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Momma Pecoraro

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Everything posted by Momma Pecoraro

  1. Is there a more optimum landing spot for Aaron 'beach chair' Kromer than Detroit?
  2. Extraneous inventory collecting dust on the shelf. Could've paid the terminator guy vet minimum to do the same. Nothing.
  3. Word is that tj luckman and matty coller run Sail's basement soundboard when not playing intramural softball.
  4. Brown should watch his back - Promo the Homerbot tweeted that Middle School 'Coach' Sail Carpaccio is vying for lead homer at bb.com
  5. I It took a long time but it's cute that you made a friend!
  6. This saddens me. From the heady 'best talent in 20 years' Bills and the destined for a 'deep playoff run' Bills excitement of the spring, to the inevitable, 'lets see what we have in Tyrod' in a heroic run to 8-8 Bills.
  7. Now Rex can suck my feet anytime, but does anyone really think he has a grasp of the nuances of the x and os even remotely approaching Billy B? Why does he appear lost when the bumbling begins? My problem with Coach Moron was that once you dispensed with the disciplinarian schtick, there was no special sauce, no command beyond the bluster that works for minor division one schools. Is it possible that Rex is just barely a step above the disingenuous Doug?
  8. I'd hit ya young man even if there is a knot in your fly!
  9. Coke does that to people. Word is it's cheap and widely on the upswing in LA among those in 'industry'.
  10. Time to remove the 'w' from the prognostication schedule.
  11. The Bills lead the league in 3 and outs. They are a legitimate qb away from credibility. Their aging d core and middling o line is going to close the window fast as this season dwindles away briskly towards mediocrity. Sell all assets at max for picks now.
  12. Can't compete without a qb. Time for the sabre like sell off for draft picks. Watkins, Wood, Gilmore, Dareus, anyone of value. QB or bust! And we know busts!
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