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Everything posted by Thud

  1. This sounds alot like what Jeffs ex-girlfriend was telling me last night E.D.,breath was bad, feet were always cold,never lifted the seat, and was unable to turn pancakes. Pretty much sums it up.
  2. Nice call KOK. Advise others to stay away so you can stew in your negativity. Cant wait to see the posts when we start winning. Like the "freight train" you mention your negativity wont stop it and how will the posts read then?????
  3. Thank you! Thank you. As a Bills fan here in Idaho i will pull for them each week and hope for the best. Doesnt anyone think the constant negative vibe pulls things down? I know when you expect the worst that is what you usually get. I want a win and want to get better but the snap decision keyboard tough guys get very tiresome. Oh and please check my grammar and spelling. Cue the negativity.
  4. Correction. Harrison said hurt not injure and was very specific on what the difference was. Dont try to paint it the wrong way. Go back and watch it and you will see.
  5. Your right! Fire em all! We should be 5-0 and sizing super bowl rings.
  6. I had Wrotto Wang Wood after Levitre once. Once i called in "handgartner" all was well.
  7. Garbage time is on tuesday at my house. When is yours ? Garbage time. ..... Meh
  8. Sounds like you just described my brothers wife only she doesnt deserve a second chance
  9. Green heard vagisil was on sale at the piggly wiggly and asked for time off to nurse his "injury"
  10. What would you prefer they trade for? My bet is regardless we woulda been ripped off huh? Oh well its done and we can complain this spring about what a horrible pick it was we got in return and declare iy a bust prior to the start of the season.
  11. Depends on your outlook. The majority of the naysayers on this board want to lose so they can remain in their "this organization is a joke" funk. Once you are there long enough good news is never welcome. I say play your asses off show some pride and keep churning the roster to find players that have the heart.
  12. Fire them all now! Run the bums out of town! Grab your torches and pitchforks! Every thread is so predictable and mind-numbing it is a gas! If they traded Mcargo for Tom Brady you all would still say what idiots they were. Anyone here see that Moss was unloaded for a 3? And we got robbed for not getting a first and a brinks truck full of cash? AMAZING. Glad Ii dont work for you guys.
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