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Everything posted by Thud

  1. I was about 10 years old in the days of unlimited satellite TV and saw a game where the announcers were talkin up ole Freddy Smerlas. Shoe untied blood on his pants, shirt untucked, nice beard etc etc. The overall toughness of players like him and others got me hooked. Got to visit in early 90's and saw a couple games but the highlight was this. It was mid week pre season and the stadium lights were on. I walked up to the fence and was peering down the tunnel trying to see what was up. The security guard walked by and i told him i was a west coaster and how long i was a fan. He let me and my buddy in and gave me a football and said go throw the ball around and i will do another sweep of the stadium. He let us run pass patterns throwing to each other for over an hour fully lit stadium and there was only turee of us. Me, Buddy , and the coolest security dude ever!!
  2. Cmon man. U know the guy meant rushing/receiving. Your teacher always grade you this harshly? Workin out some past issues?
  3. Who is Walter? Oh yea the dandruff eating basement dweller mad at the world. Probly got a closet full ofCowboys gear.
  4. DAREUS....... Deep raspy breaths ...... I am your father.
  5. Did you notice Uconn didnt give an answer? Woulda bitched if we had all first rd picks. Cant make em all happy. I say hurrah for addressing need and support these players. WELCOME TO BUFFALO!
  6. Uh yea the best lineman and two solid inside backers did absolutely nothing to help........
  7. Wang just got a massage so he is doing just fine.
  8. Boohoo typical Bills fan. In the middle of a decent draft wih great de isions being made we cry about what the patriots do. I bet your brother always got more ice cream from mommy.
  9. Sooooo happy! Bring on Martez Wilson rd 2 let the badass defense begin.
  10. I would love this move. Solid and fills need. This is how champions are built.
  11. I really need for Nevegiveup to reassure me that Newton isnt the pick if he is available. I havent been able to sleep well at all due to recurring nightmares of Newton running around confused throwing INT's. Grudens QB camp cemented it for me. Please NGU gimme some solace?
  12. No and no! I knew it. I HOPED prior to clicking it was a story about him not a should we sign him thread! Maybe we should sign him and draft Cam to sit on the bench to learn????? Wait..... I will start my own thread. I think i am onto something
  13. Uhhhh yea your right..... Letting them run 500 yards per game and control the clock never letting our QB on the is the perfect approach. Name me Super Bowl Champs with weak D's like ours.
  14. Yes ! Yes. ! We need many players this is a great way to rebuild.
  15. I like it! Would like Kaepernick too!
  16. What does Nevergiveup say? I trust him more than Chris Brown
  17. He was a gamer for 4 years, runs like a Gazelle And can throw deep enough to beat Boise St! Lets pik em up in RD 2 to be safe
  18. That was too hard. Multiple choice tests suck.
  19. Kaepernick in the second after drafting a big nasty in the first!
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