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Everything posted by cosmo

  1. Is it normal for a team to have a dinner meeting with 2 different FAs they are trying to sign? Seems weird but in a good way.
  2. Get real, have the Bills EVER even been in the running for one of the top FAs??? I hate to say it but Buffalo is probably one of the least favorable landing spots for free agents, (given the location and how little money we spend) so to think we have a chance at signing the BEST one, thats just ridiculous.
  3. Ingram is a beast and would be a great fit, but there's no way he slides all they way to #10. It looks like he and Coples are the only two elite pass rushers in the draft so they'll almost definitely be gone by the time the Bills pick. Personally I would be thrilled with former Dareus teammates Courtney Upshaw or Mark Barron with our #1 pick. Alabama's D the last couple years has been playing at an NFL level so either of those guys should be able to come in and contribute right away.
  4. Proves the Patriots can't win a Super Bowl without cheating, haven't won since spygate. Also Belichick has only two playoff wins since taking over personnel decisions. Don't get me wrong, the pats were def one of the top 5 teams this year but still all that Patriot magic that ESPN loves to talk about really only existed with that Scott Pioli built team in the early 00's.
  5. Haha just trying to cheer myself up and maybe others with some delicious kool-aid after two weeks of hearing about the "gods" of football Brady/Belichick.
  6. Anyone else hear Bryan Scott on ESPN radio earlier? Most of it was about Penn St and just cliche athlete interview stuff but when he started talking about next year's Bills, I got a little fired up! He was talking about how things happen for a reason and that all the experience that the rookies got this year should really help them next year when everyone's healthy. I really think Nix and Gailey aced the draft last year, I mean there could very well be 4 or 5 legit starters on defense from that draft. (Dareus, Sheppard, Williams, Searcy and maybe Rogers?) So if the FO is on their game again on draft day this year, watch out for Buffalo's D the next few years!!!
  7. Football players already have higher testosterone levels than most men, so a slight difference due to relationship status would be negligible.
  9. I thought Spiller showed some real promise today. I actually saw a lot of similarities between him and Chris Johnson, both have blazing top end speed and can rack up huge yards with the right blocking.
  10. That is way over complicating things, if you are a #1 WR you know when you are open and when the ball hits your hands with the game on the line you catch it plain and simple. Stevie has had two chances like that now and had the same result. I say find a way to make him the #2 or let him go to FA.
  11. Yeah I agree, he seems like a good person and he can help this team, he's just not a legit #1, which is what he thinks he is. But if today helps us sign him for #2 money then today would be a blessing in disguise.
  12. How many games does Stevie's "humanity" have to cost us before we wake up and realize he's a chump?
  13. You're being too easy on Stevie. The evidence just keeps piling up that the dude just doesn't have what it takes to be a reliable receiver. You can say whatever you want about the catches he did make today but c'mon, twice now he has LOST games for us. How many more times does this need to happen before we wise up?? Totally agree about Fitz though, he def deserves a pass this week. It is starting to really seem like he could get it done with some consistency around him.
  14. HAHAHA You've got to be kidding, Jerry Rice?!?!?! When did he EVER drop a potential game winning TD, let alone two?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm pretty sure Rice never celebrated twice after a score like he was trying to get a flag either!
  15. The Bills need to cut Stevie Johnson or get a REAL #1 WR. Dude is a punk, yes he's got skills, but they only make things worse because you start to trust him and then he blows the game. We've seen plenty of evidence by now to prove that he just isn't mature/capable enough of being a #1 WR. Just drafting a stud WR won't work because Stevie would still be the leader and as we've seen that just doesn't work. We either need to bring in an experienced veteran who can mentor Stevie or we need to cut him and start fresh with a new crop of WRs.
  16. Yeah, him or Blackmon. With an elite WR and an improved line, we could have one of the best offenses in the league! hahaha, or a DB no one has heard of.
  17. Yeah Dareus is great but Miller's gonna be a hall of famer. That sack (near the end of the game) was incredible, he completely overpowered the Jets right tackle Hunter I think and just tossed him left cut inside and BOOM!!! Smacked that pretty boy Sanchez in the mouth!!!
  18. Fans having blind faith their teams is the reason why so many teams like the Bills are allowed to remain crappy for so many years.
  19. We should trade up for Justin Blackmon, dude is a BEAST!!!!! We can fill other holes in the later rounds, but think how great our offense would be if we added a super stud receiver like Blackmon. As great as Stevie is, he's just not one of those guys that can still thrive under heavy coverage like a Calvin Johnson or a Fitzgerald. With a guy like that on our roster, we'd have an offense like the 99 Rams!
  20. I'm pretty sure lots of people were saying those exact things about the Packers last year.
  21. Haley is so stupid, well either him or whoever decided that it was a good idea to give more carries to 32 year old Thomas Jones who averaged 3.7 ypc than arguably the best running back last year in Jamaal Charles who averaged a ridiculous 6.4. I know this because I had Charles in fantasy last year and it was soooo freaking maddening to see him sitting there getting fewer caries than Jones, dude could've had over 2000 yards!
  22. hahaha -Translation: we have no gd clue what to do with this putrid line
  23. I don't think there is any way that we'll contend for the #1 pick unless we are just ridiculously pounded with injuries, I mean think about it - we won four games last year and could have easily won seven having lost three OT games and its probably going to take like 2-14 or 3-13 this year to get #1. Being that our D has improved and we made some nice additions to the O (we lost Lee but we're deep at WR) I really believe we as fans should be expecting at least 6-7 wins this year.
  24. Yeah, there's no reason to get angry over this signing at all. Dude has huge upside and at the very worst his presence should push the back end of our WR corps- Nelson, Jones, Roosevelt to have great camps.
  25. Yessir, kid is a straight BALLLER. Check out his highlights on youtube if you're not a believer, especially the one where he knocks the **** out of Sam Bradford.
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