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Everything posted by The_Philster

  1. A lot of businesses, especially around the stadium, rely on Bills games for a lot of their business. The rest of the year, their manpower is cut down and profits are low but during the season, on weekends surrounding home games, they do great business and make solid profits...all you had to do to know that is pay attention to the stories surrounding these businesses when the topic of the Toronto series came up the first few times. Let's also take into account the players and coaches themselves...they're paying taxes on the money they make to NYS and considering they all live in the Buffalo area at least most of the year, guess where they're spending a lot of money? Western NY
  2. anyone who says something like that hates Western NY because as poor as the economy has been around, it'll get a lot worse if the Bills leave town
  3. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/B/BrooBi00.htm played in all 16 games, starting 2 with 17 catches for 224 yards...about the numbers a 4th WR would usually get
  4. actually, Billy Brooks played for the Skins the year after he caught 11 TD passes for us
  5. doesn't look like you read the post very closely by that comment
  6. Peters sucked most of the season...not just the first half of the season...worst LT in the league...gave up 11.5 sacks including the one that lost the Jets game Dec 14th
  7. under a lockout, there would be no replacement players...a lockout means shutting things down altogether...only in the event of a strike do replacement players come into the picture. Hopefully something gets done soon because there are a lot of businesses that barely break even most of the year and make all their profits during football season. Without NFL games, some businesses will have a tough time surviving.
  8. well...how many wins did Jason Peters help us get in 2008?
  9. If you miss it, you can see all 4 of those on Hulu's newest channel...the NFL Network on Hulu http://www.hulu.com/nfl/buffalo-bills
  10. well said....I really have to wonder why people are all this excited about the prospect of getting another Jason Peters
  11. Wrong The Bills made the playoffs in 99 because they had the #1 defense in the NFL!!
  12. you left out the relocation fee which would also be over half a billion dollars
  13. Because some posters do come up with inanely stupid ideas that most would think would be too stupid to consider.
  14. There's a difference between a hard-working player who "reportedly" caused internal strife in locker rooms around the league and a player who's shown that he doesn't have the desire and drive to succeed.
  15. I was wondering that one, too...lol..talking about the Avengers and then bringing up Green Lantern and Wonder Woman
  16. Great catch...didn't even notice Stew on that list...guess I missed it because it'd show some serious ignorance to include him on a list like that...a Silver Anniversary team member belongs as far from that list as possible
  17. True...Donahoe had a good reputation when he was hired, though..just wasn't as good as his press and picked weak coaches after getting run out of Pissburgh by a strong coach in Cowher. Nix, I think, is going to work out as a great hire..I know I was genuinely excited when he came back to Buffalo last year and we already reaped some of the rewards of having him back in Wood and Nelson. Only thing I hope he avoids is overspending for average players, Butler's downfall
  18. I remember...but then I'm of the opinion that Ralph hasn't been cheap for at least the last 2 1/2 decades anyway
  19. anyone who says Norwood is not a Bills fan...every real Bills fan knows that 47 yards on wet grass was out of his normal range and the biggest reason we lost that game was poor tackling
  20. Schouman was off to a pretty good start last year before getting injured
  21. Brohm, Fitz, Brown As far as the reason Brohm is better than Trent...he knows how to look off safeties...I'm personally sick of knowing who the ball is going to before the snap because if I can see it, the DBs can see it
  22. you're the one calling people names over the internet...only cowards do that...real men are man enough to insult someone to their face. Of course, real men also follow the rules...personal attacks aren't allowed on this message board....a rule you agreed to follow when you registered and I knew you wouldn't man up and take the dare....making weak excuses like expected
  23. 1..if I'm the one you're calling a dummy, you better be doing it to my face instead of from behind a keyboard like a coward 2....take the dare...the person starting the fight will ALWAYS get fired...that's the way things work in the real world...if you don't take the dare, you're acknowledging that I'm right
  24. 1...he had a 2nd home in Miami...made sense for him to want to put it there 2...an undeserved reputation...Jauron was the 10th highest paid coach in the league last year after Ralph felt he proved himself with the 4-0 and 5-1 start which prompted Ralph to give him an extension....which Ralph is paying 2 1/2 years of without having the coach...as far as players, anyone who thinks he's been cheap in regards to them is quite frankly an idiot. He's thrown out a lot of money to players (Kelly was at one point the highest paid player in the league if I'm not mistaken), some deserving and some not. 3...Ralph fired Polian for a reason that anyone would get fired in any job....he was starting fights with other people in the organization...I dare anyone to try that...you'd have to be literally sucking off your boss to keep your job. 4...I find it amusing that everyone assumes there's no plan in place just because there's been no official statements saying there's one. Did it ever occur to anyone that he doesn't have to say squat about it? A rumor came out a few years ago that there was indeed a plan in place involving Mary Wilson and Jim Kelly...and quite frankly, the only thing that could derail that plan is if Kelly's major backer backs out of the deal, which would probably only happen if fan support drops. There's no reason to disbelieve the rumor, either. Like I said, Ralph doesn't have to tell us anything so the only way we'll find out for sure if it's true is after Ralph's passing.
  25. Here's 1 big thing that Brohm has that Bledsoe never had, that Trent doesn't have, and that Jim Kelly didn't always have....the ability to look off safeties. Bledsoe was notorious for staring down receivers and Trent has to be the worst I've ever seen at it. The MNF game against Dallas when he threw that pick at the end? He was staring at Lee Evans from before the snap until Terence Newman picked it off. I was at the other end of the field and could see exactly where the ball was going so if Newman hadn't read it, someone on the Dallas defense was going to. Brohm, however, in his only start for us, was looking off safeties and being very un-Trent-like in that respect. I personally wanna see more
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