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Everything posted by Philo

  1. Sounds like it motivates him that teams lost interest, but he likes that the Bills took the chance. I think he will play hard to prove everyone wrong.
  2. I partially agree with you. Firstly, I never said Sanchez is the face of the Jets, I said he was intended to be and that happening has yet to be determined. Secondly, I would agree that as of now, Rex Ryan is definitely the most noticeable, let's say "character", that represents the Jets, so I guess he qualifies, for now.
  3. UpstateSwagger - Great report. Much appreciated! Mr. Wonderful - try some class, please.
  4. Well said. I like Kyle Williams too much to give up on him now. Sure, he doesn't fit the prototypical NT or 3-4 DE mold, but he still plays hard, giving it 100% every down, and that's the kind of guy I would want out there. I think we owe it to him to let him find a place in the defense. In fact, I would be shocked if he doesn't find a way to make it work, whatever scheme is thrown at him.
  5. To all those who think Spiller may be our guy at #9, I am starting to think that way as well. As shown, he could very well be the best player available and is too good to pass on, especially with an offensive minded coach. I also agree that we don't need to move Lynch to draft him. Giving Gailey three guys to work with could work wonders.
  6. Way to rain on everyone's parade I wasn't on the board back then so I wouldn't know how it was in 2008, but I feel good about the two latest signings.
  7. I agree with you, but I'd like to see the Bills draft an OLB. Before anyone mentions his name, I'm not a big Joey Porter fan, so I'd rather go young at OLB.
  8. I think that's the basic gameplan Edwards has for this year. I don't believe we are going to stick to anything traditional rather switch things up a lot, because we don't have the personnel to run one type of 3-4 all the time. I'm expecting some freak mutated brand of the 3-4 that combines a lot of different looks. As long as it finds a way to stop the run I'll be happy
  9. I agree with your argument on the whole, but I believe Sanchez is "supposed" to be the face of the Jets. He didn't really lock it up last year though, despite the improbable playoff run. Another good year with better stats and I think he becomes that guy for the Jets. As for the Dolphins, no one comes to mind, to me at least.
  10. Edwards isn't final yet, but yes I agree, good signing(s). Good job Buddy!
  11. Actually, you're right. I forgot how ridiculous his contract was. But, yes this isn't a Kelsay thread, so any news on Edwards?
  12. I don't think you can say that for sure. Okay, maybe a lower pick than 4th, but I personally think you could get something for him. He is a serviceable 4-3 end.
  13. I wouldn't count on it, but I would not be surprised if we shopped Kelsay if we do sign Edwards. We need the draft picks and he most likely won't prove to be a great OLB so he would have more worth on another team for sure. I'd be happy with a 4th rounder.
  14. I didn't know about those connections we had with our coaching staff, but now that I do I really like this signing. Good job Buddy and co. I agree. Exactly. Not worth it for the Bills at this point.
  15. My take on it is that they are negotiating a deal, but nothing is concrete yet, obviously. Hopefully, we work something out soon, I think he would be a great pick up!
  16. I like the idea of Norwood as well, as seen in my mock in my signature. OLB trumps ILB, in my opinion. We NEED a pass rusher and Maybin, while he still has some shot, hasn't proven anything. Either way, we go OLB before ILB in the draft now because we signed Andra Davis. Him and Poz should do well on the inside for the next couple of years.
  17. Great news. I'm happy we didn't let this guy get away.
  18. I agree. Incognito was bad aggressive.
  19. I agree with that statement. As much help as our linebacker corps needs, I think more attention should be focused on both lines. We may not have pro-bowlers, but I think we have more options at LB. That being said, we should still draft 'em, just not until we get some lineman in here first.
  20. No news as of now, but I still think there's a good chance he signs tonight or tomorrow.
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