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The Voice of Truth

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Everything posted by The Voice of Truth

  1. No actually it takes 22 plus back ups, plus special teams. It just so happens that a good QB is by far the most important. Without it, you'll suck. Unless you have a young Ray Lewis and the rest of the Ravens 2002 squad. Which we don't. I'd be happy to get Flynn and draft 2 in the first 2 rounds. I'll use your words. A "recipe for disaster" is having the Bills operate the same way they have for the past 13 years. I guess we'll take more of the same.
  2. Logical argument: Franchise QBs are hard to identify. Teams even with the #1 overall pick miss on them. They're enigmatic and hard to understand. The information you can gather in the draft process is insufficient in assessing their ability. Having them in camp and interacting with them daily gives you a much clearer picture. So, drafting just one would likely leave us with a less than 50% chance of actually getting the QB we need. Drafting 3 gives us a significantly higher chance at finally having a good QB. We have to take extreme action to get one. Drafting only one and hoping it works out isn't enough. We have to have a "win now" attitude. Something you lack. The Truth is often met initially with contempt.
  3. I think Jerry looked at the Bills and said, "Wow that's how bad it can get if you have no semblance of a QB." Then he locked up Romo.
  4. I too have been a defender of Nix. However, there comes a time when you have to be honest with yourself. He has sorely missed on acquiring the most important position in sports. He has been head if football operations for 3 years and where are the Bills? Lost. What is his record as director of all football operations. Well well below .500. I'm not getting this argument. The fact that this QB class is suspect is why we need to draft more than one. If we were getting an Andrew Luck we wouldn't need to draft more than 1.
  5. So hopeful, you're willing to suck for another year. Why don't we just set the record for longest playoff drought while we're at it. If we don't have a QB we're gonna suck. Your thinking is exactly like Nix's right now. And that's why we're gonna continue to suck probably. Because we cant seem to solve the QB problem. Get 1!
  6. Ok, then expect us to suck yet have a promising OG and LB on the team. I am usually big in drafting BPA but when you don't have a QB my philosophy is different. It's the most important position in sports and our current QB depth chart might not even possess a backup quality player on most teams. Open it up for competition. Whoever wins it, starts week 1. You get so much more info on a player that you have than during the draft vetting process. Marrone seems good with QBs. He should be able to identify and nurture one guy into some form of franchise QB. Haha. I'm thinking quite wishfully.
  7. Hahaha. It might be. But r u prepared for more years of horrible Bills QBing? If we draft for need and get no QB, we're still gonna suck.
  8. Yeah I know. Incompetence is also widespread in NFL front offices. Moneyball was crazy in baseball too. As I think I've seen in other posts, there is only one player left on the Bills from our 2009 draft so its not like drafting the normal way always results in a bunch of starters. Take a gamble on QB. We're not going to be a winner until we get one. Would it be ideal to only draft Nassib in round 2 and draft for need in 1 and 3? Yeah if he fell that far and he is a franchise QB. We don't know that though. We need to utilize all resources to ensure we get a QB. Until we do, the losing culture of the Bills will not change.
  9. I know it sounds crazy. But imagine you, Bills fan, waking up on Day 2 of the draft with 3 new QBs; all drafted higher than Trent Edwards and Ryan Fitzpatrick. We need a QB! We will never win a super bowl without one and that has to be the goal. I can't go another year with a bad QB. Go all in on finding the next Bills franchise QB. At all costs. Once you get one then you draft best player available every time. Ideal Draft: 1. Geno Smith 2. Ryan Nassib 3. Take your best shot Nix/Whaley
  10. Absolutely. It took me a few years to fully embrace this but I am convinced of it. He puts an optimistic spin on every story. The man is an advertiser who is part of ticket sales generation. He receives checks from the organization. Why would anyone think he is an honest reporter? He is a promoter.
  11. Yep. Because Russ Brandon is paying attention and he and Buddy better take notice and get it done. Go ahead and delete it though before I get crucified even more.
  12. Yes, because his pro day has gone down and he accelled and we released Fitz, so the urgency is that much higher.
  13. Below is ESPN's coverage of his pro day. At the 51 second mark, I believe you can see Buddy Nix in the background. http://espn.go.com/nfl/draft2013/story/_/id/9053151/2013-nfl-draft-geno-smith-60-64-passing-west-virginia-mountaineers-pro-day I'm so sick of not having a QB. I understand there is likely some risk with this guy but it's time to roll the dice to get a QB. We will not be a playoff team without a high caliber QB prospect. I'd be willing to trade this year's first round pick and next year's if that's what it takes. We're not going to suck bad enough to get Manziel next year so that's off the table. We'll be in the exact same position; picking 9th or something where you can't get get the highest caliber QB in the draft. Buddy, it's time to take a gamble and give up some of the draft picks you so covet. Get this guy! Period.
  14. If he has injury problems again this year, he's out of the league. He better do all he can or its time to hit the jobs classifieds in the paper for him.
  15. I think the plan is to build a dominant defense as they do not believe they will be able to acquire a franchise QB this year. Nix said on the Tampa call something like, "now is not a good time to need one." In other words he doesn't love any QB in the draft. We have quality talent on defense and the hope is Pettine can make them come together to become a top defense. Then maybe get a guy like Nassib, a receiver to compliment Stevie. Of course we have Spiller. I think Graham has potential if someone can hit him on the deep ball. Let Marrone innovate with those players and put together a respectable offense to compliment a top defense. No question the Bills are in a tough spot. It's very hard to win without a franchise QB and the chips have not fallen to where the Bills can get one. That's why they may try to do it with defense.
  16. Not sure what the hell is going on with how we're handling guard. It appears other teams were better prepared to handle the free agency blitzkrieg. I'm kind of thinking their plan at this point is to build a dominant defense as they don't think they can acquire a franchise QB. Then let Marrone be innovative enough with the offense to get the job done until they can get the QB they need. That leaked GM phone call was quite revealing IMO.
  17. He is one of the greatest punters in NFL history and can dramatically affect the field position game.
  18. I think he is an intriguing option for the Bills to try to sign as I am confident his asking price will drop significantly. In Oakland he was considered a near shut down corner because they had a scheme that allowed him to match up with guys one on one and just cover them. In Philly, the scheme was much different and it was not well suited to his abilities. I think Pettine implements more man cover schemes than the Eagles did and therefore Asomghua may be able to accel again like he did under Oakland's schemes. However, I think the Bills are very much on a youth movement to build for the long haul and the fact that he is 31 makes this more unlikely. Plus, Asomghua probably wouldn't want to sign with the Bills. Intriguing option though.
  19. Fair enough. I guess if his hit is 7 million only, why are they struggling with cap issues? And if that is the case, they're really screwed in future years when the rest of that money hits the cap. Lewis is gone. Reeds not under contract. Are Suggs, Gnata and Rice sucking up that much cap? If Flacco only 7 mil, wouldn't they have some room?
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