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White Linen

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Everything posted by White Linen

  1. I'd be smiling too if Dareus fell to me and It was my job to make the pick. This kid is going to be special, at least I feel that way. I think he's the type of player that changes things in that he'll have an effect on everyone around him, and that's just his play on the field. He is also a great person, which isn't easy to find. He is truly the best of both worlds.
  2. Matthews didn't exaclty have to compete with guys like Lynch and Jackson, two excellent runners in their own right. He had to compete against Tolbert and Sproles, not all that difficult to get playing time. Spiller is a superior athlete and talent than Matthews and we'll see the seperation this year.
  3. Nothing against PTR, but the statement "The NFL wants out of Buffalo" is absurd. The NFL thrives in Western New York and I wish numbers could be put on how many NFL ticket sales are due to Buffalo Bills fans. The only thing and I mean only thing Buffalo is missing is a new stadium, and I think this happens as soon as new ownership arrives. But that has nothing to do with the NFL, it would only help the new owner make money. Why would the NFL hate a fan base that fills their stadium, spends money on NFL apparel like mad, has out of town fans litered throughout the country, huge ratings came out of western new york for the draft and those same fans probably support the NFL networks ratings in big numbers, and is one of the founding teams of the league? Doesn't add up.
  4. Names like these will always be high on the list because of the amount of balls thrown to them. But to bring up this list doesn't discount Stevie having a real problem with droping balls.
  5. I agree. The ball seems to move in his hands even when he makes the catch. It just doesn't make that latching feel/sound as soon as it hits his hands. I could also tell on several receptions it causes him to hesitate and cost him from being able to turn up field by taking that extra second to secure the ball.
  6. I will to, your post are so ridiculous they're unreadable. You're just that guy that argues in circles and can't admit when you're wrong. I find you incredibly boring.
  7. Yes we know, that's why he made the statement the OP meant passing and receiving. Unless you honestly think he meant all purpose and that he hopes he has less yards this year? Can you really think that's what he meant? I think your just trying to nitpic to continue your negative rant.
  8. You are a true class act <edited for quoted post>
  9. I think he said a bit more than just "I don't think people should celebrate killing". You can't seriously think that's what sparked the controversy?
  10. I think the Bills would have considered trades had Dareus not been there. Once he was there, they weren't going to trade.
  11. Absolutely not. I just have this strong feeling he's going to be a problem.
  12. We better resign him. I know he catches a lot of heat around here, but I consider him the number one priority. Then a close second, Poz. I know neither of these guys are wow players, but they play a solid role and they contribute more than we give them credit for.
  13. One down year and you want to get rid of the guy? Cmon man, let's worry about this in a few years. Guys only 35.
  14. I'm ok with the draft so I'll give it a B-. I just hope we don't regret not taking Brooks Reed or Kaepernick in the 2nd, those were the two players I would have rather had.
  15. If we end of with Brooks Reed this may be the best draft the Bills have ever had.
  16. Everything is a turnaround from years past when there's a new GM and Head Coach. I don't get what the history of the Bills drafts have to do with them.
  17. Video won't play now. Says it's been removed by the user.
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