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Everything posted by JPS

  1. Well, I don't know if he anything else to say 2 years ago…..maybe there's an article with a change of heart or something. And I don't have the time to research it. I just doubt it lines up that neatly and don't care for that matter. The points of the current article were well made…to me any way.
  2. That's awesome. Love it. I'll admit that I didn't see the sentence about him advocating against it and can't say for sure whether he did or did not. But, whether you like Sully or not, I think it's a fair article about Stevie. Even if Sully did contradict one of his earlier statements, I agree with his points. It's his job to stir the pot and here we are, talking about him…and the Bills. So it can't be that bad. BTW - I am a proud product of Buffalo Public Schools. Sully is from Boston or thereabouts…so he has to be at least part douche.
  3. Read it again…. Sullivan did not say that. Are you all just looking for something to get fired up about? He said signing Johnson to that contract was a mistake. Whether he agreed with the signing or not is irrelevant to Stevie's current worth to this team or to Sullivan's current point: The Bills should move on. Whether Sullivan made a mistake on Stevie is irrelevant too. He doesn't run the Bills.
  4. C'mon, my friend. You have an awful lot to say about a guy whom you never read. I read it all. I read it as 'you have to pay him because you have nothing else', more than 'pay Stevie - he's a cornerstone #1 WR'. I can't believe I'm in the position of defending a sportswriter. I just think our attention is diverted from the real problem: the product on the field. And Stevie has called attention to himself recently for all the wrong reasons. So, am I irked that Sullivan says it may be time for Stevie to go? No.
  5. Don't you think that has anything to do with the subject matter? Over the last decade, there has been debate over players like Losman, Edwards, Fitzpatrick, Evans, Poz, Kelsay….and on and on. I have read a lot of people defending these players and casting arrows elsewhere at coaches, GMs and sportswriters. The bottom line is: Guys like Stevie have more losing on their resume than winning. There's a reason for that. He may be great as the final piece of the puzzle and 3rd WR for a team that is more complete, but I think he fails as your #1 building block WR. He routinely sets himself apart from the team and he fails in the clutch more than he succeeds. Many WRs have great skill sets, but few a great WRs. I think Stevie had his chance with this coaching staff and might find some pine over the next few weeks on his way out of town.
  6. Did he ask "why on earth did you pay $7m/year?", or did he say 'at this point, he may not be worth $7m"? 2 different things and I read the latter.
  7. I hear ya on style. I've never really evaluated any sports reporter on that level. As long as they can reasonably convey their idea, I'm okay with it. Why read it? For me, he's around the Bills. He sees the room. I read all of the beat reporters for this reason. Most of them do a decent job. I like the guy Pollock (from Olean, I think). I think people direct their ire at Sullivan due to his justified lack of optimism, not his writing skills.
  8. That's the Bills fault, not Sullivan's. I can't find any fault with his article on Stevie. Is any of it debatable? I can't see it. Truth continues to hurt.
  9. Sullivan is dead on accurate. It doesn't matter what he wrote before 13 got his fat contract. What is he doing for the Bills right now? He's not a game changer. So why pay him like one? SJ13 does just enough to say..hey, this guy has skills, but not enough to help you win….kinda like RF14.
  10. SUCKERS!!! with a small Bills logo lower right.
  11. Is a thread started in September relevant?
  12. Wow. You've seen all you need to see? I can't imagine Whaley pulling that trigger the next year after taking his pick of the litter at QB….but I don' mind them picking 1 every year till we find thee guy.
  13. If he's the answer, what's the question? Seriously, he has shown some flashes of ability. And he's shown some of what got #5 and #7 out of town. Maybe the odd numbers are a problem. I dunno. All I know is a PLAN B better be on the roster next year….and a PLAN C.
  14. Just a reference to the Bflo---->Tenn migration. Fitz, Levitre, George Wilson...
  15. Ahhh….the annual "this guy is part of the problem…cut him". Of course, in this case, Stevie's not doing much, so have fun in Tennessee I guess.
  16. What's he supposed to say Cat? It's not his fault the Bills provide so much material. I agree it sucks to read, but it is what is….and it's accurate IMHO.
  17. Urbik sucks. I don't think you have to throw a 1st at a Guard, but anything less than a 3rd is a joke and ignoring where this team is getting killed. The Bills O-line is a joke. The Bills are getting killed on the line of scrimmage. If they draft anything AT ALL other than front 7, TE or O-line, we will continue this discussion of what to do with the 6th-11th overall pick. You can't keep throwing resources at QB, WR and DB without find out what you have with recent pick. God, I hope they go big...
  18. Good thing the Bills didn't take Russell Wilson, Nick Foles or Kirk Cousins with that pick.
  19. Ding Ding Ding…. Ignore the fecal matter running around wearing blue. Look at THIS!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Sucks to lose. Sucks even more to lose a lot. If the Bills we're winning, your rose would be blooming again regardless of the zebras. Boom
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