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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. Yeah I think that's the point....he has barely played and can't beat out a guy from Coe college...he has no vision...Still I wouldn't trade him for anything but a player that can produce now and that ain't going to happen
  2. He's lost more big games than he has won...Just sayin...
  3. I have watched five or six complete games now. My take is that he is more of a system QB than a franchise QB. I see lots of great things in terms of vision and accuracy with just enough athleticism. However most of his throws are short and intermediate routes to TE's, RB's, and curl patterns to WR's. He has a wonderful offensive line, rarely gets any pressure, and an outstanding running game. His deep ball floats and his over the middle and sideline throws don't seem to have a lot of velocity. This past week against lowly Washington State he had several bad deep throws in the first half. I'm not saying he won't be the top pick in the draft but he is looking less like John Elway and and more like Matt Leinart.
  4. FYI after the first week the Sunday Ticket via the Playstation 3 network is awesome. It is in HD and no delays. I even figured out how to stop and start games but you can not record them for watching later. If anyone knows how please post. The only other glitch is that once you are in Sunday Tix mode my system won't let me go back and I have to shut it off. No big deal. Hopefully next years first game will be in HD without the delays experienced this year.
  5. This team needs a WR. Don't kid yourselves that what they are putting out there now is NFL caliber. That being said I agree if they make only one move at the trade dealine it has to be for a pass rusher. This team can make the playoffs. With Houston, the Jets and now Oakland in a mess and the Steelers with major flaws the wildcard race is wide open. If we can split with the Jets, sweep Miami, and beat Denver they have a great shot at the playoffs. The time is now to make a move. Time to use the draft picks for proven players. While it may not be the key to long term success this team and this town needs to win now. It may be our collective last shot.
  6. Throw in Champ Bailey for a second and a fourth....
  7. Right and top tier D-lineman can't be found later in the draft... Kyle William 5th round, #134
  8. First I will say I'm a cardiologist but have no knowledge of any details of Easley's case. If Easley only had SVT, a fairly benign fast heart rhythm, it would have been treated with an outpatient procedure called ablation and he would be back practicing in a few days. If the Bills medical staff put him on IR for SVT they are fools. What is more likely is he has Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy(HOCM). It is the same thing Hank Gathers had. If that is true he is done as a football player but could live a long time with treatment(meds, maybe surgery, and an implantable defibrillator). Another possibility is that he developed pericarditis. This is an inflammation of the sac around the heart. A TE at Ohio State had that and had open heart surgery in the 1990's and came back to play the next year even though his sternum(breastbone) had been sawn in half. Pericarditis usually is treated with anti-inflammatory meds but once it gets into a relapsing/chronic phase surgery may be needed. The reason I think it is HOCM is that something would have been done for him or to him by now and I just can't believe the Bills medical staff would incompetent enough to recommend IR for a simple SVT.
  9. Old logic... You are thinking like this is the NFL of the 1970's and early 80's. Run and stop the run. It's all BS lip service that even the coaches find hard to say anymore. It is a passing league and yards will be gained. It's all about turnovers, QB pressures(not necessarily sacks - as evidenced today with at least two QB pressures directly causing INT's), and red zone efficiency on offense and defense. Hell if they moved the kickoff back to where it was last year I would argue that special teams was more important than running the ball or stopping the run due to the huge swings in field position that special teams can make. The Bills couldn't stop the run last year and were 0-5. This year they can't stop the run and are 4-1. Why? Because the offense has scored more points with short fields and defensive scores.
  10. What did Wannstedt prove? He can win with Jimmy Johnson's players?
  11. Why wouldn't Moss play here? Fitz is better than Tavaris Jackson and Vince Young at QB. He might enjoy a chance to go against AFC East teams again. I would take an uninjured Moss over TO coming off an ACL tear any day.
  12. No thank you but to TO's defense he was a model citizen here and was solid after the nutless one was no longer QB...
  13. Moonriver....Hey doc you using your whole fist?
  14. Fair enough, but maybe the reason they blew the lead was the Bengals have a pretty dam good defense... It may have only been a 7 point lead if the ball doesn't bounce off the WR's ankle...
  15. Nice post and my wife could have drafted Dareus without putting too much thought into it...
  16. I know this is looking at the glass half full and I think we win if the refs didn't screw us on SJ's catch, but.... Their defense looks big up front and Leon Hall is better than any CB on the Bills. They may be as good as their ranking even though their first three games were not against offensive juggernauts. And, I suspect Marvin Lewis is a Rhodes scholar compared to George Edwards. Their offensive line looked good(who's doesn't against the Bills) and AJ Green looks the part of a superstar in the making - impressive body control with deep speed(can't comment on route running). Maybe just maybe the game was closer than we thought more so because they are better than we thought....that feels a whole lot better to think about than the alternative which is the 3-0 start was just another tease
  17. Why wait - trade for a CB now or it is going to be a long season
  18. Normally I would say that the Wildcat needs to go but with Parrish out and with Smith lining up at WR alot I have a different take. They should motion into the Wildcat from the spread formation. Then they will be running(agree with previos post-they almost always run out of the Wildact) against a nickle or dime defense. With FJ and Smith in the backfield together they could run the option FJ can be lead blocker on a sweep. They could even run to Fitz's side as he probably is a better blocker than your average QB - though I would be worried someone would take a shot at him downfield.
  19. Vick threw for 400. Buffalo has never defended running QB's well. Another long day for the defense. If Spiller and Bell are hurt it is going to be pretty hard to pull out a victory even at home.
  20. McKelvin actually wasn't that bad today. He had a very nice pass break up in the end-zone that should have been Wilson's ball to knock down. Green looks like a superstar WR. That being said it looks like he lets the WR close the gap between them and initiate contact instead of him being the one to bump the WR off his pattern. Once the gap is closed the WR then has the advantage and McKelvin has little margin for error to react to the route. He should turn his hips and run a step sooner.
  21. Chris Kelsay was dropping into coverage on their last drive. Any defensive scheme or defensive call that allows that to happen should get the DC fired. McElvin was matched often times one on one with Green. How is that possible? A can see it happening a couple of times a game if we were blitzing alot but we weren't. A few safety blitzes were called today but they were so obvious and ineffective even against a rookie QB. Why is Merriman taking on the LT on almost eveyr play. Why is Darreus not rushing from the DE spot with Merriman coming off his shoulder. If they want Darreus rushing from DT spot then why not Arrington at DE and Merriman outside his shoulder? Why is Kyle Williams completely ineffective this year? With Darreus next to him he should be penetrating on almost every play. Time for a change...
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