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Everything posted by The_Philster

  1. I'll be there Friday...hopefully Saturday as well...just that my tailgate partners who expect me to hold spaces for them every game didn't come through and order me a Saturday ticket
  2. Burris? He was a good player for us before he landed a good deal in free agency
  3. Parrella had a long productive career for the Chargers...he just wasn't a fit for the 3-4...more proof that, like with Maybin, teams need to bring in not only talent, but players that fit the team's scheme...like with Jeff Posey...had a monster year with the Texans 3-4 scheme but came to our 4-3 defense and was average on his best days because he didn't fit
  4. Whitner's no bust...he's no way worth where we drafted him but he's a solid player As far as Maybin, he's got 1 year in the league after a lengthy holdout...in a system that was ill-suited for him
  5. He was a scout for us in the late 90s and our best draft choice in that time was a player he scouted...Eric Moulds When he came back to the Bills (I was excited to see him come back), he said that he had kept up with college fb and still had a lot of contacts at the schools he scouted (the southeastern US)...Eric Wood and Shawn Nelson came from those schools Oh, and Nelson may have started week 1, but that was more a case of the personnel grouping we had on the field for the 1st play....Schouman was the starting TE until he went down with an injury...Derek Fine took over until his injury so Nelson wasn't the starting TE until week 11
  6. Ditto! A few years ago, he sure seemed smarter than the rest of the owners with regards to the CBA...except Ralph and Mike Brown, they all rushed to sign it....and now they opted out of it because they realized Ralph was right actually, Gailey made that vote that's his wife's PT Cruiser
  7. It wasn't an issue of money in this case, anyway. Ralph was willing to put up $10M per year for the right coach...Shanahan is getting $7M per year in DC
  8. Well said...the accusations of being cheap are ridiculous..hasn't been remotely true for over 25 years or so at the least
  9. Besides a certain poster who makes personal attacks left and right to defend his criminal idol, posts like this are proof of what kind of people defend that scumbag....dishonest. Mistake? 6 years of vicious crimes is not a mistake...it's a sign of a sociopath Culture? any culture that supports crime has severe issues....but can't be used as an excuse. There are some inner city neighborhoods around the country where the way to deal with arguments is to kill the person you're arguing with...wanna defend that, too? Apologized as part of a prepared statement he didn't write...when he talks without prompting, he claims he was the victim...not the dogs he tortured and slaughtered, not the children whose pets he stole to kill, but himself. "It's unfortunate this happened to me" is a sentence he's said multiple times when the only thing that happened to him was he got caught committing vicious crimes. Fits our offense? Gailey has said repeatedly he doesn't come in with a set offensive style...he molds the offense around our players...but don't confuse yourself with the facts. fans of OJ Simpson? I can't believe anyone is really stupid enough to think that WNYers are still fans of the guy...but then again, defending Vick doesn't require much upstairs, either. Bottom line....anyone convicted of a felony has no place in the NFL making millions playing a game and anyone defending convicted felons' privilege to do so has issues to say the least.
  10. won't happen...Buddy Nix is too smart to trade for a QB who's never been very good...CEO Russ Brandon is a marketing guy and the 1st rule of marketing is to know your customers...except the drunk idiots who don't even know the game (nor do they even go to games often), Vick's not welcome in Buffalo...Mary Wilson and Jim Kelly would be strong opposition to it as well
  11. I'll be happy just to see him stop staring down receivers
  12. He's got one thing going for him that Trent doesn't...he knows how to look off safeties...Trent's been staring down his receivers almost his entire career...worse than Bledsoe, even
  13. comparing wins and losses only works in tennis...the only way to really compare players is in how they actually play...stats are the 2nd best way....but stats are pretty subjective as well and depend on players around them
  14. reading isn't a strength of yours, is it? It's been explained a few dozen times so far that the Bills tried to get him but he had no interest in coming here
  15. this is why drug-testing should be expanded from players to message board posters
  16. no ****, sherlock...but people have been making this stupid assumption that higher ticket prices would mean we could spend more on players for the past several years now
  17. I fail to understand why, after free agency and the salary cap have been in place since 1993, that people still get this idiotic idea that higher ticket prices means a team can spend more on players. Shared revenue more than covers all player and staffing costs. They could give away tickets for free and it would have little-to-no effect on how much a team could spend on players. Player salaries are covered by 60% of shared revenue, of which television money makes up the largest share of.
  18. maybe the fact that we host them in regular season keeps it from happening
  19. there would still be a draft there's no threat of a strike...it's a lockout. A strike happens when the players refuse to play...like in 87. A lockout is when the owners lock the players out, basically...like MLB in 94 There won't be scabs in the event of a lockout UFL would only be Affected if some NFL players went to that league to play
  20. he was released after testing positive for steroids and the long hair was just his rookie season. I remember meeting him at training camp his 2nd year and the hair was gone
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