnt even be an issue right now for this season.with miami a mess and belecheck losing key people on his staff and curtis martin a year older i see no reason why we cant take the east.if we beat new england the 1st time we play them our confidence will be sky high.its obvious we have learned how to win this season.go bills and down with the jets and broncos this week!
  19. god i hope so...........all those years of cheating the salary cap and redoing contracts and stuff ,they deserve this
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