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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. Don't forget about Bell. He is probably as important as FJ and SJ. Just give Fitz a contract worth about 10th highest in the league. Make SJ about the same offer. if he doesn't take it franchise him and draft a WR next year in first three rounds. Im sorry but FJ is on the wrong side of 30 no matter how little he has been used in the past. The Pats would bring him in at the veteran minimum just like Corey Dillon. Can't sign thirty year old RB's to big deals...
  2. I got 45...i bet the average SEC backfield wouldn't be over 6
  3. Chan is a much better coach but even Dick wasn't dumb enough to not kneel down and kick the FG in that specific situation. Dick was a gutless play not to lose with an offense run by morons and a defense that tired by the fourth quarter HC. What amazes me is that with his last shot at a HC job, he entrusted the offense to the likes of Schonert and Van Pelt? Why not bring in someone more polished with a better track record?
  4. First I know Buddy wants to build through the draft and I know in-seas0n trades are rare. But this team and the city for that matter deserves every chance to make the playoffs this year. They need a pass rusher and/or a DB. Trades need willing partners and in my mind that means a team that knows this season is already or soon to be lost. I would propose next years second round pick and next years Ravens 4th for Champ Bailey. Denver is going nowhere. A second rund pick may be enough to start the discussion and the extra 4th might get it done. I really do not know of any good edge rushers on bad teams except maybe Cameron Wake but an intra-division trade is less likely to happen. Other options? Winfield is old but Minnesota is old and falling fast. He might be had for cheap. Nate Clements is on the Bengals now? Any interest there? Flame away...
  5. because he isn't getting hit behind the line like in years past...and the man's vision and instincts are out of this world....Lynch ran behind the same line and could never find the hole or subtle creases...Freddie always finds them with subtle body lean and shoulder twists and then finishes runs going forward
  6. Going for it on that fourth down was not just a show of confidence in offense it was smart. Even with the INT the ball still moved down the field another 10 or 12 yards. If Moorman puts that ball in the endzone it is a net 15-20 yards or worse yet Lindell missess a FG. It ws smart FB. The southern drawl and folksy answers he gives make him seem simple but Gailey is one bright dude that hasn't let the game pass him by...
  7. Is there a faster way to see the post game press conferences? Is there not some pimply faced teenager RW can hire to update the website faster....
  8. nice memory..player is correct but can't recall score and time scenario either..i think Jags were winning and he iced the game with a first down but could have scored
  9. Fitz, Bell, Jackson, Nelson and Johnson should all be signed this week and they should have a massive press conference
  10. I'm sure anyone who has watched the Bills the last few decades knows we can't cover even mediocre TE's and back-ups play like superstars against Buffalo. Be it the Steelers second stringers or a whole host of back-up QB's. Personally I'd rather see Haynesworth in there and beat the pants off the Pats straight up. Cathartic win for the team, the fans, and the city...Bills 24 Pats 10
  11. Last year I would have agreed...this year I don't think so...A loss even a bad one to the pats will not doom this season...last years schedule was brutal and with two AFC victories already the Bills have a chance to be in the playoff discussion well past week ten or eleven...irrelevant is being out of playoff contention in mid-October
  12. You will see a lot of Spiller and Jackson on the field at the same time. Chandler and Nelson are height match up nightmares. Now that Spiller has shown something as a runner they will have to account for him and Chandler by keeping LB's on the field. Just say no to TO. They can still go 5 wide without 5 WR's and create all kinds of mismatches. They can shift in and out of multiple formations with Spiller, Nelson, and Chandler. This is why a quality dual threat TE is so valuable.
  13. Horrible call by the refs... I'm still not convinced their helmets ever touched and it was a perfect shoulder first hit. There was no launching and Johnson still had the ball in his hands when contact was made. Refs deserve a fine for that call not the player...
  14. Searcy plays safety and if Wilson plays as badly as he did today Searcy might get a shot. Nobody really knows how well or poorly McKelvin did on the plays that didn't come his way, but he just looks like he will never be a quality starting DB. Florence didn't exactly look great either. Williams has been bad in coverage as well. Pass rush makes DB's look awfully good at times. Best available pass rusher, offensive lineman and a couple of DB's in the first 3-4 rounds...
  15. Totally agree pressure should be up the middle. Dareus and Williams should be followed by Wilson, Scott or Merriman up the gut. Overload the 2 and 3 gaps. Stunt Kelsay up the gut with Edwards playing contain. Zero blitz Byrd... Rough him up... And those that say just keep their offense off the field with our offense. Again that is old school. They can score in bunches and quickly. That will take the crowd out of it. Need turnovers and quick strikes from our offense.
  16. Chan Gailey... "Torrel come here. Son we have a job for you today. Get this done and you get free wings for life"
  17. What do you think Belicheat would do to beat Brady? Once they took away the ability to mug the WR's downfield the only thing left is the blitz.
  18. Old school thinking just like running behind your guard from your 1 yard line. He's going to kill you if he has time. Do you think a great decison maker won't find someone open even if you drop 7 or 8? There will always be someone open. Only way to beat Brady and Manning is by beating their offensive line.
  19. Totally agree...That should have been a pick or break up by Wilson...and McKelvin still sucks
  20. Blitz Brady mercillesly...If Jason Campbell and this bunch of castoff WR's can carve up your secondary, Brady may throw for 500 yards by the end of the third quarter. The only way to stop him on defense is a pass rush. Send everyone... Send odd man overload blitz packages. Hold and tackle their TE's at the ling of scrimmage - yes that is cheating. Don't let Kelsay ever drop into coverage. And if at all possible have Aaron Schobel wear Arrington's jersey...
  21. McKelvin is garabge in coverage but that long TD was Wilson's play to make...
  22. Anyone not want to pay Fitz top ten money now??? Buddy sign Fitz, Bell, and Johnson on Monday and have the press conference started by Kelly, Fina, and Reed. The future may be here....
  23. Right now the Bills have soon to be FA's at QB, #1WR, LT, and CB. If there is a team that collectively is spending less on these four positions I can't think of which one. These are arguably the four highest paid positions on any team. How do you go about getting them all under contract? How much do you give Fitz at this point? Are you ready to make Fitz the long term QB and spend the guaranteed money it will take to get him signed? Johnson? Do you give up on Bell and McElvin? Which of them do you sign and which do you franchise? I would offer Fitz a contract that pays him around 10th in the league at starting QB and make it a 4 year deal. I would not sign Johnson and make him prove he can be the guy for an entire year without Evans. If he can then franchise him next year. I would let McKelvin walk and hold my nose while drafting yet another CB in the first three rounds next year. I would see if Bell would agree to a 3 yr extension and if not draft best available LT in the first round next year. In short I am sold on Fitz and Gailey and would hitch my wagon to them and a LT in the draft, rather than reaching for a QB next year not named Luck.
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