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Everything posted by Thud

  1. Thats what Nevergiveup said. He is the insider. Where are you? Any new updates?
  2. Cmon just laugh a little. It was funny.
  3. Think about it! After a sack we could all chant B-O-W-E-R-S!!
  4. Honest question about QB's. ...... Does where you draft them make them good or is it the player. Last year i dont recall Gabbert being mentioned now top 3? Newton? All i know is that we have many holes to fill and dont want us "reaching" just to have a QB in the first round
  5. Thoner is actually a retired GM/Coach/Owner with more negative knowledge about a team that he secretly hates. Come clean man is this Belicheat? Sexy Rexy? Parcells? Just come clean man.
  6. Why not Kapernick. Gonna keep beatin that drum!
  7. Kapernick yes Dalton maybe Ponder fragile Mallet gets arrested Locker dunno for sure. Glad I am not making the pick.
  8. Kapernick please in the second or third.
  9. Eagles fan trollin for picks. Thats all folks nothing to see here. Move along.
  10. AMEN! Good post! Cue the haters.
  11. The owners are locking them out due to the union de-certifying. There is no contract therefore no terms of employment. Looks like the union blew it again. Just kill the goose take the eggs and go home.
  12. Are you aware it doesnt freaking matter? When you own a business is there a limit as to how much you could make? Are you aware that Steve Jobs is so rich everyone in america could have a free ipad!?? Wow! Why doesnt he do that? Hmmm walmart could have a free day and they dont? What a rip off. The company i work for reported record profits and i went home thankful for job security not pissed off feeling i deserved a cut. When will you realize? Probably never.
  13. Typical union BS. Demean and smear the guy that is making it possible for you to have an occupation. Last i checked we passed through the industrial revolution and working conditions are improved. Last i checked the players seemed to do fine. Lets just kill the golden goose take whats inside and start watching hockey. Dammit
  14. All Hail NGU!!!!!! Please tell them Dareus, Bowers, or Gabbert.
  15. I have seen several of his games but does his skills tramslate to the next level? His production was off the charts but does it count? I would love to see him work out at round two or three. Thoughts?
  16. Looking for honest opinion on Kapernick. He did excellent in college. Does any of it translate? I am not an expert but would love to see him work out as a second rounder. Any opinions?
  17. Nix, please only take a QB in the second rd at the earliest. Please! Defensive interior only round one.
  18. I think it is a very tough proposition to say he is the next Vince Young. I am also very scared to say he is the next Tom Brady. We are in a tough spot with this pick if a QB is taken it either sets us back for many many years if it doesnt work or sets us up for many many years. What to do? My Gut says get the big uglies and work towards shoring up the interiors. We will find our QB. I kinda think we got em already. Queue the boos and rants but we wont do it with out the power of the BIGS!
  19. When Thoner posts it will always be negative you just need to accept it and move on. We always look forward to the cloudy skies and 100% chance of showers that Thoner brings.
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