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Everything posted by Awwufelloff

  1. Nope. The weather was a non factor until the 4th quarter. Everyone here underestimated the Phins and Jets.
  2. Allens safety net is back. If we had Crowder we wouldn't need Beas, but we don't and we need him.
  3. uh oh There is the potential for significant lake effect snow this weekend. There is still considerable uncertainty in the exact placement of the lake effect bands and amounts, but it is possible there will be periods of heavy snow across southern Erie and Wyoming counties, as well as the western Southern Tier
  4. Nothing really changed from last year. Its Chiefs, Bills, and Bengals at the top again.
  5. The Chiefs had trouble with the Broncos. I'm more worried about Bengals than any team TBH.
  6. We're facing really good defenses though. Sauce might be the best CB in the league already.
  7. Did people here really expect every game to be easy blowouts and for Allen to throw for 3-4 TDS a game? That isn't realistic.
  8. 80/20? It would and should be 100...10-3 is an incredible record in the AFC this year. There are so many good teams.
  9. McVay is a great coach, would be surprised if Baker doesn't make something of himself there.
  10. Remember when all 4 teams in that division would make the playoffs. That's why we play the games.
  11. Same, mine lingered for over a month with liquid in my lungs. Had to be Pneumonia or Bronchitis. Had 103 fever for 3 days.
  12. Is brady going to pull this off?
  13. I'm in shock of todays events. However, we need to take care of business the rest of the way. Won't come easy.
  14. You think Knox is worth that contract? If you do, you're wrong. Not really debatable. Going to need that cap space next year when we lose a few core players. If we win it all it won't matter, let's hope that is the outcome.
  15. I think his injury was more severe than they played it out as and yesterday was the first game where he looked close to normal again. These 11 days off are HUGE.
  16. Tua can't throw in the snow/cold. We just saw Pats and how bad they are. The Jets are starting a backup QB, no excuses not to beat them at home.
  17. I'll be there for both! Let's go for Division champs for 3rd year in a row!
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