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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. So pretty much keep everything the same. That should work.
  2. This game proved once and for all that all that stat crap like DVOA and all the other random numbers people use to tell us how great this team is doesn’t mean sht. This team hasn’t passed the eye test since since the first quarter of the season. They’ve been playing sloppy football and beating up on crappy teams. On offense - I’d seriously consider letting Dorsey go. There has been ZERO flow or rhythm to this offense most of the season. Dorsey’s gameplan is backyard football. Hike the ball and let Josh make a play. There’s been way too much pressure on Josh to play perfect every game in order for us to win. On Defense - Frazier needs to be fired. This defense is a joke, I don’t care what the stats say. Any time we line up against an elite team we get steamrolled. They don’t even put up a fight. Personnel wise - Beane needs to take some heat. How many first and second rounders on the D-line were invisible against a practice squad o-line. Rousseau is the only one I’d keep. Oliver is over rated and needs to go after his 5th year. Basham - bust. Epenesa - bust. We need to completely retool both lines because when we lose it’s because our trenches get destroyed. Take the next 2 years and get a bunch of mean, nasty physical offense and defensive lineman to change the character of this team. They are too soft. Too finesse. Too much is put on Josh’s shoulders he’s the only tough bastard out there.
  3. Toradol is the equivalentof 7-10 mg morphine except it’s not an opiate it’s a non-steroidal like ibuprofen GABBA is used for nerve pain like you can get after an amputation. It’s also used in pre-surgical protocols to start treating pain before it starts. It’s not effective as a pain killer in the traditional sense. Depending on the dose GABBA can have some serious side effects, especially as you get older. Sedation and altered mental status being common. It’s a centrally (brain) acting agent so you can see why that would be the case
  4. He could go full TB12 method x 5 and it wouldn’t make a difference in a week. It’s the weak ligaments and swelling/pain/stiffness that will impact him next Sunday. Sure longer term a bit of growth hormone and test would help recovery
  5. Daboll going for it on that 4th was horrendous
  6. In terms of Mahomes injury, he’s not getting GABBA, he’s not getting a TAP block for an ankle, and maybe they toss him some Tylenol. Not sure why the use of toradol in this situation is controversial to you considering it’s short term analgesic potential but whatever Mahomes will play next week and be somewhat hobbled.
  7. Then you know its effectiveness for short term pain control. Wouldn’t be surprised if they did a selective nerve block as well
  8. Trevor Lawrence is horribly overrated If he doesn’t step into a throw, he dirts every pass and has below average arm strength 85% of the gameplan is screen passes then they take a shot or 2 That team is horrible. IDK how they made it this far. They let Chad friggin Henne drive 98 yards on them for a TD.
  9. They blocked his ankle and gave him a shtload of Toradol. That ankle is going to swell like a MF this week. He will play on it next week but will definitely be limited.
  10. Just win baby. Enjoy the ride. Many posters here need to gain some perspective. We are a perennial playoff team with a Top 3 QB and are going to be competitive for years after decades of futility. Who cares what the talking heads and armchair film analysts say? It means zero. Once you are in the playoffs anything goes and you need luck along with great execution. Josh adjusts game to game. Take a deep breath, relax. Josh will take a couple check downs this game, he will still take deep shots. I don’t think it’s going to be a shootout unless we fall behind big and quick. I’m seeing a more ball control game from us with running the ball, moving the sticks and taking shots when warranted. If we need to, then Josh will put the game on his back/legs and bombs away!
  11. If we haven’t heard a peep about it by now, chances are we never will. I’m glad they’ve been able to maintain her privacy.
  12. A lot of teams are learning to limit Josh’s run’s. They can rush disciplined and contain because they are going to still get pressure with our below average O-line. There is almost always a spy on Josh. So here’s a question for those smarter than me - If you know the other team is going to have a guy saying on Josh all the time, there has to be a way to put that defender in conflict and take advantage of the fact that half is attention is away from his primary responsibility. If they put a guy in the middle of the field 7-10 yards from the line of scrimmage whose main purpose is to watch the QB then that has to open something else up, no?
  13. It’s just another tool the refs use to subtlety manipulate games. I don’t think there’s a pre-determined agenda but if there is an opportunity to keep games close the refs will take it. Doesn’t matter the team, and if one team is absolutely boat racing another there’s nothing they can do. But just watch games that you have no rooting interest in and you can see it happen. One team starts to pull away, all of a sudden they are getting holding penalties or their defense is getting PI’s. It’s the judgement calls they use to keep so the viewers keep watching and the ratings stay high.
  14. My entire outlook changed when Bass whiffed that kickoff out of bounds. That’s an entirely unforced error that gave the Dolphins the ball at the 40 and they got some points off it. The Shakir drop was horrible, but a kick out of bounds when all you need to do is fire it through the EZ was brutal.
  15. I would love to keep Edmunds at $14m but unless he’s taking a huge hometown discount no way does he sign for that
  16. Yes as a matter of fact I do know exactly what I’m talking about. My position is Couch GM, I’ve been voted Couch GM of the year (along with Couch OC, and Assistant Couch DC) for about 35 years running now. I’m a perennial All-Pro second guesser and Armchair QB. I’m shocked you haven’t heard of me. Relax Sparky, it’s a a message board. Feel free to disagree and then when my predictions don’t come true quote it back to me and rub my face in it. That’s the beauty of TBD!
  17. This team wins gritty We put up 34 points playing sloppy home-run ball IF they put it together and play a clean game on offense, we are going to the Super Bowl and will win it That’s a big if though, but the potential is there and we get to play another week to see if they can find it On to Cincinnati
  18. Baltimore knows Lamar isn’t the long term answer. He’s only as effective as he can run, and for the second year in a row he’s got a bumb wheel. Oh they will talk like they want to keep him, and if Lamar comes to his senses he could get a good not great deal, but something tells me without an agent he’s over estimating his value. No one is giving him or anyone else fully guaranteed contracts. The owners absolutely will put the kibosh on that after the Watson debacle. Lamar has reached his ceiling, he’s not a great passer, and now he’s gimping. He is not in the same conversation as Mahomes, Allen, Burrow or Hebert. He’s a tier down and his offer will reflect that. If he doesn’t accept he will be franchised twice and maybe tagged and traded after the second one. Baltimore has all the leverage.
  19. Wow, you really take it personally that Lamar isn’t getting paid, by his own choice. In any negotiation the party that is willing to walk away has the most leverage. It’s been obvious for years that Baltimore was willing to walk away, or they would have locked him up. They offered him a contract they felt was fair, Lamar refused, and like many many people predicted - he got injured. His value is rapidly decreasing the more this goes on. The most he’s going to make is a franchise tag, because Baltimore took that 250 million off the table after Lamar got hurt. AGAIN. Baltimore is one of the best run franchises in the NFL. They can objectively look at a QB like Lamar, get out of him what they can for as long as they can, then move on. The NFL is a tough business. Lamar bet on himself and lost. No one is giving him a fully guaranteed contract.
  20. I can understand many posters concern about overpaying for a defensive player that isn’t a game changer in big games. That being said, I’ve got my popcorn ready for when Tremaine gets 18+ million a year on a 5 year contract here. It’s going to happen. Those who think he’s going to sign for 13-15 million a year are in fantasyland. Maybe last year we could have done that but no one was sure he was going to take a step or two forward, which he has. I’ve been up, then down, then up again on Tremaine. I don’t think he’s reached his ceiling yet even though he’s 5 years in. Plus, he’s only 18 years old so we’ve got some room to grow
  21. I LOVE Mac Jones and hope he stays in NE for a decade. It keeps my hatred of all things Pats* burning so bright because he is such a douche bag and unlikeable guy. I can laugh at Zach Wilson, I can feel sorry for Tua and his tapioca head, but I love hating the Pats*. I hope they keep him, I want to see that franchise just disintegrate into complete dysfunction until the Hoodie gets the axe. Just think about all the hype this year about the other teams in the AFC East and where we are now. NE is in QB purgatory with a roughly 8-8 team because the Hoodie is still a good coach and will win enough games not to get close to a good draftable QB. The Jet’s are in pure “start throwing people under the bus” mode with ANOTHER first round QB bust, coordinators and assistant coaches being canned left and right. Miami is the worst of the East even though they backed into the playoffs. QB is one hit from a vegetable, no draft picks, disaster trade for Chubb (hahahaha), McDaniel’s shine wearing off, CAP HELL, QB hell, overpriced defensive players underperforming. LOVE IT
  22. Been saying this for years - McBeane LOVE them some Edmunds. He’s getting paid, and paid 18+. All you capologists have no idea what you are talking about. It’s fantasyland. If they want a guy, they can fit a guy with restructuring and the increased cap from TV and even more so from legalized gambling. The cap is now an excuse to give to fans who are pissed their team let a player they wanted walk. Ed gets the 5th year so you kick his can down the road like we did Edmunds and see if he produces. Poyer will stay on a 2 year deal, then we draft O-line, WR and Safeties.
  23. He had a fusion, unless he had some new type of partial disk removal that I’m not aware of after 20 years in the OR. When you take a disk out of the neck, you have to fuse the vertebrae together otherwise you get an unstable neck which is no bueno and you could end up a quad. It’s different in the lumbar area where you can remove a disk and still have stability because of the surrounding musculature
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