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Everything posted by MarlinTheMagician

  1. The prices for Buffalo will drop like a rock as we get close to game time. At least that is my experience.
  2. Half the people are crazy 80% of the time. Doing my best Yogi Berra. He has held off like 4 or 5 competitors, including a former first round pick, a former Pro Bowler and one of our own draft picks. Pay the man.
  3. I ain't complaining, but he has to be one of the best values on the team. Give the man a little green and keep him next to Johnson and White for three years. Might not take too much. He gives up a little, but almost always is doing the right thing. Love the guy.
  4. I credit him significantly for the immense joy of the 2017 season, one of my favorite years. I will never forget that team - Shady, Zo, Kyle and Tyrod made something out of nothing with McDermott leading the way. I knew we had a bright future by the time I went to Jacksonville for that heartbreaking loss. Even walking out though, I knew better days were ahead of us. 💪
  5. For those of us of a certain age, it is hard to top the Dolphins, though the Pats have made a valiant run for most hated!
  6. Edmunds played hurt last year. The year before showed what he can do. Now would be a great time to sign him, before he plays up to the money he would command elsewhere. I am obviously a Tremaine supporter, but everything I have ever read says he has the same work ethic as Allen and Milano. And he has the physical attributes. I would not sign Diggs until he complains. Sign him now and you risk him becoming disenchanted when the cap rises.
  7. It has been a true team effort with McDermott and Beane leading. Josh has played a key, critical role. But so did Lorenzo Alexander, Meatball, Tre White, Matt Milano, Hyde and Poyer, Diggs and Beas, John Brown and The Schnowman. Great team character, among one and all. Once you build that, it becomes self-reinforcing.
  8. Wait, I thought the Jets drafted Justin Bieber at QB? Who is this Zach guy?
  9. Maybe they think they have the CB2 in Dane Jackson. And Levi ain't half bad if he can stay healthy. But I would be fine with a CB in 3, though I prefer a nice, giant tub of goo!
  10. Unless, of course, you are targeting a game-changer at the top of the draft, which will usually be a QB.
  11. Let the draft come to you, and if there is a guy you love that is close and you don't have good replacements in mind in case he doesn't make it to you, then and only then expend capital to get them, in my humble opinion. No one knows which of these draftees will work out and which will not. Zay Jones was a 2nd, Milano and I think Diggs were taken in the 5th. You spread your bets and see who has what it takes to make themselves the best they can be.
  12. And Melvin Ingram left a KC visit without signing a contract. No news on Dunlap
  13. Cowboys informed Aldon Smith today that he will not be re-signed. Kerrigan visiting Bengals.
  14. The moniker is in honor of a certain Bills wide receiver, not a claim to magical powers 🧙‍♂️
  15. In his highlights there is a sack where he almost kills Brady!😎
  16. Since you are better than me at this, could you post his letter to Panther fans as well? Thanks 🙂
  17. Check out his letter to Panthers fans. Seems like an incredible young man -- face timed the kids of Panthers fans on his birthday etc. A "fan favorite" according to the Charlotte Observer. Given my tech limitations I can seem to attach it, but you can find it. It is awesome. Trying to embed that too, but failed again!
  18. What a story. if this was posted already, forgive me (sorry I can make the below a link, but you can paste in google). He was a victim of human trafficking as a 10 year old child with his sister, left homeless on the streets of London. He has only played football for a few years. I am psyched for this guy. Rivera said "it was an honor to tell him he is on the team" because he takes it serious and practices hard every day. Efe Obada’s Incredible Journey To The NFL | NBC Nightly News - YouTube
  19. Sounds like a good signing. Dude has some long arms! Hope they are not done at DLine. Interesting that he can rush from the 3-technique.
  20. To me, lack of pass rush is our biggest weakness. I would rather roll with Levi and Knox if needed to fortify the pass rush. Let's go!
  21. The following two names were not on the poll of "what pass rusher do you want" (I voted for Dunlap). But I trust Bills to make judgments on two potentially great adds: 1. Ryan Kerrigan - Bills have to judge how much he has left in the tank, but if he has a fair amount he could be a real difference maker. Seems like a great fit. 2. Aldon Smith -- still young (30, may have turned 31), Smith could make a difference for years. He is a chiseled 285 lbs, one of the best pure pass rushers of the last decade and stout against the run. If you read about his turnaround, it is quite a story. Personally, I believe in redemption. But so, so often, it is not real. I trust our front office to do the diligence to figure it out with Smith. If they decide to sign him, I would be wildly supportive. If they decided "do not touch" I would fully understand. But I think Aldon is a much better risk than a (*^*&%^$^#like Sammy Watkins - at least Smith was once great. Played all 16 last year.
  22. He has worked so hard to improve his game. No fumbles - hope I am not jinxing him. Respect McKenzie a ton and love that he is back.
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