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Everything posted by mpl6876

  1. I appreciate your opinion. I too am excited about the upcoming season. I am excited to see a new adequate head coach with inexperienced coordinators take over a less than talented team. I am anxious to see what happens. I am hopeful we can get some wins, be competitive , and build for the future. As far as a "swagger," I don't see it. What makes you say that we are getting a swagger? Can you validate the Bills swagger? I am being serious and not trying to be a dick. I did like how they looked vs Indy but I wouldn't call it a swagger...
  2. Come on Biscuit, here you go again slamming Clausen any chance you can. How the heck can you hold him accountable for looking better because the other QB's don't look good. That has nothing and I mean nothing to do with evaluating Clausen. Clausen went in the second round because Carolina had him as their BPA and or he fit a need and was worth a second round pick. The fact that other QB's in his class aren't doing well has no bearing on how he will do in the league. I can't believe you wanted to pick Tebow? I guess you really bought into the Tebow hype? I would say you are in the minority. I would take Clausen over Tebow in a heartbeat. IMHO, it is not even close.
  3. I do believe Gailey did the right thing. He stood up for his players and that's what a coach should do. Kudos to Gailey. However, I think we are missing the "big picture." I think the fans were (inappropriately) voicing their displeasure with TE and our QB situation. I happen to feel the same way and I voice my displeasure in other ways. No kudos to Gailey or the new regime for not addressing the QB situation this year...That is the bigger issue and my main concern. I really could care less about some meaningless heckling incident.
  4. C Biscuit, I would like to address some of your points. Firstly, I do not know how successful Clausen will be in the NFL. As we all know, it is very very difficult to know which college QB's will be good to great NFL QB's. That has been discussed here over and over. - He had a top 5 receiving core. I think it is unfair for you to use this as a negative against him. Perhaps, he made the receiving core better? Secondly, I am not so sure that his receiving core was as good as you classify it. - A great OC Some would say that makes him more NFL ready. Some would use this as a positive. Again, I don't think this is a valid point. So any QB with a great OC loses value? Vice versa? - Pete Carrol passed on him Who really cares what Pete Carrol thinks. He is a cheater and a liar. Isn't he the same coach that went to bat for Sanchez and Lienert? It has been said here before and I will repeat it. It doesn't matter who and how many teams passed on the guy. That doesn't mean he won't be successful. It is a flawed argument. - his upbringing Wow, you are really looking for any reason not to like the guy. Of course, QB's aren't made in a lab. There is plenty of film to watch. I see a QB who can make all the throws needed to play in the NFL. I don't see a robotic QB at all. I wonder if Archie Manning helped his son's learn the QB position? Wondering if your same logic applies to them? - his record in college was a losing one Come on Biscuit. How bout saying he played on a team that wasn't very good and he made them better and more competitive. You said it yourself it is a team state but yet you want to use this against him. Another unfair criticism. You yourself pointed out Cutler... - McDaniels hasn't proved anything. In fact, some including myself would say he has ruined that team for years. I wouldn't use him as an example to strengthen my points of view. - I am going to downplay what you say as him being a "prick." I just don't know the validity of that statement. I have seen very little to support these claims. Secondly, I don't believe JP's attitude had anything to do with his lack of success in the NFL. I think it was inability to read defenses and the lack of protection to name a few. Cutler's problem isn't his attitude either. I will agree with George. However, I do not see the similarities between the two. Unfair comparison. Sure sounds like you are trying to hate the guy? Maybe, I am wrong there. Too many variables to consider right now with the current crop of college QB's. IMHO, too early to say that I would rather have so and so ahead of Clausen. I will reserve that train of thought after the college season. You do mention Pryor and I think he stinks! I have seen him play many times and I haven't been impressed. He isn't even close to being an NFL QB.
  5. what's all this talk about drafting a LT and or a QB. Let these guys play and have Chan develop these guys. There is a very good chance Trent will be a good to great QB under Chan. Also, Bell or Meridith can turn into a stud LT too. You never know? Let's see the guys play under this new regime. Trent did have a "swagger" in his last game. Bell looked solid. I am hoping we will not even have to draft a LT or a QB in next years draft. Maybe we can draft the best player available. I just hope it isn't a RB.
  6. That's where your wrong. What I believe means a lot to me and my wife, kids, friends, and co workers. With all due respect, what you believe means nothing to me.
  7. A man of reasoning. How bout that.
  8. I believe we could have gotten Clausen at pick 2 and Troupe at pick 3 or 4.
  9. For me, it is too early to start thinking about who we are going to draft next year. Right now, I want to enjoy or try to enjoy this season.
  10. I am not going to say anything. I will let the Bills do the talking on the field.
  11. I see Clausen as a QB who has that "it" factor. He seems to be a leader, confident, poised, and eager to play and learn. He seems to be able to make all the throws and isn't scared or second guessing himself. I think you have to look beyond the stats and look at the intangibles. IMHO, he has much more potential than any of our current mistakes. How would this team in a year or two with Clausen, Spiller, and a couple of more quality offensive weapons? It is like a broken record in my head "saying we could have gotten him at pick 41." IMHO, it was a no brainer and we blew it! I know many of you don't share my point of view...
  12. Just wondered if anyone is concerned about the special teams play? I know it s only preseason but the Bills haven't looked good in this area. I know Bruce D is back and I think he's a solid coach. IMHO, to win game we have to be solid in our special teams play. Any thoughts?
  13. Really? I thought both played pretty well and the intangibles of TE were very good for a change. (ie) he didn't crumble after he got his bell wrung. Normally, I am the one being pessimistic so this is kind of "new territory" for me. I just call them like I see them and I liked what I say last night.
  14. I really liked his willingness to run in between the tackles. He showed that he is more than just a runner who is going to take it to the outside. He reminds me of a young LT. He didn't remind me of Reggie Bush. This kid can be something special if the Bills can get some more pieces to the offense. Can you image this kid on an established solid NFL offense? I am excited to see him play this season.
  15. I have not been a fan of TE. I know it's preseason and all, but tonight I show some things that I have never really seen in TE. I seen a more composed and confident QB, a QB who was willing to throw the ball down field with zip and authority. I didn't see a "trentative" QB. Perhaps Gailey is "coaching him up" to be an effective QB. Time will tell. I really did like what I saw and it's very encouraging. I liked the performance of BB too. He looked a little "raw" out there.I think that is to be expected. He threw a lot of safe passes but nevertheless he appears to have an upside. I believe with some more solid play he will become our Number # 2 QB. I hope we get to see more productive play from our QB's in the next two preseason games. Maybe this can path the way for the regular season?
  16. I agree Doc, but I can tell you I feel a lot better about the Bills now than I did against the Skins. Let me enjoy this for a little while. Preseason or not, it was so much fun and so enjoyable to see us play well. That's coming from one pessimistic SOB.
  17. Good luck, I hope you win. I never understand how someone can handicap a preseason game?
  18. I am just wondering where are all the people that said we will not have as many injuries because we have a new regime which included a new conditioning coach. Thus, our guys will be stronger and in better shape and less likely to be hurt. So much for that theory. So many of us blamed DJ for having the guys soft and not playing in pads. Maybe it wasn't Dick boy's fault after all. Maybe injuries are just part of football? I am not DJ fan but IMHO, he gets blamed for many things that weren't his fault.
  19. Bob, thanks for clearing some heads here and putting things into better perspective.
  20. Well, let me tell you something. Your ignorance is beyond belief. What in the world would makes you think I am trying to be some kind of arbiter? I was given you a damn compliment and you twisted the post into another insulting disrespectful post. You have no class whatsoever. Good handle on what make this place tick? Would that be insulting people and using the Troll comment every other post. Your not even worthy of washing my underwear....
  21. Solid rebuttal and I think you nailed it. Great feedback.
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