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Everything posted by Grant

  1. I can't see that far into the future, but I do know that I'm extremely wary of having Haslett coach here. I really don't know how I would feel about him as a DC. The NO defenses haven't really been outstanding. Who did he DC for before he was a head coach? I don't recall.
  2. Yeah, it really doesn't reflect very well on him. I liked him fine when he played here in the "Bermuda Triangle", but I would never want him as head coach of the Bills. Remember when everyone wanted him to replace Gregg?
  3. Right. That's the only reason people divorce. 'Kay. Glad you cleared that up.
  4. I think Moulds might be a pimp. Not in the current slang sense, but in the actual definition of it. How else would he have so many friends around the league?
  5. That was pretty lowbrow and cheap, yet I laughed at that for over a minute solid.
  6. So, Dr. Z is predicting we won't make the playoffs. Just to put that in perspective for you, Dr. Z also predicted that we would win each won of our four Super Bowls.
  7. Your posts would be much better, FFS, if instead of simply writing stream-of-consciousness you thought about your post before hand and then also looked it over at least once before posting.
  8. Jim will certainly be there with his RV and his brothers, drinking with my brother, actually. I, on the other hand, can't make the game.
  9. Raise your hand if you didn't see that joke coming.
  10. And the Rams are the epitome of consistency.
  11. Odds are, we'll know one way or the other before the Denver game starts. I don't have much faith in Indy beating them.
  12. Furthermore, not to keep kissing Gray's ass, but I should also add that we almost really do have two head coaches on the team. A big reason Wade and Gregg failed before us is because although they understood the defensive aspect of the game, they couldn't quite bring out anything offensively. The people they appointed to offensive coordinator were pretty lousy and none of them have really done anything since. On the other hand, Gray is very similar to Wade and Gregg in terms of how well he understands that side of the ball. And I think he's probably going to be a HC pretty soon, I think he might have the same troubles that the other two had. Not to mention, we have a lot of former NFL players as coaches, which I think is also pretty important and leads to players really buying into their speeches a lot more, since they've "been there."
  13. The abillity to adjust properly in the second half is the real reason we're winning. We didn't do that last year, and consequently, unless we started the game hot we were done from the start.
  14. Not to belittle this conversation (because it is interesting), but I don't care who we play as long as we can make the playoffs. Both the Broncos and the Jets losing would be nice, though.
  15. I have maintained since before the Cincy game that if we were able to win those next two games (which we did, obviously), then I don't think the AFC Pro Bowl squad could stop us at home, 9-6 and playing for a playoff berth. That crowd is going to be pumped. Still, the Steelers are a huge challenge - and they aren't going to just roll over. That defense is very talented and it will be a test for our squad.
  16. Exactly right. While McGahee has been big in our turn around, I think people are missing the real hero: the coaching staff (Gray in particular). Last year, if we started off slow you just knew we were done because we wouldn't ever come back in the second half. This year, we OWN the second half and that is huge.
  17. I agree; this team is hot and if they make the playoffs, all bets are off.
  18. Don't worry, chum. The Eagles are in the middle of collapsing. Their entire offense is lost without TO.
  19. According to BillsDaily.com, since going 0-4 we have outscored opponents 66-3 in the third quarter and haven't allowed a touchdown in the third quarter all year. That's huge. In my opinion, the third quarter is undeniably important. Starting the second half off right can lead to domination for teams, and it has for us. Jerry Gray, who I admit I haven't been really excited about until just this year, has proven he may very well be the most important coach on the team. Being able to make adjusments is the key to being a good coach (something Williams' staff failed to understand) and Gray has done it. This being Gray's first year in complete control of the defense without someone meddling or looking over his shoulder, he's shown a lot. Hats off to Jerry Gray and all of the defense!
  20. The real question is why you aren't watching Conan!
  21. I think the Steelers might be hoping they don't have to play us for real in the playoffs.
  22. Oh snap. We're only winning by 34. I'm more interested in seeing JPL.
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