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Everything posted by nkreed

  1. I suggest people watch the play again. As much as it was a run/pass option, there's a chance it was the better to call the pass than run. Watch the unblocked defender the Shady tried to block. He's there mighty fast and may have dropped Shady for a loss on a run. Again not saying it was a correct call design, but it may have been the correct situational decision made by TT based on the defense.
  2. Come on, three roughing the passer penalties were missed. That's a ton of garbage there.
  3. Sometimes I wish everyone was a part of the Truman Show just to see how we all reacted. I know I was jumping up and down screaming YEAH!
  4. Technically that's correct, it was ruled a TD on the field. That said, I find it was the correct call.
  5. Give it up musichunch, we know you work for the Bills. /s
  6. There is no CLEAR evidence that his hand wasn't under the ball!
  7. That is a catch because his hand is under the ball!
  8. I like it. Buy Navy island from the Canadians, build the stadium there, have a bridge from Canada and a bridge from US. Park in your respective countries take a tram to the island. Picturesque shots of Niagara Falls then up to the stadium. It's a great idea, but impossible to pull off.
  9. If the boulevard mall were sold, you might be able to fit a stadium in that site. It would just be a gigantic cluster on game days. But thinking along those lines, this is a place that the metro rail expansion is supposed to pass directly next to, leaving UB North and UB South as tailgating spots, and you hop on the train to the stadium.
  10. QJ-10???? For when you lock your keys in the car because your hammered before parking your car. http://www.quickjim.com/QuickJim_Instructions.htm
  11. Their two point play was very similar to the touchdown play where the wr blocked down while the TE went around him wide open. Hyde fought of the block on the TD but it was way too late. I'm glad they called the obvious OPI on the 2 point attempt.
  12. This. I was extremely upset before the last second attempt in the 4th quarter, when the Colts had no time outs. They had 40 seconds to get the play off and they were down to about 10 and then Brad Allen reset the play clock! I was sorta mad at that, and I still don't know why that happened. Also, McD was also asking why they reset the play clock after the miss. He was extremely upset.
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