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Everything posted by KellyToTasker

  1. He admitted he made mistakes. One would think that a guy making as much as Mario would have been a professional and acted accordingly. Not that Rex didn't mismanage his personnel, but the play would've been better if everyone played as directed. How much better? Who knows. But it wouldn't have been that far of a drop in performance from the year prior. "This year", Rex doesn't put up with the nonsense. If he does, then....He may be a short timer.
  2. I think Rex works harder this year than any other he's ever coached. He brought his brother in for what may be the final ooorrah with his Dad watching. This year is for his old man. I don't think anyone will it take more personally than Rex if they don't improve, especially on Defense. He feels slighted and embarrassed from last year. Although odd, his comment about being fully pregnant is spot on. Your on the train or your not. He won't accept behavior like Mario's, not this season.
  3. The "media" is upset because their access was restricted, even it be only for OTAs. They often try to become apart of the story and they really hate being regulated. Hence, they jumped on an opportunity to lash back.
  4. Unfortunately, it's iconic. Until we win the super bowl, maybe? Even when we win the super bowl, the sporting networks will still make reference to the four losses and show a replay of the missed 47 yarder. The entire super bowl week, with the media, will be about the 90's and the first 4 trips. I think the Bills are now like the Cubs. Most of America would pull for a Buffalo win at the Super Bowl, for the same reasoning that many would pull for the Cubs in the World Series. It's a great story line.....Lovable losers, having gone through so much, finally win a championship. I certainly would fly into Buffalo for the championship parade through Buffalo.
  5. That hurts more every year when the drought is continued, knowing that was our most recent visit to the playoffs. And when the Bills make the playoffs again, guaranteed that the pregame will show a replay of the kickoff return (as a reminder of the Bills 1999/2000 post season appearance). The longest drought in the NFL.
  6. Thanks! I pulled an old article describing the delay and near empty stadium announcement. Everyone thought it was over, and it was, but the refs reviewed and discussed the play after the network feed transitioned to other coverage. http://espn.go.com/nfl/recap?gameId=310918002 Searcy had clear possession, he caught it with 2 feet down in the endzone, then the Raiders receiver placed his hands on the ball, a slight fight for possession occurred, in which Searcy rolled away with the ball. The debate was if simultaneous possession was observed, which would have resulted in a Raiders touchdown.....And that would have sucked - more so with a near 70,000 fans walking to their cars thinking the Bills won, only to hear on the radio that they lost.
  7. I wouldn't mind the 2011 win against the Patriots. Our hated rival, somewhat recent, and an exciting game/great finish. Not as appealing, but the week prior to this game against the Raiders was also an offensive explosion with a nail biter for a finish - Hail Mary in the endzone with possession awarded to the Bills as a Raider WR held a tight a grasp on the ball. I remember the telecast switching to the late game (because the Bills game was over), and I said to a buddy of mine, "This is done right? I mean, they said it was final." I was assured it was done. Yet, 15-20 minutes later...With the stadium empty, the refs officially confirmed the original call. Bills win. As it was told during the late afternoon game. Was anyone in attendance? Pretty accurate to what was described? I can only imagine the hate and disconnect if the call was overturned and awarded a Raiders touchdown for the win.
  8. I've been asking myself the same question. Thanks for the input Promo. I decided today that the home opener, with Bruce Smith's number retirement, is my choice for this year's trip.
  9. I don't mind the constant reminder that he is suspended for the first 4 games
  10. The hectic life of Tom Brady: http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/tom-brady-details-day-hectic-life/story?id=39006841&ts=true Good thing the commissioner is giving him some time off!
  11. A guy with all of that turnover and has not been able to translate his workout wows to the playing field. Definitely a look as a return guy.
  12. No worries, that is in part for the topic starter - yet relevant due to opening day!
  13. (That point in the offseason when a topic becomes growing grass).
  14. http://espn.go.com/blog/baltimore-ravens/post/_/id/27672/no-sun-no-problem-ravens-become-second-nfl-team-to-use-artificial-lighting-for-grass-field Pretty interesting, the Ravens will make use of artificial lighting to sustain a grass field for their playing surface. A little bit of a side note for opening day (vice the artificial turf the Ravens have utilized for years).
  15. The intangibles with Sammy are in part why I was so frustrated with him being ranked 96th in the NFL's top 100. Listenbee and Dez are the same age or older than Sammy (22 and 23 respectively), yet they look at him in such a pristine manner (Sammy has accomplished much, realizes his talent, and continues to strive for improvement - his want to improve resembles the greats, like a Jerry Rice).
  16. I met him last year at training camp, a polite young guy. Sammy was working with him after practice. I noticed two things: 1. Sammy is a pro's pro. A teacher at a young age. 2. Dez will work to improve his craft. I'm pulling for him!
  17. Didn't they make a push in the 90's for MLB? Triple A standards, the Bison's park is nice! Even better in comparison 20 plus years ago. I'd be an instant fan if the Bisons became an MLB club.....I just don't think it'll ever happen.
  18. I recently moved to the New Orleans area. By not having the experience of a true and seasoned citizen of New Orleans, I opted to commute a long distance. Between the crime rates and school systems (you need to get into a charter school or pay for private to receive an adequate education), living outside of the city made sense for my family. I have friends that love living in the city and wouldn't have it any other way (with or without kids). It just depends on what's right for you. The city offers much (food, culture, etc.). People are proud of where they're from. You just need to know where to go and stay on the beaten path.
  19. Thanks eball, yes exactly. This time every year I start to get excited about the upcoming season. The hard part of the offseason is over.....It's all down hill from here. The schedule is out, we have our new draft picks, and I'm planning the annual trip to Buffalo to watch a game at the Ralph. What comes with all of that is the annual phone call to Directv. No matter how the phone call goes, I'll get the ticket. I can't miss a game. Every year, posters here provide their tactics and the deals they have received. Because of the AT&T merger with Directv, I thought it was prudent to bring the topic up (approaches may need to change this year - Directv may or may not be more apt to negotiate a deal). It was also to point out, although slightly, that prices have increased. This tends to happen yearly, until the bubble bursts. Meaning, they essentially hit a reset button and reduce the overall pricing to attract a wider customer base. I think, over time, the ticket will continue to evolve (other platforms, packages, etc.). We are where are, and I'm looking forward to hearing the deals many will receive.
  20. Tyrod Taylor is a true professional that has placed his trust in the organization and the process. I really hope he can stay healthy to allow his play determine his overall financial success. He's a guy that deserves to be taken care of (great teammate, student of the game, etc.). To me, he's turning into the Fred Jackson of this team, a quite leader that is very easy to like and pull for, he is not a me first guy. Lock him up as early as possible.
  21. For being in what some called a bleak and dire salary cap situation because of last year's activity, our front office is operating VERY well. We're retaining our core players with forward thinking and planning. I'm no longer shocked to see a good player retained. Nor will I be surprised when later free agents sign in Buffalo. Between Pegula's financial wealth, mindset of turning everything first rate (facility upgrades, approach to coaching/specialist hires, etc.)....Buffalo is becoming a sought destination around the league. Perform well and you'll get paid. Good things are coming my friends! I'm drinking the koolaid and it tastes oh so good!
  22. That's my plan. My sons are much, much younger (all under the age of 9). We just got a Sammy poster to put up in a bedroom. They know that nobody can be the Patriots when playing Madden and to this point, when I ask who our favorite football team is....They say, the Bills. Taking them to a Bills game at Ralph Wilson Stadium is very much on the bucket list. We're a 20 hour drive from a home game.
  23. Mario never came off as a Miami guy. He's from North Carolina (eastern), did not seem to seek the red carpet of the NFL, and certainly enjoys the outdoors. Florida will be what it is for most....Retirement. He will do as little as possible (probably play hard for 2 games a year - against Buffalo).
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