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White Linen

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Everything posted by White Linen

  1. They absolutely do not. I assure you you're the simpleton if you believe that.
  2. Yes I do think Libyans, Kuwaitis, and Egeyptians love their countries. And that's why I'd compare them to fans like you. I think you're both a little coo coo. You were both born into something and love it because of stubborn irrational thoughts. And your love comes from a feeling that you're morally obligated, but down deep you don't, you can't for the reasons you say you hate Wilson. It doesn't make sense to me to love a Country that has treated your ancestors, your current family, and your future family inhumane (but yet they do). It doesn't make sense to me to love a team you think the owner won't let win because of greed (yet you do).
  3. The contradiction that you live in is that you think you're allowed to rant, but when people want to rant back, you don't like it. You say you expected it and it's entertaining in a sarcastic tone as if we should just accept your rant post as truth and not respond. I don't see any posts where you've respected the opposing position, but you think those that disagree with you should. You say you think Ralph has put a subpar product on the field in an effort to only make money well you're going to eat your words when you get "the next guy". The next guy is going to have close to 800 million invested and is going to have to make money above that investment. So if you think burden's on tax payers and ticket holders are high now wait till you see what the next guy is going to have to do to be viable financially. Which is the biggest concern in the argument of whether a team can be kept in Buffalo. Not even close to a proper analogy. The President in this country is elected, the owner of an NFL franchise isn't. Therefore if you don't like the president you can vote in 4 years and actively do something about your displeasure. If you lived in a country where the president wasn't elected and you had to wait until he died for change then your analogy of whether you'd love your country then could be discussed.
  4. I agree with almost everything you've said here. I'm not someone that thinks Ralph is blameless for the losing, but I disperse the blame to who is responsible. I blame the coaches and GM's that haven't gotten the job done by not drafting or developing the players, I blame the players themselves for not producing when I think they should have, and I blame Ralph for being the head of this organization and for making the decisions to hire the people that haven't performed. It's really as simple as that. But for those that think Ralph is conspiring to make as much money as he can while not doing enough to win is frankly thoughtless and baseless.
  5. I'm with you. It just doesn't seem like it would be fun to like the team and dislike the owner so much. It's like not being able to stand your wife, but you stay with her because you like the sex once a week. Time for a divorce in my eyes. I wish I could feel any commoradorie with fans like this, but i don't. But it's even more than "it wouldn't be fun", it's utter stupidity. It's like calling yourself a fool. What would be the argument to root, spend time or money on a team you know the owner won't let win? Would it be that they think the team might get lucky enough to win in spite of the owners effort to thwart winning? These people are so lost they can't even see how truly ridiculous they are. Furthermore they don't even realize how hard it would be to purposely do what their suggesting. It's nearly impossible to do just enough to keep selling out the stadium but not enough to win in an effort to keep every penney.
  6. No I'm simply saying you're dumb for rooting for a team that you think the owner won't let win. I clearly said that in my post. I refuse to debate the Ralph is Cheap BS. I clearly stated you have the right to think he's cheap, greedy, etc (now for the second time), but I'm confused as to why you would spend time posting about a team in which you believe can't win until the cheap owner dies?
  7. I hope the NFL and any potential future owner pays attention to how this fan base responds to this unveil. I believe the Bills fans will buy these uniforms in record numbers even during a lockout. We will once again show how this fanbase is among the best of the best in the NFL.
  8. I don't condemn the poster or anyone else that thinks Ralph is greedy and cheap. But I find that person ridiculous for following the team. What kind of person would follow a team, post on a Bills website, buy murchandise, go to games, buy the direct tv ticket, etc if they believe that the owner isn't willing or capable of fielding a winning team? Aren't those people the morons? Why do people that feel this way bash the ones that don't as if they are determined to convert them into their hipocracy. "I love and follow a team that I don't think the owner will let win", how does that make sense? So that's why those of us that negate your notions feel that you should not come here or stop following the team, not because we want to censer your right to post, but because it's so foolish and you're really making yourself look ridiculous by being your own problem.
  9. Yeah Ralph is really worried about his wallet at this point. And you think we should make decisions based on outside attention?
  10. I'm not sure distractions are ever good, but I think I know what you mean. For instance I thought the T.O. signing was perfect for us, obviously I hoped it would have produced better results, but I felt that even if he was a distraction, the team needed a good kick in the pants. I thought even if T.O. went off a time or two it would be good for a player to get pissed off at how things are. But this type of distraction wouldn't be good in my opinion because it would require time, I want every minute spent getting this team back on the tracks.
  11. What should we do if we agree with the owners right to lockout the players?
  12. The coaxing would be the other way around.
  13. I think it's hurting our kids because we won't tell them about winning. My son is in a 7-8 yr old machine pitch league and they don't keep score so the kids who lose won't feel bad. Your point is taken about the parents, but I see nothing wrong with teaching kids 8 and 9 about winning and losing. Lot of good lessons can be taught through it that build our kids.
  14. Now you completely changed the argument. My argument was that if someone wanted to buy the Bills and keep them in Buffalo, the NFL would not stop that. And they wouldn't. Why because the Buffalo Bills are a viable franchise, partly and importantly because of their fan base. Not all NFL owners think they're subsidizing small market teams, only the big market teams do, hence there was revenue sharing voted by NFL owners, so you're wrong there. So the only one drooling to get a team in the #2 market is an owner that wants to purchase a team, but the owner that wants to buy the Bills and keep them in Buffalo will and the NFL won't stop it.
  15. Corporate money doesn't help the NFL, it helps the owner make more money. The NFL doesn't get a cut of corporate money the team brings in. You're kidding yourself if you don't think fan loyalty plays a huge part. But we will soon find out. When Mr. Wilson passes and the team moves regardless of a buyer wanting to keep the team in Buffalo, you will be right. If they stay I will be. And if you think there's limited corporate money in Buffalo you've failed to look at several other cities that have NFL teams. But maybe you think the NFL wants them out too.
  16. Jamie Dukes is an argumentative a hole. Did you hear him baiting Stevie Johnson at the end of the interview when he was mocking Fitz?
  17. I'd be smiling too if Dareus fell to me and It was my job to make the pick. This kid is going to be special, at least I feel that way. I think he's the type of player that changes things in that he'll have an effect on everyone around him, and that's just his play on the field. He is also a great person, which isn't easy to find. He is truly the best of both worlds.
  18. Matthews didn't exaclty have to compete with guys like Lynch and Jackson, two excellent runners in their own right. He had to compete against Tolbert and Sproles, not all that difficult to get playing time. Spiller is a superior athlete and talent than Matthews and we'll see the seperation this year.
  19. Nothing against PTR, but the statement "The NFL wants out of Buffalo" is absurd. The NFL thrives in Western New York and I wish numbers could be put on how many NFL ticket sales are due to Buffalo Bills fans. The only thing and I mean only thing Buffalo is missing is a new stadium, and I think this happens as soon as new ownership arrives. But that has nothing to do with the NFL, it would only help the new owner make money. Why would the NFL hate a fan base that fills their stadium, spends money on NFL apparel like mad, has out of town fans litered throughout the country, huge ratings came out of western new york for the draft and those same fans probably support the NFL networks ratings in big numbers, and is one of the founding teams of the league? Doesn't add up.
  20. Names like these will always be high on the list because of the amount of balls thrown to them. But to bring up this list doesn't discount Stevie having a real problem with droping balls.
  21. I agree. The ball seems to move in his hands even when he makes the catch. It just doesn't make that latching feel/sound as soon as it hits his hands. I could also tell on several receptions it causes him to hesitate and cost him from being able to turn up field by taking that extra second to secure the ball.
  22. I will to, your post are so ridiculous they're unreadable. You're just that guy that argues in circles and can't admit when you're wrong. I find you incredibly boring.
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