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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. Thank you, Taterhill. I just wanted somebody to acknowledge this. It was ridiculous. Like the goal that they gave Philly against the Sabres a few years back. If I were commissioner, I'd have been on the phone, screaming..."Hey, did you see that? It didn't go in the goal! It's not a goal. You can't keep that on the board, it didn't go in. Excuse me? What rule? You dropped the puck? Great, good job with that. Take the goal off the board, or you're fired. Everybody in the world saw it wasn't a goal, so you cannot count it as a goal. You insist? fine. get a new job. It's like a doctor pronounces a guy dead. The guy sits up and says, I'm not dead. You made a mistake. Doctor says, go ahead and cremate him, he was dead a minute ago.
  2. Dude. I quote the head of officiating for the league: "if in his mind the play is over, then the play is over." This goal was in the net a full three seconds before the thought translated from his mind to blow a whistle. you can say what you want, but the goal would've given the Blues a 3-2 lead with a little over a period to go and THAT AIN'T NOTHING. That's what you call HOPE. I don't know why I would expect trash talking from a Sabres fan, after the NO GOAL and IN THE CREASE and WIDE RIGHT slogans that inhabit the minds of WNY sports fans, and I am one of them. I just thought I would point out that the NHL CREATED A NEW RULE, MUCH LIKE THE TUCK RULE, TO COVER THEIR ASSES ON A BAD CALL. I DON'T PRETEND THAT THE BLUES WOULD'VE EVEN WON THAT GAME. I'M POINTING OUT HYPOCRISY, SO STOP TRASHING ME FOR SHARING INFORMATION. THE BLUES SUCK THEY SUCK ASS. THEY BLOW DEAD RATS THEY STINK. THEY ARE THE WORST TEAM IN SPORTS. you feel better now? they made the playoffs, by the way.
  3. Hey, the series is over. They did not get their collective asses handed to them. They lost 3 games by 1 goal each, and they played hard. We're proud. But to call off a goal because the ref was thinking about blowing a whistle? Absurd. It's rough, this post-season business.
  4. The Blues, down 3 games to 0 to the Canucks, had battled back from 2-0 to tie the game. They scored an apparent 3rd goal, which was in the net at least 2 seconds before the ref waved it off. They reviewed it. It was determined that he had intended to blow the whistle, therefore the play was dead and no goal. He was standing behind the goal watching the Blues score the goal, after which he waved it off. I don't understand why they took 10 minutes to review it if he had already blown it dead "in his mind." Why review it at all? I looked at the rules and noticed that the definition of a goal does not include putting it in the net from the side, like in the Sabres Philly game. Refs could've made the right call and elevated an entire city, and perhaps extended the series to game 5 in Vancouver. But he chose, in his mind, to take a pass.
  5. Why would you trade somebody who elicits fear in every special teams coach in the league (except April)? He's an awesome player, and it ain't his fault they can't find him. Having TO and Evans and the new tight end, this will enable Parrish to get open and tear things up. He's a weapon. You can't replace him with a 5th round pick. Maybe it's a salary thing...who knows? I'd keep him. He's fantastic. And I apologize if somebody has already made this. I don't have time to read every post that shows up in here.
  6. That is perhaps the best post of the last few days about this deal. If he was so great, why is Philly the only one willing to step up?
  7. The guy gave up 11.5 sacks last year. And he missed 2 games. I can understand people thinking he's a gifted player because he has the potential to dominate, but he did not dominate last year. He's a money whore, and that's about it. How can this be the best trade in the past 10 years? Maybe it will turn out to be exactly that for the Bills if they are able to parlay these picks into good players, and Peters continues to play like a jerk.
  8. excellent point. i was in the middle of a thought and my computer just shut off. boom. gone. so i thought that might be a signal to move on with my life. i had no idea it actually posted those three words. funny.
  9. sit on oprah's couch? please. i don't have time to keep up with everybody's posting here. i have visited this site virtually every day for 10 years, i think it's great. i just called the guy for something tha bugged me. i really don't care that much to lose much sleep. i had no idea i was beating a dead horse. i found out about the trade and posted. sorry about that.
  10. They have a freaking JAIL at the stadium for the hooligans. I went to a MNF game there a few years ago, and some girl flashed her yabbs, and a guy stood up and cheered, and they arrested him!! I love philly by the way, because the fans are merciless. and i hope they clean this bastard's clock.
  11. oh ease off. can i not express my opinion? i've been a bills fan longer that you've been on this earth and i'm entitled to my opinion without your sarcasm. i have a point. nothing new. but a point. i just don't understand the need to be mean to each other.
  12. Screw the guy. Buffalo obviously not good enough for Jason Peters. He can move to the Main Line in Philly and pay 4 million for an 800,000 house. And he can play for the worst fans east of Oakland, and they will jump his bones when McNabb is popped 50 times next season. I don't know where these people come up with the concept of our being ripped off. We got a first and a fourth and a pick next year for a guy who did not want to play here. Good riddance to that piece of shise. I cannot stand what he did to our team last year. He held out for the entire preseason, and then he stepped in and had all the blocking technique of a Walmart Greeter. (stole that from one of us.) You guys wanna put 10% of the cap on a turnstile?
  13. No offense, but the guy gave up 11.5 sacks last year in 15 games. He graded himself as excellent. We signed him AFTER THE DRAFT, and our coaches helped him maximize his potential, and he totally screwed the team. he is not a team player. he is no longer a Bill, and I am very happy about that. i don't care if he makes all pro the next decade. he wouldn't give it up for his team. in my opinion he is a fat lazy underachiever, not worth crap to this team. he crapped all over the team, and abandoned them. he will play when he feels like it.
  14. My original point was that nobody knows for sure what is happening till it is done. We assume that deals will get done for players who are promised renegotiation provided they live up to the present deals. I believe Fred Jackson will get a new contract, but it might take a while. Peters may be just posturing. His teammates seem to like him. How bad is it to be a Bill?
  15. Peters, to me, has the potential to be a dominant LT. He needs to be at practice every day, and work hard. He was not good last year. I don't care what he says. He will claim, other than one or two plays I dominated. Except the two plays were sacks that caused fumbles and cost games. Screw him. That said, I hope they sign him to a market value deal. 4 years, 42 million. That sound about right? in 2 years that might seem very reasonable. But we don't know what's going on till it happens. Anybody see the TO deal happening in advance?
  16. Sometimes they give a quarterback a winning percentage....similar to a baseball pitcher. I didn't mean that this was a 2 man game. Edwards was the winning quarterback. It was a huge road victory in a very unfriendly stadium in a game that the Broncos really needed. I guess I made the original post because I would rather have Edwards than Cutler. I think he's smarter, has talent, and seems to me to be a better teammate. I think Edwards failure to throw the deep ball started with the sack against Arizona. I remember him putting one right on the hands of Lee Evans for a 40 yard td vs the Rams the week before. He could use better protection.
  17. Hey you rube. Just because I have an opinion that supports this player doesn't make me a ballwasher or a man-lover. It seems that I must be wrong about Edwards, and now I know to shut my mouth and forget about expressing my opinion in this place.
  18. It was clear to me that Edwards had some issues with his concussion. He shouldn't have been on the field. He was shell-shocked. Listen, if all you guys want to trash Edwards, go on ahead and do that. I don't care. I am a Bills fan, and I'm glad we have him. Would you have given up 2 number ones and Edwards for Cutler?
  19. That was my point. Denver had to win the game to clinch a playoff spot, and the Bills went in and beat the Broncos. Under the leadership of Trent Edwards.
  20. Edwards was still suffering from that concussion. What's with you people? Somebody sticks up for our guy and you find fault with that? By the way, Jason Peters made the pro bowl too.
  21. Denver HAD to win the game at home against the Bills, and Edwards beat Cutler. Edwards seems to be a level headed guy who can emerge as a leader, especially if he gets protection, has some good play calling, and now has more weapons than ever. Cutler is an egomaniac, not to mention a crybaby. He'll flounder in Chicago.
  22. He's a dome guy. Maybe the Colts will grab him. I think the best fit for him would be the Giants, really. He wants to play on a good team, and he still can bring it.
  23. because the original post had slipped way down the line, and I was concerned people might miss it. Notice I led them right back to the original post. I just wanted to increase the odds that somebody would see it. His original topic was something like "for those of you who hate the TO deal" which sells itself a bit short. it's a brilliant link, don't you agree?
  24. even my wife laughed really hard at this. this person has linked all of us to the funniest video ever about pro football. i just don't want any of you guys to miss this, but i'm linking it thru the original post. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=84688
  25. get my popcorn ready. brilliant. one of the best things i've seen in a long time.
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