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Rocky Landing

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Everything posted by Rocky Landing

  1. I live and work on Los Angeles in the motion picture industry (currently shut down for the writer's strike), and there's a lot of concern for how AI is going to affect the industry, and how many jobs it's going to swallow up. Someone had an AI program come up with a beer commercial, (link below). For context, this commercial is 100% AI produced-- no director, no writers, no editors, no actors, no locations, no camera, and no other guidance other than "make a beer commercial." It's horrifying. Even without any context at all it's horrifying. But the really scary thing is that this is the technology moving forward. As bad, and bizarre as this thing is, the tech only gets better from here, and it's not going away. I may need to retire. https://www.facebook.com/ssavaart/videos/a-beer-ad-made-100-with-ai/125824877154560/
  2. We'll be the first team in history to run 40, or 41 personnel.
  3. I think this is all basically correct, but I disagree with the idea that the WR room is "settled." I think those six candidates are the likely outcome, but... I have to wonder if Davis' designation as a "lock" hasn't slipped? Certainly, all the recent acquisitions will be given a chance to compete, and if Davis has a weak TC, could he find himself battling for his position with the likes of Sherfield, or Shorter. Even Tyrell Shavers, to some degree, could put some pressure on Davis roster spot. If Shavers makes the 53 on his ST acumen, that starts to make for a crowded WR room. Also, the Bills have often gone with five WRs. With two TEs, and two RBs who are legit receiving threats, I could see the pressure really ramping up on Davis.
  4. The idea of Diggs being "double teamed all the time" is hyperbolic. But that stat-line above is anecdotal, and ignores a lot of context. If it's a run play, or RPO with a handoff, and Diggs is on the field, he won't be double-covered. If it's a 4 WR set, he probably won't be double-covered. If the opposing defense is blitzing, he probably won't be double-covered. If the opposing D has an elite corner, he probably won't be double-covered. But the fact that Diggs (according to that stat line) is the third most double-covered WR in the league perfectly exemplifies why we need a far better #2 than we currently appear to have.
  5. I was going to follow this thread, and I never got around to until now. Could someone please give me a synopsis of the last (--checks the page index--) 225 pages?
  6. I've convinced myself that Beane is going to go for BPVA, the pick will most likely not have been on anyone's radar, and the complaint rate on here will be anywhere from 20% to 80%. Also, there will be some very dishonest posters who will claim to have been following "the kid," and know everything about him, even though they secretly only know what they've read, and seen on the highlight reel.
  7. I'm of the unpopular opinion that Harris is a slight downgrade from Motor-- certainly a downgrade in terms of durability. But even if he's a slight upgrade, the ups and downs of the run game have hinged on the efficiency of the O-line more than the running backs, IMO.
  8. Micah Hyde was asked about this on GMFB several weeks ago, and I like what he said: “He wants the rock and he’s a competitor. I feel like if he was not complaining and we lost that game and we all set out into the sunset and into the offseason, that would probably be a problem,” Hyde said. “As a locker room and as an organization, we understand Diggs. We know the type of person he is. Nobody’s panicking. Nobody’s worried about that. I know Diggs personally and I know he’s a competitor and we talk junk in practice every day. That’s just how he is.” This is just one of those off-season story lines the media gins up to keep football relevant. Frankly, I love what Diggs had to say about how the season ended.
  9. Oh of course. I wasn’t suggesting that as a draft strategy— just my own feelings. As far as draft strategy in regards to a running back is concerned, I do think that drafting a RB in the first becomes more forgivable when the quality of the skill positions offered in the draft is lower, assuming the RB in question is an impact player.
  10. I might get flamed for this, but in a draft with so few impact players (especially irt WRs), I wouldn't be mad at drafting Robinson who (someone smart correct me if I'm wrong) does look like he'd be an impact player. In fact, I wouldn't be mad if we traded up to get him, because frankly, I would be mad in the Patriots* got him. Seems like he'd be a pretty good fit in NE*.
  11. Matt Milano used to be routinely referred to as "undersized." Admittedly, I don't follow college football, and I'm just an observer when it comes to the draft. But I'm always a little suspicious of the guys who are deemed "NFL ready," or "day one starters." They often seem to be the high-floor, low-ceiling guys. I think Mac & Cheese Jones was looked at in that light. I remember when we drafted Zay Jones, and the buzz on him was that he was the "most NFL-ready wide receiver..." And he was. But he's been a below average #1 when in that position. I love that Beane will take chances on guys who might be raw, but have huge potential. I'm still looking forward to Groot's next step, and I loved the Spencer Brown pick. But is there a "day one starter" available to us in this draft who will be an impact player?
  12. Good for him on bulking up, I suppose-- but still not a whole lot of velocity on that wobbly ball...
  13. I do hope we re-sign AJ Klein. He won't be expensive and he's been a solid backup for us. In fact, he's had some really good games since coming to Buffalo.
  14. Brown is one of those players that I really wanted to succeed. I loved his story coming out of N. Iowa, his loyalty to his team, and the kind of teammate he was/is. Loved his aggressiveness, and sheer power. Off the field, he is one of those guys that really fits the Bills' culture that McD/Beane have been creating, and I'm definitely one of those homer fans who likes to root for the man, as well as the player. But the O-line as a unit was at times a hot mess last season. IMO, Ryan Bates also did not live up to expectations, and I wonder if (as many seem to believe) he's a better fit on the left? It also makes me wonder if Brown would have performed better with a more solid guard standing next to him? I also wonder how much of his struggles came from changing over to Kromer's system/scheme? This TC will be huge for him.
  15. Man, this is good news. Our secondary was a mess by the end of the season. But, if we have Tre returning to form, Elam improved from his rookie season, and a healthy Hyde, Poyer, and Taron, then we're doing pretty well. There's a lot of IFs right there... but reason for optimism.
  16. What would be the difference between that and Matt Barkley?
  17. Is Spotrac factoring in all of the restructures? I don’t think all of the paperwork has been signed.
  18. But I believe that the Allen/Miller restructuring put us $16mil under. Cumulatively, they saved $32mil in cap. I believe that is what I read. But I’m posting this from my phone, in a sushi restaurant in downtown LA, and I’m on my second large hot saki. So I could be remembering this wrong…
  19. I think Beane has been historically reticent to pull the trigger this early in FA, when teams are much more likely to overpay. but correct me if I’m wrong: Didn’t the Allen and Miller restructures alone create $16mil in cap space, and then the Milano, Settle, and Hines deals create even more?
  20. This early in FA is when teams will overpay for FA acquisitions (Meyers notwithstanding...). I'm not surprised Beane hasn't made any significant moves towards a skill position.
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