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Everything posted by 808

  1. have you not been paying attention? its business as usual over at OBD. we are rebuilding be patient 4 more years 4 more years. but really i hope they resign him and draft a WR if we let stevie walk without even franchising him and draft a wr it wont shock me. its what ralph and the boys do.
  2. i think cousins has a lot of similar traits to christian ponder and wouldnt be surprised that nix/gailey like him quite a bit judging that they coveted ponder they way they did believe it was ponder. but the vikings went crazy town and took him way early
  3. 2nd round qbs jimmy clausen kellen clemens tavaris jackson john beck kevin kolb drew stanton brian brhom chad henne pat white quincy carter marques tuisosopo AND drew brees all the qbs drafted in the second round since 2001....lol 1/12 aint bad.......hahah
  4. they can still run a 34 and have them both playing with the same gap responsibilities as a true 43 but in a more 34 alignment. it wont be a true 34 with a big fatty clogging the middle but i think without switching back to a true 43 that would be the best option.
  5. if they are gonna give up 2 firsts a second and a player they better do it for luck. with that aside i think if couples drops far enough down hed be good or courtney upshaw for pass rushers/LB upshaw can move all over and play ILB or OLB and has put his hand on the ground to play DE. if alshon jeffry is still there i wouldnt be mad at the pick
  6. i stopped reading when you said to let mac walk. mac is a really undervalued FB. guy lays it down out there and gets it done.
  7. paige moss really falling all the way to the 5th?
  8. personally yes i would give 2#1s and 2#2s for luck. if you get a guy you think can come in and be your franchise for 12 years you do it. imagine if we did that in 2000? that last 11 years woulda been different
  9. dwayne bowe would be a amazing signing. so because of that the bills will sign the guy from the movie "friday" who played D-bo then let half the players walk away and we draft those same positions again.
  10. a samoan? so even if they suck. get um? half the hawaii football team is islanders and they blow ass. NEXT
  11. i dont feed trolls. so yah lets judge haloti off one game! 2 whitner is why the 49ers are winning. nothing to see here folks keep moving along and dont feed the troll let the thread die. just keep it moving click back
  12. i personally like alshon jeffry more then blackmon. hes big and done pretty well considering he was handcuffed to steven garcia this whole time. if they are going wr in the 1st ill take alshon. something else we need to take into consideration is how much the bills FO likes guys who have 0 off field issues and are seniors. yah they took dareus but they want mature guys from big conferences
  13. alshon jeffries to the bills would be cool. i like the kid and he would be in so much more talk if he didnt have a bum QB. there are a ton of spots on this team that could use a upgrade
  14. we gonna pay nolan more then gailey?..........yah as much as id be thrilled to get nolan even mangini or even kevin greene. i just dont see them doing it.
  15. whoever they do sign theyll cut the position they bring in a have zero depth like usual. "failing to plan is a plan to fail" this team never plans on depth. its maddening
  16. didnt they trade up for byrd? im to lazy to go google it. haha
  17. gailey just keeps giving up on the run. its pretty irritating
  18. so break it down for me. if he didnt have a celebration how hed make the catch? seriously you havent come with one valid point here on how the 2 are related. no dance=catching the ball is what you have come with so far
  19. dude seriously. his maturity has nothing to do with his skills as a football player. so if your mature and work hard you can be a NFL player? if this were true the hardest working players would be the best players. it just simply is not how it works. your tryna say because he has amusing td celebrations that he doesnt work hard and is lazy in practice and that if he would just focus he would do it better. and thats wrong his celebrations have zero to do with his work ethic/maturity. not even in the real work force of normal people do the hardest working mature people getting the best jobs and succeeding. he was born with this skill set. he works on it. but he could work harder then anyone else in the building. it will not make him catch a ball better. seriously tho
  20. his immaturity has nothing to do with his stone hands. why would it? so if your a mature person your better at playing football????? his immaturity has ZERO to do with him costing the team those wins. he wasnt dancing down the field and a ball was thrown to him and he was to busy dancing. seriously relate to me how him being mature matters at all to catching a ball and you might have a argument here. maturity doesnt make you focus either. btw i have a hard time going all in on him being the one who cost us the game. in plain view with no memory yah if he had caught 1 of um then great. but there was miscues the whole game that he had nothing to do with. he didnt play OLB/DE and lose contain on CJ all day. the team wouldnt have had to rely on him that heavily if the D was able to stop CJ as well
  21. so he gave the ball to the ref in a way you didnt see fit? lol... hahah NINJA PLEASE! gtfoh..timing is bad for it booo. take that outta here mr moral police. holding a 20something kid to your own personal standards? ill bet $ he wouldnt approve of they way you do things either. btw how much does your professional ninja job pay?
  22. boo i dont like young people bahhh your to loud!! get off my lawn you gang member with your new jeans and fancy clothes! boooo. seriously get a life. if you scored a td infront of 60000 people youd probably crap yourself.
  23. im not sure hes that far off. winning is like a bonus to making money. if he broke even thats a failure(i think its impossible to break even when you own a nfl team. you make $ every year) some of the other stuff is a little foil hat ish. but i honestly dont think he cares as long as the team does not go 0-16 but he still makes $. 10 good years out of 50 is what the bills have been. is it just ralphs bad luck? i dont think so. this stuff starts at the top.
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