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Everything posted by SelmonSmith6378

  1. Great, the entire country can watch us get steamrolled by an overrated Jets team!!!!! :D :D :D :D
  2. I was thinking an arrest warrant for Ralph Wilson or Buddy Nix, but that's just me.
  3. I'd rather be in mediocrity than be the ultimate losers.
  4. Right. Just like Medieval nobleman thought that science was for losers. "Oh, look at those ignorant fools with their TECHNOLOGY and their MATHEMATICS, why would anyone want that? Who needs science when you have a CHURCH! Ha ha ha, what buffoons!" I mean, stats aren't everything, but they're 80%.
  5. Agreed. She can't sing for her life and she's not even that hot. When it comes to 40+ Uma Thurman is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY hotter!
  6. Been watching this guy. He's an animal. Let's hope the Bills get him.
  7. Eh, she's okay. Now if Kelly Hu became single, THAT would get me excited!
  8. I saw the movie. Does that count? He looks like Aragorn with that beard. All hail Aragorn son of Arathorn lord of Mediocrity!
  9. Congrats man! Just be lucky you didn't pass out, like would have!
  10. If he wants a comic book nickname how about...Doomsday? Or better yet, Doomsdarius?
  11. I wouldn't say "the worst". I mean it's bad but not "the worst". People are overreacting.
  12. I'm just glad Sapp didn't open his giant mouth to say something REAAAAAAALY stupid. Where are the Orton supporters man? Enough with the Tebownites, where are the Orton fans!!!?
  13. Wow man, hold your horses. Statements like "Hall of Famer" tend to be kind of rash! People said the same thing about Aundray Bruce. Not saying he's not good, he is, but let's keep phrases like "Hall of Famer" to a minimum.
  14. Must...resist...Godfather joke. Must...Resist...Godfather joke.
  15. Ah, I love Lee Corso. Not afraid to have some fun on the air. Wish there were more people like that on ESPN.
  16. Bellicheat is a nasty hypocrite, and I'm saying that as a citizen of Massacusetts. Isn;t it funny how he talks great about how the other team is, then hides cameras to cheat his way into a W? Shhh! Quiet! You'll inspire another foot fetish joke.
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