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Teddy KGB

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Everything posted by Teddy KGB

  1. Looks like the Buffalo Bills. The drought continues with no end in sight ?
  2. What is all this ? Can you pm it to each other ? We dont need to see your hissy fits in everythread. Tyrod stinks, Peterman stinks, the season is over. Time to lose out and trade up for Rosen.
  3. 16-29 234 yards 1 TD 1 int Fake News. Dennison not happy with Tyrod's tentativeness, Tyrod meet bench
  4. Wait another week so the wr's can start a mutiny? What are you talking about. You want to Watch Tyrod check down on 3rd and long while KB is wide open some more ? Youre one sick dude.
  5. Fire the poster who posted the "weak arm velocity" no chance for Watson theory. Fire McBeane too ? Sure, unless that 6th rounder we got for Dareus saves the franchise ? They get another two years and get to tie themselves to the qb we trade up for next draft.
  6. Trade him to Jets or Dolphins so our corners can get a break next year
  7. Is Maury on the list of guys you get to call dumb like shady, xrushx, foxx and co ? Stop crusading for the backup qb. Terrible year of posts from you because of your crush. ??‍♂️?
  8. I'm not sure but if I had to guess I would assume pretty good as he was right and you were wrong about Taylor ???? Who do you obsess about more ? Taylor or Crusher ? Peterman time !!
  9. Rams are pretty awesome. They tried to tell us Robert Woods was crazy.
  10. The part where he looks scared to pass and the part that says elite is hilarious.
  11. Its all good, we won't long for the days of the 59 yard passer. Time to give up on the Taylor project.
  12. Might be hard to. Espn radio show on now is claiming Tyrod said it after benching. If more fake news then ??‍♂️
  13. Lets stick with the 69 yard kid because you like him
  14. Giancarlo Stanton is good, Tyrod pretty much stinks. more CoT excuses ??‍♂️
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