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Everything posted by Philo

  1. I noticed that too and was sort of shocked, but also very pleased. I think Fitzpatrick played his heart out and gave us everything he had yesterday. Much kudos.
  2. Fitzy let the pass to Parrish sail a bit high, but Nelson could have made a play for the ball on the second interception. All in all I was pleased with Fitzy's overall play and poise.
  3. I never said Trent was a wuss and I didn't mean to imply that he would have sat out the rest of the game if that's what you're implying, but that Trent probably would have sat out a play or two or something along those lines. Maybe it is just me but it seems to me that he can be too conscious of getting hit. I think that if Trent had more composure he has the ability to make more plays. Unfortunately, I feel like he doesn't have that composure, or perhaps lost it at some point. If Gailey can restore that Trent could be a decent QB.
  4. We need a draft like this...and soon. You are correct that we have been missing out the past few drafts, so a year where we get those high picks and get those impact players would be very beneficial. I'm not saying I want the Bills to be terrible this year for that sole purpose, but if it happens it may be just what we need.
  5. That's it right there. Trent gets shaken up too easily so he gets happy feet and ruins plays. He just doesn't appear to have any composure 95% of the time. And yes, he would have sat out if he took that hit.
  6. +1 This was a team loss. Sure, Edwards could have played a hell of a lot better, but so could have the O-line and the backs and just about everyone else. I am as fed up with Trent as the next poster, but I really hope we can get past the whole "it's always his fault" argument. There are still a lot of things that this team needs to work on, not just QB. This is going to be a long season, but I think we all knew that.
  7. Okay, well put me on the record as saying I wouldn't mind it if it somehow worked out.
  8. He worked his ass off to get in the game at UConn as a walk on. When he finally got his chance he exploded. Easly has the drive and natural ability to be a big time receiver. Like I said, with a little luck and some good coaching he could be a great wide receiver. I don't see how that's hard to grasp.
  9. It's sad but true. I still would like to see Nix find a veteran LT this off season at least. We were reported to be in the market for Gaither, correct?
  10. I agree with the above poster that if we start with Trent and he begins to regress again, we need to play Brohm since we already know what we have in Fitzpatrick. That was something that really bugged me last season, but I understand that Fewell was going with the best option for him to get the job.
  11. There are a lot of variables this year and a lot of things could happen, including somehow sneaking into the playoffs.
  12. I agree its possible but I wouldn't count on 11-5. 9-7 is more likely IMO if we were to sneak into the playoffs, but who knows? I know I'm excited to see it all play out
  13. I agree. Fitz probably won't get any better. Trent has some upside especially with a new coach but not as much as Brohm. He does have all the tools to be a NFL caliber QB but so far hasn't put it together. Hopefully after a full off-season with a real offensive coach like Gailey at the helm he can turn it on. Personally, I am still up in the air on who will be the starter day 1. I think its pretty even between Edwards and Brohm. Fitzy is going to take a backseat this year and just be a reliable backup.
  14. Good post I agree with everything you said, especially the sentiment that this year is not a quest to return to glory but to develop the youth and give the new staff a chance to implement their schemes. I think that is a big point a lot of fans may be missing. I am really excited to see how Gailey runs the offense, how Edwards runs the 3-4 and how our young guys play. I think this year will be more fun to watch if anything.
  15. I always noticed the zone blocking tidbit, which gives me some hope, but he is still a practice squad guy in my mind for this year at least. And I totally agree with your subtle message by the way.
  16. I agree. At this point, however, I feel the position is open to whoever performs in training camp. I am pulling for Brohm though because I do like his upside. That being said I wouldn't mind Edwards if he is checking down to Spiller
  17. I agree that he would be a practice squadder. While I was reading I was thinking he sounds decent until I got to the part where he is described as not a good option for a team that emphasizes the run. It looks like that is going to be our offensive philosophy this year, at least. Sidenote: I like the Miracle on Ice quote in your signature, Rfeynman
  18. I've never even heard of the QB this guy has us taking, but I don't watch too much college football. Anybody know anymore on him? Is he a true first round prospect?
  19. That's possible, but I think he may stick around just for veteran depth since so many of our WRs are young and inexperienced now. I do like Hardy and Johnson and hope that one of them if not both can break out this season. I also think Nelson has a chance to have a good year, he looked solid last year when he wasn't hurt. Made a few nice catches. As for the other players mentioned in the article, I think Levitre has a bright future ahead of him with the Bills, Carrington and Maybin should contribute this year and will only continue to get better and as for Brohm, I have no inclination whether or not he will be anything good, but it would be great if he broke out.
  20. I don't know much about Gabriel, but from what I heard I would be on board with him joining our scouting department.
  21. Good post, I appreciate your thoughts on the draft.
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