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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. Jauron seems like a good chap. Maybe the reason he has not announced the extension is he is unhappy with his inability to lead this team thru adversity to victory. If he forces Ralph to fire him, or worse enforces the deal by continuing to mis-coach this team, this will be his last job in professional football. There is no way this fan base will continue to support this team next year. If Jauron is still coach, season tickets will fade away, and they will draw maybe 50,000 per game. It will cost Ralph a lot more than it would cost him to eat Jauron's contract.
  2. Not to mention that the target was the fullback, who has caught 2 passes ALL YEAR for a total of -1 yards. What were they expecting to happen here? What if he caught the ball.....he would likely lose yards. But he failed to get free. I contend that there was no logical reason whatsoever to call the play. None. That call cost them a hard-earned victory, and a shot at the playoffs. It was the worst call I've ever seen. I cannot believe the Bills found a way to lose that game.
  3. Yeah, I remember that bunch of ruffians. That team from 1980 makes this group look like a bunch of pussies. This team that played yesterday was a Stepford Team, a bunch of gutless rich boys who don't have the passion to be Buffalo Bills. They need to go away. Or get somebody in here to coach who has something to prove like....uh....Marty? He played for the Bills in the 60's. He knows what this town is all about.
  4. I wasn't sure if anybody would get the point that losing Schobel was important. Also, losing Whitner, Youboty, Greer, #24, and even Crowell have weakened the team considerably. QB's have had a freakin' field day back there. The offense has stunk, but I think that is largely due to Edwards taking that shot to the lid at the top of the AR game. His play reminded me of a guy from a Zevon song: Brother Billy has both guns drawn, he ain't been right since Vietnam.
  5. Anybody remember Bruce Smith having the flu and missing the playoff game v. Pittsburgh about 15 years ago? I remember going into that game knowing we had no chance without Bruce Smith. That's how much of an impact we felt by losing a key starter. I'm not saying Schobel is a Bruce Smith, but he does make a huge difference in the effectiveness of our defense. He's been gone for weeks. Anybody remember the record of the team when Schobel went down? Not put on top of that the losses of Whitner, Simpson, Jabari Greer, McGee......certainly the cumulative losses have a similar effect to losing Bruce Smith. Do you think having Angelo Crowell in the mix would've made a difference Maybe that's part of the reason our season has taken a turn for the worse. Granted, they have been nearly unwatchable the past few weeks. And the playcalling has been confounding. But if we ever get everybody back, we might have something here.
  6. Trent has not been right since the San Diego game. He was afraid to throw downfield last night. He has lost his feel for the game. I think he'll get it back, but I believe it will take an offseason for his head to clear. The refs did contribute to the loss. That holding penalty on the 95 yard drive completely changed the game. Although the interception on 3rd and 1 with an empty backfield...ridiculous play call. Turk needs therapy for calling that play. It was designed NOT to fool anybody. Maybe they should've run a reverse out of that formation. How about the kickoff after Leodis's return.....didn't even make it to the 40. One play later and a bad call on our Mitchell, they were inside our 30. Unbelievable that you can't shove a guy who is in bounds. I had zero confidence that Lindell would make that kick. Can't believe they didn't at least try a pass to get closer. Jauron is a gutless girly man for not trying to get closer.
  7. There was another image, I think right after we had a 1 yard run on 1st and 10. It showed 2 fans, and they both looked thoroughly disgusted and drunk. I froze that image and showed my wife, and she said, "hey that looks like you right now." Except I was in the living room, not outside in the Buffalo air.
  8. The turnovers were early enough in the game to overcome. His playcalling at the end was borderline Pee Wee. Edwards had time all night to throw the ball, albeit he had no downfield vision. it was like uncle charlie from my three sons was at the helm. i cannot believe he didn't try to move for a first down. what a jerk. i'm tired of wasting time watching this poorly coached unmotivated group of slobs.
  9. If you looked at the full field replays, you could see our receivers were open all night long. Edwards is shellshocked, and cannot make the quick decisions he made prior to being skullslammed to the turf in Arizona. he ain't been right since, he's like a nam vet. I hate to replace him with Losman, who has the natural gift of hesitation and panic. Edwards' techniques can be blamed on the Arizona hit. Losman's are instinctive. Our guys were open all night. It's true. Edwards is in a coma.
  10. Gutless coaching, but pales in comparison to GW calling for a punt on 4th and 2 from the 31 vs. New England in 2002 when we were tied for first. At home. Result a 12 yard punt. We went on to lose, and have not been close to the playoffs since that gutless call. I personally think Ralph should go to the sidelines after the game and dick slap dick jauron, and get rid of him. spend the 4 million a year and hire the chin to take over. at least his team plays hard all night long.
  11. This game is a great example of why we should all just move on with our lives. The Browns are 3-6, nothing happening here, and they come into our home and beat us. Our coach has a chance to call a play or two and get in place for a reasonable shot to win, and they just pull up like little ladies at a tea party. Nice call, Dick. Go home and stay away. You tiny little coward.
  12. It's obvious to me that Trent lost part of his brain function when he took that hit v. Arizona. They need to sit him down till he recovers. He is not okay. I have never in my life seen a guy with more time in the pocket who was utterly frightened to throw the ball.
  13. I can't believe Ralph isn't on the way to the sidelines to kick Jauron in the sack. There are no balls in that sack. It's just a sack. Speaking of sacks, this team has one sack in 3 games.
  14. I am sick to my stomach. They didn't even try to get closer. What a bunch of ball less morons.
  15. Nobody on this team seems to have any passion, and maybe that trickles down from the head coach. He's a stoic on the sidelines. Somebody needs to jack somebody. Remember Whitner knocking that Raider on his way to the endzone? That worked. Ko Simpson looked like he was ready to clock somebody. I don't get the offensive line, they can't pancake, they can't open a hole. Peters looks like one of those inflatable punching bags out there, rocking to and fro while guys juke him and take the inside. Dockery is worth the minimum, certainly not 49 million. I think the Patriots beat the Bills because they were at home, they have a great defense, and they had the help of the refs. They only got 20 points, it's not like last year where they had, what 50? Edwards needs to take what the defense will give. 5 yard passes, yards after catch. Set them up, then work the seams. His deep throws sucked the other day. he looked like Todd Collins. He ain't been right since the Arizona game. He's got happy feet. The punt from the 39 reminded me of GW's gutless call v. he Pats in 2002, punting from the 31 at home on 4th and 2. 12 yard punt clinched the game emotionally and physically for the Pats. Finally, we need a pass rush. Remember the Seattle game? They had linebackers shooting the gaps....the QB had no idea who was coming in. Mitchell, Poz, they took turns harassing the guy. He didn't have time to wind his watch. They were agressive. Where did that go?
  16. I've read some other posts, and I am not alone in not seeing Peters move a muscle. Therefore, I don't see it as fairly obvious. I thought it was a bad call live, and on replay I didn't see him move. From an article on ESPN, they claim Jauron threw the challenge flag, and 3 coaches were screaming at a ref, and the ref ignored them. That's ridiculous.
  17. The game started out with that totally horrid call on Ko Simpson, and went downhill from there. Is it really up to Jauron to challenge that play where the guy was out of bounds on the sideline catch? (Yes, he had plenty of time to challenge). But how about getting it right when it happened? There was an illegal motion call on us when it was 3rd and 3, and their guy jumped offside. Maybe I am blind, or my t.v. froze, but on the replay I did not see one guy even flinch on our line. That ruined a drive. The defensive holding call. I've only seen that called on a rare occasion, the biggest one was in the Music City Miracle game, when they called it against us on a missed field goal by the Titans, respotted it, and the Titans rekicked and made the field goal. Today it should've been 4th down, field goal, 3 minutes left and the Bills have a chance. The onside kick. I think that should've been reviewed. No way does one of those dinosaurs see what happened. Booth review.\ The Pats own the league. There was a game this year v. rams where they were not called for ANY penalties. how is that even possible?
  18. Are coaches allowed to just run onto the field like Mangini yesterday? I think he should've been hit with an unsportsmanlike penalty the first time. They're allowed to yell at the refs and they'll usually come over to address the situation. What is he, Johnny Hammersticks....thinks he's freakin' Tommy Noble? Bobby Knight?
  19. Dumb enough to fake a punt? He made the first down. I liked the call. Moorman made the first down. The holding penalty is what caused the review and all that followed.
  20. In the Bills bar in St. Louis, we were all a bit tickled by the irony.....the Bills finally win a challenge, and the fruits of that victory were THE RIGHT TO PUNT FROM 10 YARDS FURTHER BACK. Hip hip friggin hooray.
  21. I had never seen that called before. I don't remember Tasker doing that. But it it's true, then well, I still think it's a dumb rule.
  22. Actually, two plays earlier when Freddie caught that pass, I think he got the first down, it was a horrendous spot and what happened afterward should've been first and goal.
  23. Funny that play you mention came up today in conversation regarding this asinine event. Nate Clements knocked a Patriot out cold, and he was lying half out of bounds with the ball touching his leg. and the pats maintained possession of the ball. Absurd. One might think common sense would prevail. Today it looked like the Jet player intentionally had his foot out of bounds when he grabbed the ball...like he knew the rule and took care of business.
  24. Instead of wasting time going for the end zone, and being intercepted....we should've kicked the field goal and then done the onside kick. Leaving over a minute to drive for the td.
  25. The ball was on the field, and the guy was out of bounds and grabbed the ball, which never went out of bounds. So why should that penalty be on the kicking team? Doesn't the ball actually have to GO out of bounds to be a penalty? That put them at the 40 to start the drive, instead of at the 12 where he committed the infraction, apparently on our behalf. Can anybody explain that one?
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