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Everything posted by Thud

  1. Brady is a cry baby we all know that. But for him to talk trash to Ray Lewis???? Needs to be careful.
  2. I'm pretty effing far from "ok". Pulp Fiction. Ving Rhames
  3. OP ......... We will be sure to consult you next time we decide how to use players. Can you make it by say...... 8 am Monday. Chan Gailey
  4. Whoa Shibuya.......... Pop a blood vessel? Please dont get this board going with this stuff. This is our break from the world to enjoy the team we love while cheering together regardless of the political stuff. Pretty please?!?!?!?
  5. For real? I mean seriously. 4-2 and you are trippin??? Just hang on man. Hang on
  6. Couldnt see the game but watched updates one the phone at church. Wake up anxious for highlights only to watch a Tom Brady Wes Welker highlight reel. I kept seeing the score and wondered how and when the Bills scored. Mych to my chagrin all i got to see after beung shown pretty much all Patriots scoring plays and every key defensive play for te Patriots was the kick to win it. It didnt end there though. Post game was a 10 second snippet from Freddie then Brady then Welker back to Brady then the reporter talking about Bradys numbers. The Bills won for crying out loud! Thats Fine. We will stay under the radar. Screw you ESPN!
  7. Sour Grapes after 15 straight losses to the Patriots? Get a life man.
  8. Sorry if this was already posted. Ftzbeardy is informing us the beard is BACK! And he is challenging those intedested to join him. My question is who is joining him? Can we post pics of the progression? I would love to see it as the season progresses. Thoughts?
  9. This post just made my day^*^^^^ thank you!
  10. Weehawk??? Fan win or lose.........? yet your interest needs regenerated after completing a punchlist of items? Hmmmmmmm Point proven. Oh and who is in charge of the projections? Maybe you could cue us in to who wins the superbowl. I could head to Vegas. Just would like to cheer em on regardless.
  11. Didnt get to see the game as I was coaching 7th graders. Kinda suprised to log in after what looked like a good offensive performance and not see much positive chatter. Is that allowed? Or do the haters lose their log-in when things look positive? Just sayin.
  12. I agree the line play has been putrid. You arent suggesting that we stand pat and just go with what is clearly an inept setup are you? Wouldnt it be unacceptable as a coach to not try something new?
  13. We better see something come monday on new signings......... Someone instead of these hacks. This was one of the worst defenses last yr.
  14. Uhhhh we cant defend any pass so far....... Whays up?
  15. I can beat our left tackle right now. My goodness!
  16. Would someone taste the milk in the fridge? I think it might be spoiled. Wait dont lets just stew and worry about it. Come on man!
  17. With many receivers on the roster that look fairly good who is odd man out now with this recent signing? Just wonderin.
  18. These are the kids pissed at Santa on Dec 23 cuz they knew they were gettin screwed. Haha impatient.
  19. Uhhh bad post man. Bad post
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