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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. Special Thanks to Jack for being non-supportive again this year. Love you, Bro! As of this moment, sponsor total is $1,240! Thanks SO much. Did a warm up walk today on the treadmill at Planet Fitness. 30 minutes - 1.5 miles. MAN am I out of shape! Tomorrow the weather forecast at 10:00 AM, when the walk starts, is 40 degrees with showers. Like tailgating in November! It is not too late to sponsor me, if you have been procrastinating. I will be sure to get a photo or three for Jack. Thank you all. Rock
  2. WE HAVE A NEW TOTAL: $1,205 For the Rochester Chapter this puts "Rockpile" in the the top 20 sponsors at #13. THANK YOU! THREE DAYS LEFT! Goal: $1,500 Total: $ 1,205 $295 needed to reach goal! God Bless you all! You are AWESOME! TBD: JayRubeo Cugalabanza USMCBillsFan Alaska Darin Greybeard Captain Caveman Friends and Family: Bilby Anonymous hjguiles cdunkelbrg thuber Possum Ronco Family Libby & Keith ArleneS Jwalk GraceBar DonDe Krosen KBrockett Ann and Bob Preacher Bob
  3. Daily update - $395 to reach goal... Goal: $1,500 Total: $ 1,105 FIVE DAYS LEFT! God Bless you all! You are AWESOME! TBD: JayRubeo Cugalabanza USMCBillsFan Alaska Darin Greybeard Captain Caveman Friends and Family: Bilby Anonymous hjguiles cdunkelbrg thuber Possum Ronco Family Libby & Keith ArleneS Jwalk GraceBar DonDe Krosen
  4. Made it! Time to raise the bar! God Bless you all! TBD: JayRubeo Cugalabanza USMCBillsFan Alaska Darin Brendan K ? TBD? Friends and Family: Bilby Anonymous hjguiles cdunkelbrg thuber Possum Ronco Family Libby & Keith ArleneS Jwalk GraceBar Goal (original): $1,000 Total: $ 1,030 NEW Goal: $1,500 Total: $ 1,030 SEVEN DAYS LEFT!
  5. Thank you for being able to express a critical* opinion about the state of the franchise and the fans. I believe that large a part of the problem is the demand for instant gratification FROM fans and advertisers. This has caused a situation where everyone, from the general manager to the water boy is looking over their shoulder, waiting for a pink slip. Too often we are fooled by the owners and management of the team into thinking "this is our year". They will do whatever it takes to sell season tickets. To the business that seems to be more important than a Lombardi trophy. They are after all a business first and fans second. I laughed to see you put "organization" in quotes. Good one! My way of coping with this franchise has (in the past 4-5 years) been reduced to having no expectations. If you expect nothing and you get nothing, it may hurt a bit. If you expect playoffs or championships, and you get nothing - it HURTS, I really hope the Bills can be patient with McDermott. I hope the players can rise to the challenge of playing REAL football. I hope the team can win back the fans by providing a few years of stability and success. * critical used as "exercising or involving careful judgment or judicious evaluation, opposed to "sustaining a nuclear chain reaction: example the reactor went critical
  6. They have made group tickets difficult to get, in general. They hold back waiting for more season ticket sales. It will never be like the year when Jay got 100 tickets together! I remember doing a couple group events with you back in the 90's, right before TBD became a reality.
  7. We are getting there! God Bless you all! TBD: JayRubeo Cugalabanza USMCBillsFan Alaska Darin Friends and Family: Bilby Anonymous hjguiles cdunkelbrg thuber Possum Ronco Family Libby & Keith ArleneS NEW Total: $745 Goal: $1,000 Progress 74.5%
  8. Peyton Manning was a first round #1 choice. Rogers was picked 24th overall in the first round Brady was picked in the sixth round compensatory pick at #199, and was Bledsoe's back up. The six QB's selected ahead of him: Chad Pennington (Jets) Giovanni Carmazzi (49ers) Chris Redman (Ravens) Tee Marin (Steelers) Mark Bulger (Saints) Spergon Wynn (Browns)
  9. The name of the draft should be changed to crap shoot. Study the dice all you can but it can still be a seven or snake eyes. It is reasonable for Bills fans to question many of the decisions made by this team over the years. I like the choice at #1 but I am not sure I like the trade for a few reasons others have already shared.
  10. I have been thinking "long term" since January 1967. What is wrong with building for NOW!
  11. Thank you! That is why I listed you that way! (I was fishing) God Bless you all! TBD: JayRubeo Cugalabanza USMCBillsFan Friends and Family: Bilby Anonymous hjguiles cdunkelbrg thuber Possum Ronco Family Libby & Keith NEW Total: $645
  12. THANKS TO ALL MY SPONSORS..... Here is an update - $355 to go to meet my goal! God Bless you all! TBD: JayRubeo Cugalabanza Friends and Family: Bilby Anonymous hjguiles cdunkelbrg thuber Possum Ronco Family Robert A. (TBD?) Libby & Keith NEW Total: $645
  13. Babyrock married a Pats and Sox fan, but her kids wear fan gear from both teams. We have gone to a couple Yankees games with my son-in-law. They live in Connecticut and he grew up on Pats, Red Sox, and NY Giants. He is not a jerk about his teams and we just take friendly jabs at each other now and then.
  14. I dislike almost every cover of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah". I detest every version making it a Christian song. It was a song about love and sorrow, written by a Jewish Zen Buddhist monk.
  15. Thanks to my sponsors! Surprisingly, only two sponsors from TBD this year. Off The Wall is usually my biggest asset. I understand there are fundraisers every week in every town. If you don't sponsor me, pick one of them and "pay it forward". If you want to sponsor me, the clock is ticking! I appreciate all my sponsors support - the current total is $560! God Bless you all! JayRubeo Cugalabanza BilbyAnonymous hjguiles cdunkelbrg thuber Possum Ronco Family Total: $560
  16. I agree in some ways, but I LOVE the home opener tailgate that starts on Saturday. I booked my Saturday night room but have no tickets yet.
  17. Time to start planning for the 2018 draft? I do not understand Bills fans. I have low expectations in order to reduce the chance of permanent emotional damage, but I do TRY to be optimistic. I am not singling you out, but this is a good example of the mood around The Wall. I look forward to the home opener and seeing all my friends. . I cannot find another team I want to support so I will delay putting a paper bag on my head for now, instead of pissing on the parade
  18. People got on line and voted for their favorite attraction in New York. Boldt Castle on Heart Island in the Thousand Islands was #1 and Letchworth State Park was #2. I learned people have very poor taste in attractions.
  19. Robert Johnson inspired so many famous musicians and gets little recognition in the "main steam". I cannot limit myself to one best cover, so I will dig deep to pull up the obscure cover of The Band's "Chest Fever" by Government Mule just to bust some balls.
  20. Just a bump! Only FIFTEEN days until the walk. Thank you to those who have sponsored me!
  21. How is the fund raising going? I just added a bit to bump things up!
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