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Everything posted by Grant

  1. Yeah, history really is thrown out the window with the new alignment. You'll start seeing a lot of 10-6 teams missing the playoffs in the future. 11-5 is the new 10-6. B)
  2. ACTUALLY, the last prime time game we won was in 2001 under GW and Rob, beating Jacksonville in a clunker. It was the only win Rob would get for us that year (AVP got the other two)
  3. How long is he under contract for again? What a waste.
  4. Pretty soon, criticizing the government will make you a "marginal" citizen.
  5. Let's keep it up! I think the team is realizing that we're going to have to spot the opposing team three turnovers or so from our QB and win in spite of Drew. The defense, along with Willis, are really carrying us here.
  6. Short for web log. Get it? Anyway, SDS, how does one get to have their own TBD Blog? It doesn't seem like just anyone can sign up. I suppose only "regulars" or folks with high post counts can contribute, eh?
  7. There are no scenarios when a loss is better than a win, huh? Hey, numb nuts, look earlier in this thread. If a loss this year means a Super Bowl next year (for the sake of argument), wouldn't that loss be more valuable than a meaningless win?
  8. I think this thread is very interesting and deserves more attention. It further proves Bledsoe's ineptitude.
  9. Our defense was the reason we went 0-4 in Super Bowls. So, using that team as a comparison isn't really a good idea. Truly, the only "great" defense we've had recently was in the late 90s, from about 96 or 97 to 2000.
  10. Moulds has every right to complain and we'll regret running him out of town if we do. So save your pitch fork, ICE. What I think E.Mo really needs to do, though, is step up and LEAD this team. He's been here longer than anyone on offense, so he needs to CALL DREW OUT. It's very apparent by his recent responses that he thinks Bledsoe is washed up, so why not call him out? Make a public cry for Mularkey to start JP. If our All Pro WR doesn't want Drew QBing anymore... well... Let's see them try and spin THAT!!
  11. Hmm. Sears and K-Mart. S-Mart is obviously going to be the result. "Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart."
  12. Alaska Darin hit this right on the head. Why bother responding to something that pretty much refutes itself?! Our friend "guest" only continues to contradict himself. He makes sweeping generalizations about people that enjoy Carlin's thoughtful humor and that anyone that does enjoy it MUST be a socialist. OBVIOUSLY. Also, Mr. Guest says that it's "unfortunate" that people who disagree with him have the right to vote. Who's the socialist again? If you ask me, Mr. Guest just has some sort of an inferiority complex and can't stand it when people disagree with him. It's why he doesn't like George Carlin's humor, because it disagrees with his line of thinking, and why he decides to troll a thread that was about someone excited to go see Carlin and proceed to make it into some half-cocked political spat. It could also explain why he's too afraid to actually register and be accountable for his retardedness.
  13. ATTA BOY!! That's the Toby Keith American Way. If you don't like what someone has to say, well then by golly, they must be "unAmerican" and should have to live in the Middle East. Hey, why don't you go start up the HUAAC again, there, buddy? You seem qualified!
  14. If you think that's why George Carlin is funny, you OBVIOUSLY have never, ever, ever seen him perform or read any of his work. The man is brilliant.
  15. The last ESPN game that we won was in 2001 against Jacksonville, with RJ as our QB and Gregg Williams as our coach. I do believe that was in the "Tom Donahoe era". Oughta get the facts straight, jack.
  16. George Carlin is hilarious, isn't he? I was going to post almost the same thing you did, Kelly, but you beat me to it!
  17. This thread just proves how many TBDers simply DO NOT READ before they post. Ridiculous!
  18. I don't know about Saban. We all wanted him here this past offseason, and he said numerous times, I believe, that he is happy with his situation. I could see Charlie Weis happening. I'm still hoping they go with Spurrier! Man, that would rock some socks.
  19. You don't think so? Then who's going to be the next HC in Miami? I can't think of too many possibilities.
  20. Wanny was just coasting on the team that Jimmy Johnson built. Dolphins fans can thank ol' Dave for setting their franchise back at least two or three years. I couldn't be happier! The best thing now, from a Bills fan's view, is if Spurrier goes to the Fish. Then we can dance in the streets.
  21. (Put this on the other thread, too) The most hilarious part about this thread and the original homework thread.. There is a Google search engine right on the front page of TBD!!!
  22. After reading 20 pages, I'm shocked no one has mentioned this. The most hilarious part about this thread.. There is a Google search engine right on the front page of TBD!!!
  23. Yeah, that's exactly what the ESPN commentators said, Talonz. Word for word. Original thought. ANYway, I don't think Wanny will get another HC job too soon... I think most people realize that he was just coasting on the team that Jimmy Johnson built, and Wanny had more to do with the implosion of the team than Ricky did. Wanny set that team up for a fall, Ricky was simply the catalyst.
  24. Hahahaha! I was pumped up for that game, for some reason. Back then, I was still thinking Rob Johnson could turn it around (foolish, I see now) and we could really get things going. Mularkey has already won as many games in his rookie season as coach as GW did in an entire season. How's that for a stat for you, rtconner?
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