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Everything posted by ToGoGo

  1. If there was a ball underneath him and on his ribs, a lineman rolling on top of him can easily break his ribs. It's not just Goodwin, I think any lean skill player can be injured that way like WR or CB. I doubt Sammy or Woods have enough cushion to counteract those physics.
  2. Here's my concern about it: CB is the most important position behind QB for confidence levels. Darby is a rookie so he already has a million things on his mind and nerves about playing in the NFL. And now he might be one of the starters opening day going up against arguably the best QB in the NFL. After being relentlessly targeted all preseason by 2nd-tier QBs, what do you think Andrew Luck is going to do to him? OK, maybe he can stay with Hilton, but how is he going to defend a grizzled and big body receiver like Andre Johnson? Does that not sound like a disaster waiting to happen? Even if Rex wanted to throw Darby in the fire, it does not look like he's managed his confidence very well.
  3. Is that what it was? I assumed it was appendix, but was curious why they kept it a secret.
  4. Just two years ago our backups QBs were Thad Lewis and Jeff Tuel. Fans were screaming for improvements. Now we have solid and deep depth at the QB position, but many fans want them cut or traded for cap gains that are unclear if we actually even need. Once you dig in, the logic makes no sense. I really wish somebody would explain it to me better.
  5. Here's how I see it. 1. Things changed the last two weeks. I believe Mayock and even Leroi were correct in saying Manuel would be cut. But nobody expected him to make the strides he made. When you look at things from the perspective of the coaching staff choosing Tyrod over a month ago, EJ really threw a wrench in their plans with his preseason performances. 2. We currently have an exciting but unproven player at QB. He could be injury prone, he could be exposed, or he could break down mentally like Trent Edwards. We just don't know what we have with Tyrod Taylor yet. We need insurance. 3. EJ has shown incredible glimpses of putting it all together the last few weeks. IF he really does put it all together, he becomes VERY valuable to the Bills. Either as the eventual starter or as 1st round pick bait if Tyrod becomes a winner. For all those clamoring to trade him now, I think they're worried that what we saw was a fluke and they're hoping to get a late round pick for it. But if what we saw was a sign of things to come, we'll have the hottest QB on the market next year for QB-needy teams. 4. Since Tyrod is unproven, and EJ is still a bit of a question mark, we know what we have with Cassel. And what we have is good enough to avoid turnovers and move the ball into field goal range. There will be no Geno Smith or Jeff Tuel pick-six meltdowns. That's why he is valuable on this team for $5M which is junk change for a QB in today's NFL.
  6. My problem with it is, in my opinion, Fred's leadership, drive, and will to win for one year is worth 2-3 years of Dixon and Brown combined. I can't back it up with facts but I just know that there's going to come a time this year where we're going to regret letting Fred Jackson go so soon. Some 3rd and 4 in the 4th quarter where the odds are against us and everybody is losing their spirit, there won't be a Fred Jackson to carry the pile.
  7. I see Andrew Luck make yip throws sometimes. Those are the throws separating Peyton, Rodgers, Brees, and Brady from everybody else.
  8. I don't get people. They have entire field in the NFL for people to estimate player's potential. It's called scouting.
  9. I hope so as well. My time in organizations tells me this is a common thing. The way you responded seemed kind of uppity so let me put it this way. If you already built your offense around a certain kind of mobile QB, it would take a great deal of effort to rebuild it over a different style of QB. Would you agree it might be a bit of a bother to adjust?
  10. I think Rex and Roman already decided on and designed a lot of plays around TT. I don't think anyone saw EJ coming and they don't want to bother changing anything.
  11. I've been gone a few hours so even though I'm behind I have to comment on this. The answer is: because I don't think there are very many QBs PERIOD who can make the reads and throws EJ made the way he did. And since I haven't seen Tyrod do anything like that, nor even attempt anything like that, I question if he can do it at all. I just don't see the craziness in that.
  12. You don't have anything to say. You just have opinions with nothing to back them. I keep waiting for any insight whatsoever from you but it doesn't seem to be there.
  13. I was using your logic in the opposite direction to show the absurdity of it. You realized how dumb it was, but you can't connect it back to you. So yes, Coach, I was being a little bit of a troll but for a purpose
  14. I'm the one you're calling a troll. OK.
  15. I'm perfectly chill. You're the one telling me I need to apologize for questioning you.
  16. So you're admitting that you're wrong if we're wrong?
  17. Too much politics for it to be Roman's call. He's an OC. Rex wants Tyrod. Whaley probably wants EJ. Russ Brandon wants Tyrod or EJ for marketing. How is Roman going to win this battle. Get out of here.
  18. I think it was clear to everyone that things changed after yesterday.
  19. Perhaps, doesn't mean he can't have a favorite.
  20. The gorgeous passes to Clay and Gragg. Watch those replays again. I haven't seen that from Tyrod yet. It would be nice if I saw a passing TD too.
  21. You underestimate what ego and stubbornness can do. Look at Chip Kelly. Heck, look at Doug Marrone.
  22. I apologize for questioning you. Please forgive me.
  23. Even in that game Tuel looked more like Taylor than EJ.
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