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White Linen

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Everything posted by White Linen

  1. I'm not getting "The biggest interview of his lift" statement. A team that isn't going to draft him wants to meet with him a week before the draft?
  2. Don't be fairly certain because he will never play ILB. Ever.
  3. You kind of make yourself look silly when you keep saying 7 years ago. He didn't have any stats 7 years ago, he wasn't in the league. At least rant about possible things.
  4. First off the Bills FO has repeatedly said Batten IS going to play inside, so he's not an OLB. The idea that you think Miller would be inside on rushing downs is ludicrous. A 240lb rushing specialist will play MLB on rushing downs? If we draft him you'll see it at some point, Miller is miserable against the run in traffic. There's a zero percent chance that is happening.
  5. He's merely saying the Bills have passed on premier Tackles in recent drafts. And they have. And asked the question "Could he move to right tackle if Buffalo finds a player for the left side?". Who hasn't thought that? And I hate tell ya that Whitner played terrific last year, so he's probably basing that statement on his most recent play. And Kelsay was our only pass rushing player. I think your really jumping the gun to get upset with this write up.
  6. I guess we differ on CP having a slow release. I consider guys like leftwich to have slow releases. "I'm having a hard time remembering the last NFL quarterback who had a truly successful career with a slow release…Randall Cunningham?" - I think Bledsoe matches that description.
  7. Good post. It was exactly what I was thinking then had to scroll down to make sure no one hit on all my thoughts. You did. Two points: One there is no way he's going to be there in the 2nd. Two I hope there's a QB they like in the second to make this franchise viable in regards to being a playoff team, but if Reed becomes a member of this team by trading up its hard to get down on that.
  8. Exactly. Thank you for proving my point.
  9. What the heck does the last 10 years have to do with Nix? Wow. And to say we draft like the Raiders is a huge stretch of the truth.
  10. What an absurd statement. How do you know the Bills FO and coaching staff like him?
  11. Hate to tell you, but Corner/Safety are needs. Albeit not the biggest, but still needs.
  12. I think calling the Bills FO and outstanding medical staff inept is a stretch. It's at the very least more plausible to believe in them than to doubt them.
  13. Not only will Miller not help with the run, I believe he would be a liability. My choice is Jordan. He's got everything the Bills need. Pass rush ability, size to stop the run, can play any position on the line, and I believe he can drop back in coverage to some extent. Here's some other players I would count on to be impactful. Troup, Carrington, Moats, and Batten.
  14. I totally agree. And I think Cam Jordan will be the best at the DE or DT spot.
  15. You guys that think he's done because of an injury are hilarious. You act like today's athletes don't come back from injuries. Why anyone of us would pretend to know more about his injury over the Buffalo Bills medical staff and Front Office is comical. "I have a gut feeling he won't play a regular season down, and we threw that money away" The Bills felt good enough about it based on medical exams to extend his contract, but your gut tells you they're wrong? How ridiculous.
  16. The interview with Cam Jordan on ESPN really impressed me. Seems like a great kid with a good head on his shoulders. I could definitely see us taking him at #3, and I wouldn't mind a bit. Ponder in the second, please no.
  17. I couldn't agree more. The single biggest issue with the Bills is our draft picks don't develop into viable starters. I'm not 100% sure if the reason has been poor draft picks, or the coaches lack of development skills. Either way it's been atrocious. But I also know that our past doesn't have anything to do with Nix and Gailey. I trust them. Most have said we need to take a defensive player with the #3 pick overall or it will be sending the message we're turning our back on our biggest need - defense. But I say what about Troup, Carrington, Batten, and Moats? Have we become so numb that we no longer expect our 2nd year draft picks to get better and contribute? Do we automatically think Nix and Gailey are as inept as their predecessors? While I certainly understand the skepticism, lets see what kind of team these guys build. All I know is the Bills were getting nearly painful to watch, until last year. We only won 4 games and it was better football than I've seen in the previous 10 years.
  18. This definitely warrants a new post. "Where did Mallet go? Can you guys catch me up?"
  19. Why can't Carrington, Moats, Batten, and Troup be counted on to stop the run? The Bills run defense stinks for one simple reason; we haven't developed players. I for one think the new regime is changing that. The guys we drafted last year are the future too.
  20. Ever heard of sarcasm? We all know you won't buy it, you won't stop saying it.
  21. You're aggravating. Why do you keep posting the same garbage? Would you buy this hat?
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