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Everything posted by sherpa

  1. This is a pattern for Virginia offensive linemen. UVA recruits are pretty smart guys who have other options. Brad Butler D'Brickashaw Ferguson Eugene Monroe. Do well, Play the game. Make your money. Get out. Smart guys. Good players.
  2. My first ever Bills game. Sep 22, 1963. I had never been to any pro sporting event. My first memory was how good the hotdogs being cooked over charcoal smelled, and how that smell was everywhere. We had really good seats and sat behind Chief's wide receiver Chris Burford's parents. Game ended in a tie. Last time I went there was before they had nets in the end zone, and I jumped and caught an extra point. Wilson J5-V was with me for years. I remember going to the floor in the fetal position to protect it while getting repeatedly kicked for a minute or so, and a policeman telling me to hide it on my way to our car or I'd get killed. Really bad neighborhood. Bison games with that incredibly short right field fence were a hoot.
  3. Butch Byrd's Utica Club commercial. Worst ever.
  4. If anyone has tickets and can't use them, I'd be very interested. I can fly for free, so I can wait until the day prior.
  5. Two minute warning time out. Bills up 10. 70k chant in unison: "Pips....Pips.......Pips."
  6. That article is precisely why the Patriots are so despised. It is dripping with over the top arrogance. I'd love to see the headline over Shaughnessy's next Monday effort state "Pips demolish Pats."
  7. After week one, I would love to see the draft gurus of the early spring address their opinions. Who was cut, who survived, who did well vis a vis their draft slot, who made an impact. Funny, they never comment on actual performance once the season starts We seemed to do OK, in spite of low appraisals. Darby? Karlos Williams? What a nonsense faux industry that pays idiots for opinions.
  8. I grew up listening to Van. I'll never forget his call when Calvin Murphy dropped 68 against Syracuse. The best.
  9. If you are going to put a time line on it, you should have done it in your original claim, and not agreed to the point on an issue that is well beyond ten years ago. You are quite correct. in your post claiming Eagle Claw was directly the result of inadequate equipment and training . That post is in direct conflict with your original claim, that no such example existed. Further, the entire nonsense in the Middle East in that time frame was the direct result of the US military being weakened. Failure is a relative term. The US military was woefully under supplied under Carter, and it took years to fix. Even Grenada shows limitations and cost lives. DC Tom is quite correct in his assessment.
  10. None of our military shortcomings have been due to the military or a lack of air craft carriers, but the Commander in Chief(s). Somehow I think we can limp by with the air craft carriers we have. As far as Commander in Chief, that's a whole other deal. If you are claiming that none of our military failures were due to inadequate material being available, you are grossly mistaken. There have been many such instances in our past.
  11. Billy Shaw Paul McGuire Robert James Daryl Talley Steve Tasker OJ Thurman Thomas Jim Kelly Andre Reed
  12. You guys are clearly avoiding R. J. Archer. Down on the Seahawks QB depth chart, but dismiss him at your peril.
  13. This gets resolved. Their depth chart at his position is not impressive at all.
  14. I saw a lot of him at Virginia Tech. The first thing I noticed was how perfect his mechanics were. As an ex pitching coach, I notice those things. The other thing that was obvious is how he made huge mistakes and did not see the entire field. I remember one play in particular. His outside guy ran a go route and was wide open. At least 20 yards. Taylor threw to an underneath route and the throw resulted in a pick. At that instant I remember stating to my Va. Tech son that I really hope the Bills don't draft him. Time and time again he made poor decisions.
  15. The word on the street in the DC area was that Kyle Shanahan was very well thought of throughout the league. Mike is done. I wouldn't be surprised if the Bills were his first HC gig. I'm certain he is going to get one.
  16. This is getting out of control, and I've had enough. The Administration needs to appoint a pizza czar.
  17. What happens in Vegas.........Stays in Vegas.
  18. And Hogan was wide open on the Sammy touchdown, running a slant from the right. Not sure Orton could have got it through the D-line, but Hogan was wide open and had the goal line.
  19. Two points. There isn't any chance you are going to get live video, and almost none that you'll get live audio on the very narrow bandwidth that same airlines have. You can, maybe, get a bit of gametracker, but I'd bet even that would be very spotty. Second, if you are going to be at 10000 feet, per your claim, on an airliner, you have other, far more serious problems to consider.
  20. Going to war without the French is like going deer hunting without an accordion.
  21. The Midway's deck was far too small too handle an F-14 squadron, but in a strategic sense, the F-18 did not replace the F-4. The F-4 was gone from every US carrier ex Midway, and presented huge disadvantages. That's why Kitty Hawk and Nimitz were sent to the Indian Ocean after US Embassy in Tehran was seized. There is simply no comparison between the capability of the F-18 and the F-4. Regarding the F4, I will relate an experience that occurred when the F-18 was brand new. It's first detachment away from its Lemoore California home base was in the very early 80's at Yuma. Good winter weather and the TACTS Range, (the range used for the movie TopGun). Anyway, I was one of the adversaries going to fight it. The real mission was for the initial cadre of F-18 RAG, (RTU) instructors for Air Force guys, to come up with the air combat portion of what was to be the syllabus for new F-18 guys. Anyway, the Sunday night prior to starting, we were in the O club going over schedules and operating area stuff and a Marine F-4 guy walks in. The Marines had their F-4 RAG at Yuma. Anyway, he comes over and starts indicating that he isn't a believer in the F-18 and blah blah blah. So between the three of us guys doing a 9am sortie, we agree that I will fight the F-18 in the first two engagements , which are simple one v one setups, and going to be day two training for new guys. At some point this Marine F-4 guy is going to show up. The deal is made for two F-4 v F-18 engagements. The first is a setup where the F-18 is in the lead, and the F-4 is 1000 feet dead six at the F-4's corner speed of 450kts. (For the uninitiated, corner speed is, basically, the indicated airspeed where the airplane can generated a maximum rate of turn or pitch change), in other words the sweet spot. The second is going to be a line abreast set up at one mile at the F-18's corner of about 320 kts. Standard neutral setup.. So we do our thing and the F-4 shows up, and sets himself up at 1000' dead six. 3...2...1...go. The F-18, in the lead, an ungodly bad position, goes to idle, pulls straight up. The F-4 starts up and overshoots badly. The F-18 in about 270 degrees of vertical turn, completely reverses the advantage and guns the F-4. Second setup. One mile abeam, 320 kts. 3...2...1...go. F-18 pulls inside as they both turn at each other Withing 90 degrees, the F-18 has already reversed and is starting a tracking solution on the F-4. By 150 degrees of turn the F-18 looks like a nicotine patch attached to the F-4's thigh.. End of exercise. F-4 goes home. While we are debriefing our part at the TACTS range, the F-4 major shows up and simply states "I have no questions," then leaves.
  22. I guess this is where we cordially part then Tom. I flew the A7E for three years; two cruises. I then went to TopGun and served as an adversary fighting against pretty much everything you have mentioned, and have flown the F-18. To claim that the F-18 is "significantly less effective" than those airplanes that you claim it replaced is a view I have never heard from the hundreds of people I've know over the years I served. Never heard a single person make such a claim. F-18 vastly superior to the A7 in every single regard, except range, and we tank for that. Never participated in a single detachment, and there were scores, where the F-18 mission readiness did not exceed the A7, per your maintenance claim. Your F-4 inclusion is a non player. The F-4 was not replaced by the F-18. It was long gone. You could have made a point about the F-18 not replacing the F-14's fleet air defense role, valid and arguable, but a decent trade given the invisible nature of a fleet threat. But the F-4? Please. The A-6? Avionics be damned. The airplane was g limited for years and nowhere near a fight in fight out machine. Good luck in your further discussions here, but know ye this: Range is not everything, and with air superiority at sea, it can be easily handled. With air supremacy inland, as we have enjoyed, it is a total non player, as has been demonstrated over the past three conflicts. Not saying range is undesirable, just saying that claiming the F-18 is not a successful replacement for the airplanes you mentioned is not a valid point.
  23. You have not replied to what I questioned in post 71. Again, how is the F-18 "significantly less effective in all rolls than the aircraft replaced," and, per your claim, do you really think the F-35 is an A-10 replacement? I'm not one for internet warfare/insults, and they seem to permeate here-just a newguy observation, so please don't do that. Just a simple question in response to your post.
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