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Everything posted by KellyToTasker

  1. How does Ben Rothlisberger look when buying time in the pocket, extending the play, and/or facing pressure in the pocket....Only to toss a TD while off balance, flat footed, etc? Because that's what Tyrod did on his two TD passes yesterday. Touchdown passes look good no matter how executed. Taylor had some low moments yesterday and he also made the "nice" plays. They won.....He was apart of the winning formuala.
  2. Great write up. Im driving up from the New Orleans area. Go Bills.
  3. Brady is playing in the same system that he mastered years ago and his opponent is the Browns. What else would anyone expect?
  4. NFL players are finely tuned machines, stretching their bodies to the limits. Much like a world class 100 meter sprinter on the big stage....Sometimes, they blow a tire (hamstring). Only assumption can lead to blaming the franchise.
  5. I see your point. But 2 completely different positions (one is explosive in nature, the other wears a red jersey to practice).
  6. I bet Reggie Bush plays today. It's his old turf and that's how Rex likes to roll. He won't take carries away from McCoy, but he'll be used in the game plan.
  7. Possibly the same line of thinking the Patriots had last week with Garapolo. Our depth and offseason signings have been great, they can handle it. That said, I was really looking forward to seeing Mr. Big Stuff today! Do you honestly believe that?
  8. Knowing Dak's life story, I'm confident it's a one time thing. Sometimes, it's just a gut feeling. Derived only from "articles", and for what his Uncle stands for.....I think he'll be fine. I gotta believe that Chad Kelly leans more towards the good than the bad.
  9. Not exactly an extensive record, but Dak Prescott got a DUI prior to the draft (in Starkville, MS - home of Miss. State University - it is NOT a big town). I'm pretty sure Dallas isn't concerned (granted, Dak was a GREAT teammate and example at MSU. He made a really bad decision). Now, Kelly made mistakes....But he's not Manziel. Kelly, in my opinion, cares (hence he wanted to protect his brother).
  10. Agreed. Take my comment as perspective. Was it dumb? Absolutely. Can I see a young 20 something making a stupid choice based on emotion, yup. I also think he has a good enough group of people in his corner that'll help him think better in the future.
  11. It's easy for a 55 year old man to "not" run on the field in reaction (not planned), but more likely for a not so removed from playing on the same field/high school and closer in age (relatively) older brother. Completely different individuals/circumstances at differing points in their lives. And let's be honest, Jimbo going against a DT from Alabama would go much differently than Chad Kelly against a High School senior.
  12. True. But one guy, the younger Kelly was the player in the middle of it all and was the ball carrier. Hmmmmm.....
  13. He's a fighter. Makes me want the Bills to draft him even more.
  14. Nothing hokey about that! He's a good football player and an even better person that is easy to pull for.
  15. Let's see how Tyrod does with a simplified offense that allows more time to assess the defense. Why dump a guy 2 games in that just signed a new contract?
  16. I would be happy with either. Preferably, McDaniels. The 2nd time around and more years of maturing would definitely help. And our offense would be....Well, an offense.
  17. Bill Belichick is only 64. We have another decade of this. He doesn't seem like the type to retire and start the 5 year clock to go into the Hall of Fame. He's obsessed. Nothing else matters. He'll coach until he collapses.
  18. Any "good" chance McDaniels and Petricia will be gone next season for Head Coaching jobs? Would they go? Probably doesn't matter. BB is the master of shortening games....He's been doing it since Super Bowl 25. He'll find and make new coordinators. The perpetual cycle of dominance won't stop until BB is gone. And I used to think it would stop when Brady retires. This isn't ending any time soon.
  19. Mass Holes are going undefeated this year if they don't lose tonight. Brace yourselves for, "Brady's Pissed", "Us Against Everbody", blah, blah, blah. It's just as annoying as, "The Patriot Way." Let this end already!
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