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Everything posted by paupmvp1995

  1. Sinkfield was cut and Elliott is on IR. I like ur list except I don't know how you cut Brandon Kaufman. The guy has great size, runs solid routes and has good hands. I like him and Demarco Sampson. And Darick Rogers has loads of physical potential. I would not be shocked if TJ Graham gets cut. Goodwin is similar in physical stature and looks to be a much more active player. Chris Hogan has nice hands and runs decent routes, but I don't see much explosiveness. Tough competitiion across the board. I would not mind trading one of our wideouts for a solid interior O lineman to put at left guard.
  2. Starting lineup??? Why the hell would he be starting if he hasn't been in any of training camp? He will have no idea about the scheme we are running, and will not be in football condition. He could very well go on the PUP list and be allowed to play after week 6. And besides, if Searcy, A Williams, D Williams, Silva, Scott and whoever else is playing safety look solid, there is no point in even playing Byrd. He holds out all thru camp, he has bought himself a one way ticket out of town.
  3. And what isn't accurate? What team were you watching last year? Dareus was pushed every which way the opposing O line wanted him to go, like he was on a 4 wheel cart used to move furniture. And Mareo played w the intensity of a DE in the woman's powder puff league.
  4. Dareus has not been a dominant force since we drafted him. At best so far he has been a poor man's Sam Adams. EVERYONE on this team is starting from square one. Just because he was drafted 3rd overall doesn't mean he is an automatic starter. The rules have changed since Buddy and Chan's summer camp. The guys who play hardest and play the best will start and see lots of playing time. It will not matter what their pedigree is. I think there will be some surprising cuts this summer. I am also not losing sleep over Mario Williams foot. The guy is fragile, plays soft as a bag of marshmellows, and has the passion of a corpse. I am sure that a lot of people in the organization would love to take back that ridiculous contract they paid him last year.
  5. I think the majority of u on here are living in some fantasy land about Byrd coming in and being a contributing player this season. I will preface that remark w this: If Byrd shows up on time for training camp signing the Franchise tag, than he obviously should be a contributing force on the team going forward. That would be a great scenario. However, I see the odds of that happening as being quite small. If he holds out, he becomes a big distraction to the team moving forward. Marrone and Whaley will not allow that to happen. I believe if the season is approaching and Byrd is not signed he is gone. If he were to sign right before the season starts, he will be traded for whatever we can get. NO WAY the team lets Byrd and Parker dictate how this plays out if he is not on time for training camp. New regime. Management needs to lay the hammer down. Get rid of guys who don't want to be here. (a lot of you will say, what proof do you have that he doesn't want to play here? Wake the F up and connect the dots) No reason that the Williams boys, Meeks and Searcy can not become solid NFL safeties w the right coaching and scheme. And if we are lacking at the position w veteran leadership as training camp progresses, we can always pick up a veteran free agent. Plenty are always available. THAT is most likely how this is all going to play out.
  6. That's a stupid comment. Andre Reed was one of the best receivers and possibly the toughest receiver to ever play the game in the modern era. Don't ever disrespect him!
  7. Not sure if anyone mentioned these three excellent games. Not saying they were all time, but very exciting. 1997 Todd Collins leads the Bills back from a 27-0 deficit to beat the Colts. Jim Kelley threw for 4 or 5 TD's and we beat the Bubby Brister led Steelers in around 1991 by something like 51-38 at the Ralph. Steve Christie kicks a low driving 45 plus yard field goal in NASTY conditions in Foxboro in the last few seconds and we beat the Pats in 2000 w Flutie at the helm. (last time we won there I believe)
  8. What good character are you talking about w Byrd? He has not been arrested since he has played for us, so he is automatically a great guy? Most of the players in the NFL are of decent character, but that does not mean they all deserve to be paid the most at their position. If he does not show up on time for training camp, I think he is done w the Bills, and never sees the field for us again. This is a completely new coaching staff and regime. Jairus Byrd has done nothing for this coaching staff. If he had signed his franchise tag and showed up for all the OTA's and mini camps, than Marrone, Pettine and co would have much more to go by in their assessment of Byrd and how he would fit in the teams new defensive scheme. By staying away, he has done nothing but alienate himself to the organization and the fan base. Good luck to him getting a monster contract from another team. Because unless he comes in to camp on time, and plays lights out, he may never see the field again in Buffalo. And he still will not get a mega contract from another team. Kudos to Doug Whaley for toeing the line. Management has to set the tone. Do you think the Patriots would be held hostage to a safety wanting top money in the NFL? Enuf said on that....
  9. That is just crazy, but not surprising given who Byrd's agent is. The Bills value Byrd as a VERY GOOD player, but not someone worth building there entire defense around. I just do not think you can reward Byrd w that kind of jack when the defense that he played on was just atrocious for the past several years. Sure he was not the worst player out there. But my god, he bares some responsibility just like every other player on the defense. When your team has been horrible for years, why on god's green earth should we make any player the highest paid at their position? We already did that w Mario Williams, and that is not looking so great right now. So making Byrd the highest paid safety is just compounding the stupidity of the Williams contract. Offering Byrd a fair contract (top 4-5 safety money is very fair in my opinion) is the right thing to do. If he doesn't want it, than he should sign the Franchise tag. If he has a great year, than we pay him like an All Pro after the season. If he is average, than we let him walk. If Byrd holds out into the season, and we like our new safeties, trade him for what we can. No reason to think that our new safeties can not step up and play as well collectively as Byrd. And lets not forget that we are already better by the subtraction of George Wilson, who may have had the worst range I have ever seen in a safety last year.
  10. Enuf w all this Jairus Byrd nonsense. He was a decent player on one of the ALLTIME WORST defenses in NFL history. And he thinks he should be one of, if not the highest paid safety in the league. That is absolutely laughable. Do you all think that whether we have Byrd or not on this team will be the deciding factor in how well we play this year? He plays safety. We will be fine w/o him. paying him 8 mill/year is utterly ridiculous. The fact that he has not signed the Franchise tag leads me to believe that he does not want to be here anyways. Look at free agency this year. Not a lot of big contracts given out. How many teams wanted the supposed best DB in the league? One, Tampa Bay. There was no market for the Jets to stir up. And Revis is a much better player than Byrd. Teams are not paying the huge deals, unless it is for top QB's. The salary cap is flat this year from last year. No team is going to pay Byrd 8-9 mill/year. Teams would rather pay the Donte Witners of the world 1-2 mill to play safety. It is an interchangeable position. We will be fine w whoever we have back there, because defense is scheme based much more than player based in today's NFL. So lets get excited about EJ Manuel, Robert Woods and Kiko Alonso, and move on from a free safety who really was not that great in coverage if you really watch the film.
  11. I completely agree, and so do the Bills particularly Doug Whaley. And that is why Byrd will not be playing for the Bills any longer. We did not win much with him. He is a good player, but the Bills will not break the bank on him, nor should they. He is emminently replacable. I think we will all get to like Duke Williams and Jonathan Meeks. I am excited to see what Whaley can get for Byrd in a trade.
  12. And what makes you think that his value is worth more than one 1st rounder!!? He is a safety for god sake who isn't even six feet tall. From the talk on here, you would think that Jairus Byrd is Ronnie Lott Steve Atwater Troy Palumalu and Ed Reed COMBINED. Give it a rest. He is a solid player, but not a dominating game changing force every single week. Sure it would be nice to have him come back. But there is no way that the Bills will let Eugene Parker hold them hostage over a safety. It just will not happen. And why are you sure that he will "work out a deal" w the Bills if he hasn't in the four months since he has been tagged? This is a new era for the Bills. I am sure they have put a value on what they will pay Byrd. If his agent will not come close to that, he is gone simple as that. I would be happy for a first round pick for Byrd. Especially if it is a top 20 pick next year. Lets start talking about the guys who do want to play for us.
  13. Byrd is not playing another down for the Bills. Deal with it everybody. He is a smallish safety. He is a good player, but he is not Ed Reed or Troy Palamalu or Ronnie Lott. I am sure the Bills have made an offer they feel is market value for a player of his talents. But he wants to be the top paid safety in the league. That is Parker's MO, and he has that right, and so does Byrd. But it is bad business for the Bills to pay him as the top safety in the league when the defenses he has played on have SUCKED!! And he was a part of that suckitude. There are plenty of times when he is out of position in deep coverage. I would venture to say that the Bills coaches, have evaluated who they have, and what they are trying to accomplish on Defense, and figure that if Byrd wants ridiculous money, he will have to sit or eventually be traded. They have plenty of safeties right now, and Pettine's defense will allow decent players to excel. They will make due with who they have, and that should hopefully turn out quite well. I like Byrd and wish he would sign with us. But I can NOT STAND players who hold out!! He is being offered $6.9 mill for one season. That is huge money, even if he never plays another year because of injury. If he really wanted to play for us, he would have signed the one year tag, and than have his agent try and negotiate a long term deal. Once again, I think he wants out, and will eventually get his wish. But not until the Bills are richly rewarded w several draft picks.
  14. I hope they do trade him. Byrd was good, and great at times. But he is eminently replaceable. This team won 16 games the past 3 seasons. Other than CJ Spiller there is noone on this roster who has outrageously special skills, (hopefully EJ will be there soon as well) Byrd included. If we can get a first round pick and a solid player, or even a 2 and a 3 in next years draft, I am all for it. Remember, this is a new coaching staff. They have no loyalty to anyone on this team. Nor should they.. If Byrd does not want to be part of the new regime, than lets get the best deal possible and move on. I root for the team and not the individual player. Whoever is wearing our unis is who I want to go nuts over!!
  15. who cares about Andy Levitre? He played left guard on a team that won 16 games the past 3 seasons. He is a good, not great player. Football in the trenches is a physical game. He is not a physical offensive lineman. Marrone knows O line. If Levitre was a consistently dominant force, than don't you think Marrone would have pushed hard to keep him? The guys we have trying to replace him will be fine. Eric Wood has much more upside than Levitre. I think if he stays healthy this season, we will try much harder to keep him than we did Levitre, and rightfully so.
  16. Our playmakers liked Chan's system. The major problem was that we had a QB who was lousy. A good QB and the system looks a whole lot better. That being said, Chan did not adapt his system to our strength, which was pounding the ball w our running game. He also left the defense in the hands of a D Coordinator who went into Ted Williams cryogenetic brain lock, and never defrosted. Because of that and his horrible game management Chan Gailey is thankfully not the head coach of our beloved Bills.
  17. I like your positive attitude Keister. I am in total agreement that we WILL be competitive this year...Not Super Bowl bound, but competitive week in and week out..
  18. totally agree about Whaley. He comes off as knowing his stuff. What is there not to like? Most excited I have been about the team in a long time. Marrone and Whaley will be running this organization for a long time.
  19. Agree with everything you said about Shep. He did absolutely nothing.
  20. Miss what? He was absolutely horrible on the Bills for two seasons. The guy has no instincts or athletic ability. Don't know how he ever started at LSU. He made Poz look like the second coming of Dick Butkus. I would have traded him for a bag of footballs. Getting a guy w at least decent potential in Jerry Hughes is a coup on Buddy's part.
  21. If Austin is on the board when we draft, we will be trading back most likely to the Rams at 16. If noone wants to trade back, I would take Austin. If we pick at 16, we need to take the TE Eifert if he is there. If he is not, than we take Cordarelle Patterson. If he is gone than take Womack or Cooper. All 4 have more upside than any of the QB's available. There will be QB's available when we pick at 41. There will also be QB's available in the 3rd round. Landry Jones, Tyler Wilson or Tyler Bray might be our guy as well. All three played a lot of football at big time programs in strong conferences. I think Buddy is playing things super cool. We may have absolutely no interest in taking Nasib or Barkley.
  22. I would be very happy with Eifert in the first round as well. I am not sure why so many of you are so concerned with us drafting a QB in the first round. None of the QB's in this draft are sure thing studs. I hope we trade down at least once. And grab as many picks as we can. I would love taking Eifert and possibly two of the other top receivers (Hopkins, Hunter, Patterson, Austin) later on. We have a serious shortage of playmakers. And who is to say that TJax or Kolb is not going to be the guy for us who can lead us to the playoffs? I also would not be surprised if we took one of the two top guards with our first pick. And we have a serious need for a CB as well. The media has been playing up that we "Have" to take a QB with one of our top picks. But who at One Bills Drive has said that we are taking a QB? Noone has. All the talk about taking a QB high, maybe just talk. I think we will try and trade down first, and if no takers, than every position of need is in play. But if we trade down, I think EJ Manuel is the guy.. Taking a QB at 8 is just too high for the amount of needs we have, and the talent level of the QB's in this draft. But we shall see shortly....
  23. True that Mike. I am excited also. Marrone is bringing the NEW CULTURE! He is going to be one bad ass coach. You guys just watch...
  24. Rogers was terrible last year. He had no business playing on an NFL field. That being said, maybe our new coaching staff can coach him up to where he is at least competent. But we certainly need another corner, preferably a veteran free agent, or someone with upside in the draft. Anyone for Tyrann Matheau? The guy is a baller...
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