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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. As for 9/11, he shouldn't have pissed off Al Gore and he should have preemptively passed the Patriot Act. During Katrina he said "heckuva job, Brownie" and he definitely did not care about black people. Thats clearly documented thanks to Kanye.
  2. Bush: Invasion of Iraq - While popular at the time, looks hardly justifiable with the passage of years. Rode the momentum of Afghanistan to seize the initiative to "finish the job" in Iraq. Delivering democracy to countries you know nothing about is a tall task. Extremely costly in every sense. Consolidating power and Growing the federal government - too numerous to list. Pumping home ownership - Bush played his role in ramping up the housing bubble. Obama: Iraq/Afghanistan - Escalation of Bush's folly followed by total bail out according to arbitrary dates. Divisiveness - Politics is often divisive, but not typically so from the seat of the president. Constantly playing the blame game, blame republicans, blame corporate america, blame wall street, fair share, get in the back seat, etc. Obamacare - Cluster !@#$. Delivered "free healthcare" to the States at the worst possible time. See the next note. Economic Recovery - Jobs Bills 1 through 10,000, lowest labor force participation rate since the depression, stagnant growth 6 years later. Crammed his namesake legislation down the country's throat creating loads of economic uncertainty while the country was still attempting to crawl out of the recession. Spend, spend and spend - Followed Bush's lead and decided to double up.
  3. Are you suggesting that we burn a lower case 'T' in his yard for "Time To Leave"?
  4. It was already a long film but it could have benefited from additional footage. He goes from being an asskicker to a decrepit, cane using hermit and theres no sense of how much time has passed. Then he puts on a leg brace and suddenly theres cartilage left in his joints, because you don't see the brace again. Who knows how long he's confined to cave jail and how long it takes him to heal from a broken back. It was a bit rushed at times.
  5. Here's a clue. Operating income is a better indicator than net income in determining the value of a franchise. Cash flow. Try harder.
  6. I charge $500 for the night. No kissing on the lips. PM me.
  7. I'm guessing your progeny have connected with a few boulders.
  8. Not one vote for The Bridges Of Madison County??
  9. There's a fine line between torture and discipline. Anyone who pledged a frat is pretty familiar with most of the techniques which now fall under the category of "enhanced interrogation". That's why you use some common sense and stop BEFORE kids die.
  10. What part of that is degrading?
  11. Totally agree. I cannot believe someone could be so cruel and inhumane to a child. And it was his own son!!! What could possibly compel a man to discipline a child? What is the world coming to?
  12. I don't buy my furniture from the same place I buy my meatballs and I sure as !@#$ don't buy my meatballs from a furniture store, so maybe I'll shop at IKEA at some point, but probably not. My real issue with this idea is how exactly do IKEA cabinets promote wealth equality? Wouldn't such purchases simply exacerbate the problem?
  13. I agree with DC's comments on the movie being a bit choppy. Still a fantastic film. I can listen to the theme on repeat. The ending still gives me chills. Why does the hot one always have to jump?
  14. Dark Knight is one of my faves. Ghostbusters is toward the top of the list. Groundhog Day.
  15. TL;DR Bortles is suing Manziel for sexual harassment and having a tiny penis and Johnny Football is suing Bortles for steroids, AIDS and attempted sodomy.
  16. I think Spielberg learned his lesson about messing with the time space continuum after Back to the Future II.
  17. There are some similarities, but I don't find this as obvious as the whole Coldplay fiasco.
  18. At first I was skeptical, but the detail on page 2 dispelled all doubt that Bortles is absolutely guilty as charged. Open and shut case.
  19. I've been guilty of that mistake a few times. Its a lot better when someone catches it on a message board than when your boss catches that mistake in a present value calc.
  20. January 2013 was closer to 18 months ago.
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